Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

817.Pirate...King Luffy East Blue Adventures

Unlike his elder brother "Fire Fist" Ace, whose career path is destined to not be smooth sailing as the chosen son of God, Luffy, the pirate king, is destined to not be smooth sailing. As the saying goes, how can you see a rainbow without going through ups and downs? He just made a big ax with East Blue Marine After the colonel's fight, the "world's greatest literary giant", the three-sword swordsman Midori, was still injured from his head injury, and he met the luck of the strongest Conqueror, the strongest tombkeeper, the former intern of the Roger Pirates, and the national The hero's red-haired former friend, East Blue's strongest old gangster, the red-nosed Buggy!

Buggy's gay, Buggy's gay, in East Blue, no one should call him gay when he sees him.

The life of the red-nosed guy in East Blue has not been very good these years, but at least the red-nosed guy was a super boss who dominated several towns near Logue town. Although in the past two years, a guy from Naval Headquarters has come to Logue town. After the top student became the commander of the base, his territory was crazily suppressed by Uncle Marine. The territories were taken away one after another. Now there is only one extremely small territory left to survive, but at least he was once a super boss. It is said that it is easy to go from frugality to luxury, but it is difficult to go from luxury to frugality. Although the land and property are gone, the once luxurious life must continue. Therefore, in order to maintain the life of big fish and meat, the red-nosed brother can only go against the past. Captain Roger's teachings, unethical attacks on the residents of the town.

And the pirate king Luffy, although he has been clamoring to be the pirate king all day long, has actually been influenced by the old boy Garp for many years and is a child with a strong sense of justice. Seeing that the residents of this small town are living in dire straits, he has to take care of himself. A three-sword swordsman who reads three poems before fighting with the "world's greatest literary giant" goes to seek justice for these people who are living in dire straits.

No need to think about the result, the red-nosed guy met the evil Straw Hat and fell into the painful meeting again. For a moment, the sky was thundering and the earth was on fire... Although it has been many years, the red-nosed guy still saw the Straw Hat. Up there, he knew the two generations of owners of that straw hat very well. He had been guarding the tombs of the first generation tribesmen for more than twenty years, and the owner of the second generation was his former teammate. From the first time he saw this He knew that this straw hat was the evil inheritance straw hat.

And from the first moment he saw the kid wearing this straw hat, he thought that this kid was the son of that bastard Shanks, but it turns out, you made me swallow the Devil Fruit and almost died, and I won't be able to do it for the rest of my life. I went to the sea to look for treasure, and now my son is so mad that he wants to cut off my wealth.

Destroying someone's wealth is like killing one's parents!

The fire that had been extinguished in Brother Red-Nosed's heart began to burn brightly again. With a wave of his hand, the younger brothers rushed forward...

As one of the second members of the Roger Pirates, there is nothing to say about the strength of the red-nosed guy. He is the type who is led to lie down. He was taught by Rayleigh along with the "national hero" Shanks, and he was trained by the "national hero" Shanks. The king, the red-nosed guy is still struggling in bronze. If he really wants to do it, he is really not the pirate who was transformed from a small hammer to a big pirate by the old boy of Garp... Wang Luffy and the "big writer" Three Swordsman Swordsman's opponent, but he It's not for nothing that he has been the boss of East Blue for so many years. Many club bosses have been eliminated over the years, but he is still standing, which shows how sharp he is.

You need to eat brains when you come out!

Coupled with the Chop-Chop Fruit ability of the red-nosed brother who specializes in defeating swordsmen, he can make a breakthrough in the East Blue where Devil Fruit only exists in legends. The "great writer" three-sword swordsman was in a state of mind after reading N+1 poems. It collapsed, and he was finally beaten by the red-nosed guy without any injuries. Then he saw the son of his enemy who had defeated so many of his younger brothers with his own strength. The red-nosed guy quickly went over to help defend, and aimed at the pirate king Luffy's mindless attack. The red-nosed guy who likes to eat brains can deal with it more easily than the three-sword swordsman who always recited poems.

More chic.

However, something went wrong at this time. The pirate... Wang Luffy's other temporary teammate, the East Blue little wild cat, took advantage of them to loot all his treasures while they were fighting. Looking at the large sack that was taller than a man, inside However, with the savings he had worked so hard for so many years, the Red Notes, who had always regarded wealth as their lives, did not pursue the victory even though they had a huge advantage in the matchup. Instead, they changed the target of attack and placed it on the East Blue wildcat carrying a big sack. On the body.

This gave Pirate King Luffy a chance to fight back.

Plug-in halo is on!

Then a classic tactic of combining pick-and-roll and passing and controlling was inadvertently blocked by One Piece Luffy and his teammates. Although the red noses had played with One Piece Roger, the tactics of that era were almost man-to-man defense, allowing the main players to play in singles. Tactics, in the past few years in East Blue, in addition to guarding tombs, grabbing territory and finding treasures, where have I seen such high-level tactics? In addition, there is also an absolute main core Pirate King Luffy, Red Nose, whose plug-in halo has been turned on. Brother Ji couldn't resist it at all, and launched a wave of "da da da da" combos with blue light special effects.

One Piece Luffy and his friends successfully passed the level again and entered the next dungeon (^∇^)

As the chosen son of God, how could he not have his own pirate ship?

So whatever is missing comes, pirates along the way...Wang Luffy and his friends rely on plug-ins and halos to kill everyone 323. Even the former East Blue first brother who wanted to change his career and become a good person more than ten years ago did not Let it go, he has become famous in East Blue, and has gotten so far that he can't stand the cold in the high place. In the end, Lang Xin found that he wanted to be a good person, but he had already washed his hands and worked hard as a housekeeper for more than ten years. He didn't care about the world, he just wanted to add some What happened to the salary?

In the past, people had no choice. They were too poor to study, and they had big moles on their chests. They didn’t want to waste their talents by working in an electronics factory, so they could only go out to sea and run boats like the majority of children from poor families. After years of hard work, they already have I just want to be a good person quietly and just want a little extra salary. Is this wrong?

As a result, the long-nosed son of Yasopp, the first shot of East Blue on Red Hair Pirates, was repeatedly blocked by the former East Blue brother who wanted to be a good person because he flirted with the most beautiful girl in their village, so he lost his temper and went to the pirate king... Luffy teamed up and beat up the former East Blue guy who had given up his life and wanted to be a good person.

As a result, it suddenly stirred up a hornet's nest. East Blue's pirates still maintain the integrity of traditional pirates, that is, they are loyal enough. The former boss was raped. Of course they, the younger ones, can't tolerate it. They don't need this guy who wants to be a good person. The former East Blue brother came out to wave the flag, and these former juniors had already gathered one after another, vowing to avenge their boss. .

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