Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

847. Where Did You Hear That I Am Competing For A Brother?

"What should I do? Let's eat it cold!"

"Although we are Marines, it is true that Marine's bounden duty is to catch pirates, but pirates have never stopped in the past hundreds of years, so there are endless pirates to catch, and we can only do our best to keep one side safe.

"Besides, these pirates are going to the New World. The New World is a large meat grinder. Many pirates have died there after entering. What reason do we have to stop them from going to die? Just try our best. .....”

Leonardo was bored and slumped on the deck and said listlessly to Thomas Berry and a group of Marine boys around him.

The reputation of the Eleventh Supernova has been lit up, which shows that we are now on the cusp of the times. The real golden age for pirates has arrived. It is normal to be unable to catch these pirates. Besides, after receiving Sengoku's order, he He just had no hope of how many pirates he could catch.

Times have changed, and today's pirates are much more flexible than the traditional pirates of the old era. Back then, there were not many pirates in the entire sea who would install liquid nitrogen thrusters on their broken ships. The price of those 18-year-old pirates was almost half the price. There was only one ship, and the pirates of that era were all very stubborn. Except for the old boy Garp, they would usually be stunned when they encountered Marine. At that time, only Roger and his gang could use liquid nitrogen thrusters freely. , which is why Roger was able to reach the top and become the king [When the Ten Gangs were still in the Stone Age, they were already able to flexibly use high technology.

This is also the reason why old boy Garp, a gold medal catcher, has been unable to catch up with Roger for decades. The older generation of pirates are not flexible enough and have little education, so they are always reluctant to part with the money they have earned through hard work. Hua, besides, although the market for liquid nitrogen thrusters was not as hot as it is today, the price was still not low. If it were not a pirate ship built by Baoshu, the price of one liquid nitrogen thruster would really be worth half of the ship. , naturally not many people are willing to buy it. When they encounter Marine, they will fight with live ammunition, and they don't understand the reason of leaving Qingshan.

As for Roger, they are completely different. Although this thing is expensive, no matter how poor Roger is, there will always be one or two liquid nitrogen thrusters on the ship. This thing can save them from water and fire. Back then, Art... During the Battle of Wall, if this thing hadn't taken them to ride the wind and waves out of the scope of the shocking tsunami, they would probably have had a rudder stuck on their foreheads like the Golden Lion.

After Roger, the person who perfectly inherited this fine tradition was the "national hero" Shanks. Why was that guy able to return to the New World from the first half of the New World in a short period of time and feel the first half of the New World in a short period of time? Apart from their numbers, Apart from the quick movements of the crew, the biggest relationship is that they have perfectly inherited the core ideas of the Roger Pirates. The ship is always equipped with liquid nitrogen Impel Down, and because the national hero has found his own correct way to make money. , the number of liquid nitrogen thrusters this guy has on board is even more exaggerated.

But now those pirates have become literate, their brains are enlightened, and they understand the truth of keeping the mountains alive. Hard steel is not necessary to prove that you are awesome. As long as you survive and live for a long time, you will be awesome. When the time comes, you will die. Also awesome!

So when he came to the sea, he found that the pirates were eight hundred nautical miles away and immediately turned around and ran away when they saw his huge ship. He had no expectations for the order arranged by Sengoku this time. He could just take a leisurely turn on the sea. He's not the paranoid guy like Akainu who chases pirates whenever he sees them.

But even though he thought so, he found that the boys below seemed to be quite excited. Even Toss Berry, who had already mixed up to the end, looked high-spirited, as if there would be bonuses for catching a few more pirates. These boys were all The people in his Sabaody branch should not be short of money working in Sabaody, right?

Besides, there are bonuses for catching a few more pirates, so he, the leader, eats meat. These guys can only drink soup, so why are they so active...

"But Admiral Curry, Marshal Sengoku's term is coming soon, and the next Marshal Marine..."

Seeing that his boss is so unmotivated, Toss Berry looks like he hates the iron. Now everyone is supporting you, why are you so unmotivated?

If you don't take the leading position and sit in the restaurant, how can we be cool in the future?

........Where did you hear the news that I am competing for No. 1 brother? (O_O)?"

Hearing this, Leonardo looked at Toss Berry with a confused expression. Not only Toss Berry, but also a group of boys behind him. This expression made Leonardo even more confused, although he He doesn’t pay much attention to the situation in the headquarters, but at least he came to the headquarters with his precious daughter before. Has the atmosphere of the headquarters been enhanced now?

While Sengoku is still alive, he has already begun to prepare for the next leader...

He really doesn’t know this, and he didn’t stand up to canvass for votes, right?

"This... After Marshal Sengoku leaves office, isn't the next No. 1 brother elected from among the four Marine Admirals? Curry Admiral, everyone supports you! After everyone's analysis

You have the best chance by far..."

Thomas Berry was a little confused when Leonardo asked him this, and then explained.

The group of boys behind him also nodded.

After all, behind Admiral Curry there are a group of retired veteran cadres and their children in the military. Even Marine’s old four giants have already won three, plus the five Elders are the fathers. They really can’t think of anyone else who has the advantage of Admiral Curry. It's even bigger, even if Vice Admiral Garp supports Aokiji890 Admiral, it won't work. But then again, Aokiji Admiral has such a good relationship with their Curry Admiral. Lucy Jiu is still calling her godfather all day long. If Curry Admiral stands up to fight, , Aokiji Admiral was too embarrassed to continue arguing...

.....Hi! That's right, but don't get your hopes up. Let's not mention that I'm not interested in the position of the leader. Even if I am interested, it seems that I have the best chance. But just because I have the best chance, the less chance I have, the position of Marine's first brother is not as simple as you think.

After hearing Toss Berry's explanation, Leonard was relieved. The guys in the Emotional Group still wanted to be ministers of the Dragon, and they were not interested in taking over.

What's so good about Longtou sitting in a restaurant? Just look at Sengoku and you will know. Even studying a doll has to squeeze out time little by little. In the morning when there is no one around, I close the windows and doors in the office and study carefully, so I don't worry about it. Being photographed by that paparazzi affected Marine's image. It has been almost twenty years since Sengoku became Marine's first brother, and the dark circles on his face have been with him for twenty years. In the past twenty years, the situation in the sea has been relatively stable, and even more Not to mention that the new era is coming soon. At this time, who is the first brother and who is the idiot? Let's leave this kind of thing to Akainu. That guy's face is darker, and he can't even see the dark circles under his eyes...

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