Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

845. Pirates In The New Era Are Too Stupid.

As for the upgraded Birdman and Monk in Sky Island, although he is quite good, his ability is still quite weird, but no one pays attention to it at all. First, the image of this guy is really bad, with five big and thick muscles on the back. A pair of kawaii little wings, no matter how you look at them, they look out of place. They completely break people’s illusions about angel ladies and can easily make people have nightmares․

Second, this is Qinghai, and people from Sky Island are like outsiders. Well... maybe Qinghai people are more exclusive.

Many people don't even know that Sky Island exists in the world, so even though this guy obviously has the fruit of karma, this image is really disappointing to the audience. Times are progressing, and now it's not just about potential, but also about potential. We also have to look at the image, and even if the image is not good enough, it won’t work.

The original super rookie king "Fire Fist" Ace was famous because of his little puppy appearance and huge potential. Besides, there was only one debuting rookie in the year when "Fire Fist" Ace debuted. The thief Cavendish competes with him. However, this Cavendish has a good face and is quite popular with young ladies, but his potential is not as great as that of "Fire Fist" Ace. He was always considered "hot" at the beginning. The aura of "Fist" Ace is covered up. Except for those superficial young ladies who only focus on appearance, who know that there was a super newcomer like "Pirate Prince" Cavendish back then, others only know "Fire Fist" Ace.

There are as many as eleven super rookies in this class. Not counting this Birdman, there will be as many as ten competing with him. It’s strange that a Birdman with no background and no image has anyone paying attention!

Of course, if this guy joins Marine, it will be different. Nowadays, the young generation of Marine have few discerning talents. If this guy joins Marine, Zhan Guizhi may have taken this believer under his sect and let him rise to the top.


You said you, a monk, had nothing to do and why did you become a pirate?

Come to Marine and hug the big Buddha. Are your legs bad?

"Hahahaha! You are indeed my grandson. It has only been a while since the price has increased! Next (^0^*)-/**

On the sea of ​​the Grand Line, the roaring laughter of a dog-headed warship spread across ten villages and eight miles. The sound penetrated the depths of the sea. The Sea Kings in the depths of the sea were awakened by the heroic laughter and opened their big eyes angrily. I went up to the sea to see which blind bastard was disturbing their sleep.

When we were still about ten meters away from the sea, we saw an iconic dog-headed warship on the sea...

Oh! It turns out to be this old bastard. If it's him, forget it...

On the dog-headed warship, the knife-wielding adjutants and marine uncles next to the old boy Garp are no longer strange. Whatever unusual things their hero Vice Admiral Garp does are within the normal range.

It's just that every time Vice Admiral Garp laughs, they can hear a trace of sadness in the laughter.

Who would have thought that the great hero of their Marine would have his son become a terrorist or the leader of the terrorists, and finally have two grandsons. In the end, both grandsons went to be pirates. Although Vice Admiral Garp didn't say it, they could also I feel the pain in Vice Admiral Garp’s heart...

Vice Admiral Garp is using laughter to cover up his sadness!

A group of Marine uncles looked pitifully at Vice Admiral Garp's back. Vice Admiral Garp is so pitiful. He is still suffering from such a blow at a very old age.

On the other side, in Brother Marine's office, Sengoku looked at Akainu in front of him, "Ten old faces are blacker than carbon.

The number of newcomers that emerged during this period was too many. He took back what he said before. The number of pirates that emerged during this period was not only more than the two or three years after Roger's death, but also doubled. Except for Aokiji, the other three Marine Admirals have all gone to sea to suppress the pirates. Among them, Akainu is the most active. However, they have not seen each other for just two months, and Akainu has spent two wasted years in Area 5 of Sabaody. His face is as pale as the moon, his eyes are dull, and his steps are floating. People who don't know would really think that he has been sleeping out for a long time!

This is all caused by those pirates. Even Akainu, an iron-blooded soldier who has always been on the front line against pirates, can't handle it. It shows how serious the situation in the sea is now, and this time they Marine Although there was a large-scale military recruitment, just to compete with the pirates, the effect was not ideal. The ratio of one hundred to one was not what he expected. If there were a hundred young people going to sea, then join them Marine There is only one person in the world. This level of proportion was something he had never expected before. Pirates still have such a huge influence on the world.

…please give me flowers…………

Marine has strengthened its civilized image many years ago. It has started large-scale live broadcasts since the era of Roger and Golden Lion, and has an eloquent nephew as host. I originally thought that after so many years, their Marine image should be deeply rooted in people. It's right in my heart.

But when the wave of the great era splashed, their initial effect was still minimal. After all, there were too few people who knew the law in this world. "Those who didn't understand the law went to work as pirates."

The pirates in the New World are completely different from the pirates in the old era. The pirates in the old era basically had no culture and were just brave when they first entered. Even if they met Marine, they would not care about life and death. When they meet on a narrow road, the brave will win. In the old era, In the concept of pirates, seeing a Marine run away is a coward. Although such pirates are a bit more dangerous to the Marines, it is not difficult to defeat them because these pirates are uneducated. , no brainers, just one routine is enough.

But the pirates in the new era are no different. With the economic development of the world, people's living conditions have improved. Children in every family have books to read, and their hearts have begun to grow. People have also become chicken thieves. Many people know how to use their brains.

Begin to implement Roger's original policy of catching thieves with soldiers and running away. Young people in this era have averaged a few years of schooling. When running away, they also have some inner learning mixed in, and they even know how to do it. If you think about it from another perspective, apart from not knowing the law, today's pirates can be said to be omnipotent.

If you want to catch a pirate now, it's like engaging in a spy war. It takes a lot of brainpower. [The ten little pirates who dominate thousands of cities are surprisingly better than the "because" pirates in New World who are worth hundreds of millions. Harder to catch.

In the past, with Akainu's efficiency, two months would have been enough for him to hold several large-scale feudal burial ceremonies. But now, Akainu has only held two in two months, and looking at Akainu's state, he can't let it go If he rests, he will probably live forever... righteousness.

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