Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

844. Being In A Club Is Not The Same Thing As Being A Pirate.

And not only Kaido-sensei, but Kaido-sensei's big boss, Beasts Pirates' big boss, Huo Jin, also recommended this X-Drake to him.

However, Huo Jin’s reason for recommendation is different from Kaido’s teacher’s idea. Huo Jin’s reason for recommendation is very simple. He is a Marine Rear Admiral. He has received Marine’s systematic training. He must be much more Grandmaster in leading a team in battle than these wild beasts. , their Beasts Pirates have many capable warriors who can fight and kill, and there is never a shortage of thugs, but they lack leadership talents.

To be able to get into the Marine Rear Admiral, among other things, you have to read several military books. The ability to lead troops in battle is definitely new. What they Beasts Pirates lack most is this kind of talent.

Beasts Pirates is a group of uneducated guys. He and Quinn take care of everything big and small, and Quinn skips work from time to time, leaving him alone to keep an eye on it. I'm already used to it, but it's good to have someone to share the burden with. In addition, this guy's fruit ability is a perfect match for their Beasts Pirates. The innate chemical reaction is 1+12, and the person who knows you best is often your enemy. , if they have a Marine Rear Admiral in Beasts Pirates, they can also understand some of Marine's action procedures. When the time comes, it will be easier for them to face Marine. Even if there is no chemical reaction, a Marine Rear Admiral is here. It is also an instant combat power.

427 still has a few draft picks this year. The first target is this X-Drake. The remaining draft picks will depend on the situation. After all, these newcomers are still in the first half. How many of them can break into the New World? It's hard to say, and it's even harder to say how many people will survive after breaking into the New World.

The newcomer wants to step on the old man and get the upper hand, but the old man also wants to suppress the new man to establish his prestige and prove that he is still the boss.

If Sengoku knew what Huo Jin and Mr. Kaido were planning, he would probably laugh out loud. During this period, Marine was also recruiting troops aggressively, and Marine Sengoku was not idle at all. There were too many pirates emerging this time. The eleven supernovas were not even the iceberg one Kakuzu, and the gay grandson was also among them. This not only reminded him of the years before Roger's death, but it was even more exaggerated than that time. During this time, Marine had been controlled by Akainu. He led a team to suppress the sea, but it was obviously not enough, so he sent Kizaru, who had just finished working overtime and had not rested for two days after returning to the Science Department, and had not received overtime pay yet, and Kizaru, who had just returned to the headquarters and had not had a wife and children for a few days. Leonardo continued to go out to relieve the pressure on Akainu (biee). After all, there were too many new pirates emerging. If this continues, the sea will be in chaos. Many of those young people are just following the wind. When they see others going out to sea, they are not only ignored. Marine suddenly stole the show.

Under this influence, there will only be more and more pirates going to sea in the future, so this time we have to do something ruthless. If Aokiji hadn't been tricked by that bastard Garp into secretly following his grandson, Sengoku would have wanted Marine Four Admiral joins the battle, and the situation in the first half of Grand Line is now much more severe than that of New World.

Except for Akainu, the other three Marine Admirals have become much more low-key in recent years, so it’s time to show off their Marine Admiral style. The more pirates there are in the sea, the more Marine they are. It’s useless, isn’t it?

After that, he started the second half of his Infernal Affairs plan. The first half is already being implemented. He turned into a pirate in an instant, and not even his favorite pupil, Kizaru, the most talented Marine, could notice it.

It is also the success of X-Drake that gives Sengoku the confidence to take the next step. There are four New World Four Emperors, and just one X-Drake is definitely not enough. Not to mention the Red Hair Pirates, the BUGMOM Pirates and the Whitebeard Pirates are still there. Well, although Whitebeard is old, as long as he is not dead, this potential threat will still exist.

So during this period of time, Sengoku began to spend time in Marine's archives again. From all the information of general officers, he selected those general officers who did not look like Marine and who always adhered to justice. Only the general officers were sent. Only this kind of high-level talent that can be used immediately has the opportunity to penetrate into the enemy's top management.

Zephyr really has nothing to say in the field of ideological education. Among these people are Commodore, Rear Admiral and even a few Vice Admiral. All of them are outstanding talents who look unruly on the outside but full of justice in their hearts. When they When they knew that Sengoku was going to turn them into pirates and infiltrate the enemy, they knew that this mission was very dangerous, especially going to the BUGMOM pirate group and there was always the danger of warming the bed of fat Charlotte Charlotte, but these people still didn't care. After hesitating, he nodded in agreement without hesitation, leaving only a sentence that he hoped Marshal Sengoku could take good care of their family, and then took the order and left. The process only took about ten minutes.

Moreover, during these ten minutes, Sengoku was introducing the mission and reminding him of the dangers of the mission. Sengoku didn’t even have to do any ideological work. This moved Sengoku to his core. What excellent Marine warriors these are! They knew that the mission was so dangerous. Sengoku was so moved that he wanted to take back the plan because he didn't want these outstanding Marine warriors to lose their lives in vain. However, whenever he thought that people all over the world were still living under the threat of pirates, he was deeply moved. Deeply endured.

When the strong man is gone...

Among this generation of supernovas, if we were to say pitiful, the ones that received the least attention were the gang leader from West Blue and the genetically upgraded birdman from Sky Island.

Judging from the name of West Blue's super newcomer, it's not difficult to know that this guy used to be a member of the club, and he was also the best dwarf mule in West Blue. Later, he found that there was no future for being a dwarf mule, and finally sought to transform into a pirate.

This guy has been in the club a few years earlier than the legendary red-haired Shanks of West Blue. He is the senior one among all the clubs in West Blue, and he is actually very famous. But it is a pity because the club has never been This is the main theme of the world. Although he is very famous in the West Blue community, few people in the sea have heard of his name. Moreover, this guy only changed careers in middle age. Although his foundation is quite solid, he is still under the influence of many people. It seems that this guy's upper limit is not too high. After all, throughout the history of Dahai, there is no older rookie who has been able to achieve success. Look at the big pirates in New World, who didn't start out as a child star.

This makes the pirates born in West Blue in the New World very depressed. Originally, among the eleven most popular supernovas in this generation, West Blue only accounts for one, but this one is a super old rookie. What the hell is going on? Play?

Being in a club is not the same thing as being a pirate!

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