Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

818. The Plug-In Opens The Way, And The Opponents Are Confused.

A war is about to break out. In fact, it’s because the former East Blue brother who wants to be a good person is so small. No wonder he doesn’t dare to break out of East Blue and go to the Grand Line after so many years. What’s wrong with young people falling in love? When discussing marriage, it is important to be of the right family.

Now that I'm talking about it, what's wrong with your family, even if it's about marriage? Although your young lady is rich, she's just a family of the richest man in the village. Don't look at the person's head but a poor nose, but the background of his father. Big!

My dad is that god-level sniper who shoots Gatling effects with his grandfather's gun. I don't know how many people he killed with his show. Although he hangs out with the red-haired national hero and often goes hungry for nine meals in three days, my dad has that... More than a hundred kilograms of meat is much more valuable. With your lady's wealth as the richest man in the village, she really can't afford a piece of meat like her father's, right?

Moreover, he is also a teammate of Luffy, the chosen son of the God of Pirates. Zoro crushes him all the way in good times, Luffy cheats in all kinds of ways in bad times, and the shooter fights back in desperate situations. In the end, he is the shooter.

If you prevent two young people who are full of curiosity and longing for love from falling in love, even if it is your job, people will treat you as a villain...(^∇^)

The younger pirates who are their bosses are not very educated, but even if they are educated, they will not come out to be pirates. These younger pirates speak more unpleasantly, and they have no ability themselves. They can only survive now because of the leadership of their boss. Before he even spoke a few lines, he was already recited several poems. Even though the "great writer" who was full of various BUFFs, the main stream swordsman read them over and over again from the beginning of the village to the end of the village.

And the former East Blue brother who had been doing nothing for many years and really wanted to be a good person saw that his little brother came to fight for him and was treated as an experience baby. He couldn't sit still. It doesn't matter if you hit me, but my little brother is. You came here to fight for me, you damnedest treat my little brother as an experience, that's too much.

There is no need to bear it anymore, Brother Yi shows his cards!

He brought with him the big cat's paws, which had not seen blood for many years and were already somewhat rusty and yellow.

To say that this former East Blue guy is much better than the current East Blue guy who just entered the Grand Line and met the eagle-eyed handsome guy in the fire.

The elusive and coquettish movement, coupled with the big move that even scares him, once used, killed his younger brother on his back. In less than two minutes, the whole audience was stunned, and he was super awesome several times. , no matter how awesome.

Compared with this guy, the current East Blue guy who met the handsome guy with eagle eyes is simply a big parallel import.

Seeing the former East Blue brother, Luffy the Pirate King, and Da Wen~Hao, the three-sword style swordsman who was constantly reaping the rewards of his younger brother, who was stacking BUFFs, the former East Blue brother was so ruthless. Stack BUFFs and kill your own little brother.

Moreover, the long-nosed son of Yasopp, the first shot of East Blue, has been bragging since he was a child. He has never seen such a brutal scene. Looking at the severed hands and feet, it looks like the battlefield of Shura Hell. The old bacon that has not been digested last year is all gone. He vomited it out, and the three little kids behind him were even more miserable. They collapsed on the ground and their pants were soaked by urine, with some yellow dirt mixed in. Although their mother often taught them to take off their pants when pooping and peeing, But it's too late.

The former East Blue brother who has already shown off is frantically brushing up data to add BUFFs, as if his ultimate move does not consume mana. Logically speaking, Pirate King Luffy's only Sun God Nika Fruit with the rubber fruit ability is now He is not afraid of the blunt attack without Armament Haki, but this powerful cutting ability is beyond his capabilities, coupled with the former East Blue's coquettish Ultimate positioning and speed that is difficult to discern with the naked eye.

To be honest, there is a second grader who is still a piece of rubber, a half-baked "big writer" San Dao style, plus a slingshot scumbag, and dragging four oil bottles behind him, this battle is not going to come from any aspect. Speaking of which, the advantage lies with the former East Blue brother again, and Luffy the Pirate King is definitely going to lose.

But that's normal, but I can't protect everyone. Poseidon... There's something wrong with Luffy!

After seeing two teammates injured and with low health, Poseidon...Wang Luffy cheated again.

The body that had been hacked by N knives was instantly resurrected with full blood, and then it came with the functions of hearing, positioning, prediction and attack enhancement. With the body of flesh and blood, the claws of a big cat made of hard steel were stunned to have a little skin broken. He hit the former East Blue brother who was at full health with one blow to the bottom of his health.

Such a powerful attack shocked everyone present. No matter how they thought, they could not use science to explain what this special situation was like.

How can the big fist of flesh and blood be like the hard steel of their boss's big cat claws, and how can he be resurrected with full blood even after being cut so many times before, he has already lost his health?

Then the combat power exploded instantly, which was really weird.

But the boss with full stacks of buffs was blown away, what else can they do?

I can only raise the white flag.

The battle is over, East Blue's first shot. Yasopp's long-nosed son also became a brother and sister with the most beautiful girl in their village... Bah! Dependents.

If the story ended here, it would be considered a good fairy tale. The evil housekeeper who applied for a salary increase was beaten by a group of righteous warriors. In the end, the righteous warriors and the rich girl lived happily together...

However, with the restless gene of Yasopp, the first shot of East Blue, this long-nosed shooter will naturally not be willing to be a soft-boiled boy all his life. After all, he is young and does not know the value of rich women. He wants to go out and do something big, and through his own Try your best to give your girl happiness.

But this long-nosed shooter has never had any skills except talking and playing with a slingshot since he was a child. Without any skills these days, no one wants to work in an electronics factory.

You can't make money by talking and playing with slingshots in this small place (Wang Li's). Just when the long-nosed shooter was lost in life, the pirate...Wang Luffy was moved by the words of the long-nosed shooter's previous warriors. He was obviously just fighting for five. He is a scumbag, but he dares to attack evil forces for the sake of his sister. In addition, because he knows the father of the long-nosed shooter, the Pirate King Luffy invites the long-nosed shooter to join his gang without hesitation.

Although Long Nose also has a dream of being a captain, he has always been alone and weak. In addition, he had a tacit understanding with the pirate king Luffy and the "." great writer" three-sword style swordsman, and played a high-end pick-and-roll pass and control strategy, so After some thought, I agreed to Poseidon...Wang Luffy wanted to invite him. Although the captain already had someone, wasn't there still a vacancy for the vice-captain?

The vice-captain is also the captain, right?

In this way, the fourth member of the Straw Hats officially returned to his position, and he also gained a pirate ship... It was a win for both man and money!

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