Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

846. A Strong Competitor For Marine’S No. 1 Brother

In addition to Akainu, the record of his eldest nephew Leonardo is also not ideal. After almost a month of departure, he has achieved very little. Even Thomas Berry, the illegitimate son of God, has no effect at all in the face of the big era. In the past, as long as Thomas Berry went to sea, he would encounter a seriously injured pirate waving at them in the sea within two days, but now in a month, he can only pick up a fool who has just been out for two days, and he is big The nephew can't run too far. After all, he is still responsible for the situation on the ground in Sabaody. Those new pirates are all lawless masters. What if they do stupid things to the Celestial Dragons just for the sake of fame?

If it weren't for Kizaru's consolation prize, he would have wiped off the shaggy hair on his forehead.

Because Kizaru is fast, he has a great advantage in catching these little pirates. He can almost kick one kid at a time. In the face of the absolute speed, "four three three", even the most complex psychology of the new pirates will not work. , but just one Kizaru cannot withstand the wave of the New World. The number of pirates in all parts of the world is so numerous that it is just a series of numbers. Now all the capable people in the Naval Headquarters are on the field. Even the cooks in the logistics department are on the field carrying kitchen knives. But it's still of no use. I can only say that today's pirates are too special!

"£=('0`*)))Oh! Another one ran away."

"Admiral Curry, it's been more than a month and there's still nothing gained. Now these pirates are like chickens. What should we do if this continues?"

On Leonardo's Admiral ship in the vast sea, Thomas Berry watched speechlessly as the small black dot in the distance disappeared into the sea in an instant. He turned around and sighed and said to Leonardo who was enjoying the sun juice.

He has lost count of how many times this has happened. He wonders if God has a kid outside and doesn't love him anymore. In the past, all he had to do was stand on the sea and be surrounded by a large number of pirates. It's driving towards him, and it can't be stopped. Otherwise, how do you think he got the name Marine Vice Admiral?

It’s not enough to just have dad’s classmates covering you, you have to rely on performance!

But in the past month or so, they had been floating on the sea for so long, and his aura seemed to have been restrained. Those pirates saw their giant ship from 800 miles away, turned on the liquid nitrogen thruster, and ran away without a trace. Hesitantly, he ran away eight hundred miles away at a speed as fast as flying, which made it impossible for them to catch up even if they wanted to!

Their ship is the Admiral, which is made entirely of fine steel. It is said that the liquid oxygen thrusters used by pirates cannot be pushed on the giant ship. Even if they can be pushed, they can't catch up with those liquid oxygen thrusters. How expensive is it? As today's pirates become more and more educated, liquid oxygen thrusters that were previously unpopular are now loved by all pirates. The price has skyrocketed hundreds of times. Today's pirate ships don't even have a few installed on them. Liquid nitrogen thruster, I am embarrassed to say that I am a qualified pirate.

Those pirate ships can fly into the sky after turning on their liquid nitrogen thrusters. Let alone chasing them, super giant ships like theirs can't even see their stern lights.

Because of this, they have been out to sea for more than a month. Except for meeting a group of middle school boys who thought they were invincible just two days after their debut and thought they could steel Marine Admiral, they have gained nothing so far. He was a little curious as to how those pirates were able to determine that they were Marines eight hundred miles away... Anyway, he could only see a small black dot.

He is not worried about his performance, he still has a lot of talent in his heart. For someone like him, who has to rely on luck to get to the Marine Vice Admiral through the back door, in the words of his father, if he can get to the Vice Admiral, his family's grave will be on fire. Yes, if you want to take a step closer, you have to blow up the ancestral tomb, which is impossible.

But his father is an orphan himself. He doesn’t even know where his ancestral grave is. He can’t find a place even if he wants to blow it up, so they have reached the end of their life with the Vice Admiral, and his ability to survive until now is all thanks to the support of the Kuli Admiral. If Admiral Curry hadn't been there to protect him, he would have either retired early and collected his pension at Marineford like his father did in the New World War, or he would have died on the battlefield.

So he is very satisfied with the current situation and has no further ideas. Although the elite Vice Admiral is good, it is a target of fire. In that battle, the Ghost Spider gang was not surrounded by four or five big pirates. , it is still comfortable to be an ordinary Marine Vice Admiral next to Curry Admiral. Although the annual salary of the elite Vice Admiral is higher, he is not short of money. Not to mention that his father used to be a feudal official in New World. How much money did he make in those years? He and Dominic also made a lot in Sabaody these years. Dominic likes to open a gym, but he doesn't have that hobby. It's okay to get a membership card to support it. In business, he can be the boss. Forget it, so all the money he made in Sabaody over the years is deposited in the bank, and he only earns interest every year. He will not have to worry about it for the rest of his life. Plus, he still has two properties in District 5 of Sabaody...

He is really worried about his eldest brother Curry Admiral...

The entire Marine knows that Marshal Sengoku's term is coming soon, and the next Marine Marshal must be one of the four Marine Admirals. Among these four Admirals, except Kizaru Admiral who is relatively salty, Akainu Admiral, Aokiji Admiral, and his eldest brother Curry and Admiral are both strong contenders for Marine's No. 1 brother.

Akainu Admiral is the representative figure of the Iron-Blooded Faction in Marine, and he has a large group of people supporting him. Aokiji Admiral was brought out by Vice Admiral Garp. Even though Admiral has now established his own business, he is still a member of Vice Admiral Garp, just Vice. Admiral Garp's popularity and status in their Marine, to be honest, if his eldest brother were not Curry Admiral, he would also be Aokiji Admiral.

As for his eldest brother Admiral Curry, not to mention Vice Admiral, Marshal Sengoku, and Teacher Zephyr, Marine has already acquired three of the four old giants. There are also five Elders who are in his father's presence, and Admiral Curry has been there over the years. His record is definitely the first among the four Marine Admirals. There is also a 1.1 big brother Kizaru Admiral next door. The most important thing is the birth of the Marine system.

Like him, he was born as a Marine. In the words of his father, among the four Marine Admirals, only Curry Admiral is truly one of our own, so naturally they, a bunch of "juniors from the military," are on Curry Admiral's side.

Therefore, in the final consideration, he believes that the eldest brother Curry Admiral has the best chance of ascending to the throne of Marine's first brother among the three Admirals. If Curry Admiral becomes Marine Marshal, first of all, his historical status as the leader of Curry Admiral will be significantly improved. I have made a lot of money, and with Brother Marine protecting me, I will be much more chic in the future!

So now in the last one or two years of Marshal Sengoku, performance is particularly important for Admiral Curry. Now we are hitting the wave of the big era. It should be the best time to improve performance. As a result, these pirates are now so Chicken thief

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