Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

853. Five Elders: After You Finish Whitebeard, Sit Next To Us.

Luffy of One Piece, who has completed three less copies, can now only move to the second gear, Moonlight. Although Moria is no longer as energetic as before after being beaten by Teacher Kaido, and her strength has even dropped a lot compared to before. After all, she has been idle all day. In a dark place, studying his shadow puppets all day long, it is strange that he can maintain his condition. Mr. Kaido also plays iron every day, and from time to time he goes to have a fight with Charlotte, the fat woman, to maintain his condition through fighting.

Whitebeard is getting older, and Mr. Kaido's method of maintaining his condition through fighting is not suitable for him. When he celebrated his 60th birthday ten years ago, Whitebeard ordered a liquid nitrogen freezing chamber, high-pressure oxygen bags and other high-end equipment at a high price. Whitebeard is also the only person in the world who uses high-tech products to maintain his body. Even Sengoku, the first brother of Marine, does not have such luxury. Sengoku can only study dolls to keep his body in eight pieces. Abdominal muscles up and down...

However, although Moonlight. Moria has already begun to decline before she reaches fifty. She was fucked by Teacher Kaido to the point where her energy has long been gone. She spends all day playing shadow puppets in a place where chickens don’t lay eggs and birds don’t poop. He played a lot of tricks, and it was not easy to beat him with the combat power of Pirate King Luffy, who had less experience than clearing three dungeons. In the end, the cheat was still turned on, and he killed Moonlight at the limit before Tyrant Bear arrived. .Moria.

"Admiral Curry, there is news from headquarters asking us to go back.

Just when Leonardo was wondering why Luffy of One Piece didn't open the Enies Lobby copy, Hina, a pink-headed girl, walked past the pants with a piece of flower in her mouth and said.

... Smoking less is not good for your health. -_-||

Leonardo looked at Hina holding Hanako in her mouth like a second-hand, and wondered if this girl was used to second-hand smoke when she was around the white-haired smoker. Not two years after Sengoku transferred her to Sabaody, this girl I've already started smoking.

From Sabaody to Dominic, no one else is a smoker. He usually smokes cigars just to show off. Dominic bought him a big fruit-flavored cigar...

"Did Marshal Sengoku say anything?"

Leonardo then asked.

They had only been out for less than two months, so why did they suddenly call him back? Logically speaking, he should go back to Sabaody instead of the headquarters. The situation in Sabaody is much more serious now.

There are too many pirates landing on the island. Even if these pirates are relatively honest, there are too many pirates and Dominic may not be able to protect them.

I had been calling him to tell him that I couldn't bear it any longer. It had been a long time since I slept until I woke up naturally. He didn't even have time to accompany Kong on the 5th when he invited Sabaody.

"I haven't said anything, but I think there's something big going on. Most of the Marines have been recalled."

Hina asked the girl to say.

"...Okay, let's return home."

Leonardo nodded and said to Stowe Berry.

However, just as Leonardo and others were preparing to return to Naval Headquarters, Uncle Marine had already completed the handover with "Blackbeard" and his gang, and Sengoku had successfully persuaded the five godfathers to let "Blackbeard" have the "Sand Crocodile" vacant. The Shichibukai position changes zone to "Fire Fist" Ace.

After all, Shichibukai is officially a department directly under the World Government and has nothing to do with Marine.

So even if Sengoku agrees to "Blackbeard"'s request, he still has to get the nods of the five dads.

After listening to Sengoku's plan, Wu's father also felt that there was great potential for this matter. After all, if a New World Four Emperors could be eliminated in such a sensitive period, the key is that this New World Four Emperors is still the first person in the world, whether it is It has a lot of benefits for Marine and their World Government. Recently, they have been fighting with Garp's son and they are really a little annoyed. It might as well be a blessing for them.

Although it is said that if Whitebeard has any shortcomings, the New World will be in chaos. If it were in the past, they would naturally not allow this to happen, but it is different now. The wave of the new era has begun, and chaos in the New World will happen sooner or later. If it can Pulling down Whitebeard, the world's number one man, this wave will not be a loss, and they also seriously considered Sengoku's plan. As expected of The Resourceful General, Sengoku's plan allowed them to find no faults at all. So Wu Zai's father waved his hand.

We support you, go ahead and do it boldly!

There will be a seat for you here after everything is done...

The painting of Wu Zai's father's cake is quite tempting, which really arouses Sengoku. Although he is not a Celestial Dragons, he also hates Celestial Dragons in his heart.


After embarking on an official career, who wouldn’t want to rise to the top and experience the scenery at its absolute peak?

With the guarantee and big pie from Wu's father, Sengoku returned to Naval Headquarters and immediately asked Akainu to take the letter of appointment from Shichibukai to "." In order to maximize the effect, he did not announce the news that "Fire Fist" Ace was masturbated before arranging the matter. After all, "Fire Fist" Ace is Roger's son. If the news spread, it would have a great impact, and it might be Rayleigh. It's not good for those old guys to come and steal your home in the middle of the night.


"Sengoku bastard! How dare you impel Ace down?! (▼△▼X)"

After arranging everything, I closed the door and closed the windows. There have been too many things recently, and I finally managed to arrange everything. Seeing that I still had a little time, I was about to take out the doll I just bought and study it carefully. It was blasted away, but fortunately he had quick hands and quick eyes. At the moment when the door of the passage was broken, the doll was pushed to the bottom of the table by him with lightning speed.

In the meantime, the old boy Garp walked in angrily, without his usual playful smile. He came to Sengoku and slapped him on Sengoku's table (the good king's). A pair of tiger eyes looked down at his good friend from top to bottom.

Although Ace is not his biological grandson, but he has raised him so much that he has been no different from his biological grandson. Of course, he also knows that he lives and dies and has his destiny. Although his Marine hero grandfather is awesome, he is also You can't cover him everywhere.

For example, this time, he already knew that Ace was killed by the kid on Whitebeard's ship, and that kid wanted to use his eldest grandson to trade with their Marine, but he didn't rush to find his good friend immediately. On the contrary, he breathed a sigh of relief. As long as his eldest grandson was in their Marine's hands, he would be safe. At least his Marine hero face would still be of some use.

But this morning he heard that Akainu was not sent directly to Naval Headquarters after his deal with "Blackbeard" but was sent to Impel down. Now he couldn't bear it. He was still his grandson after all, but he didn't get any special treatment at all. , sent directly to the hospital Impel down?.

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