Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

854. Are You Going To Have A Show At My House Tonight?

"No, he is still Marine now, but he is already the captain of the second division of the Whitebeard Pirates!"

This time, Sengoku did not coddle his good gay friend, but looked at him with an old face.

Bastard, for your sake, I already gave him a chance. As long as he comes to be a Shichibukai, you are looking for an opportunity to clear his name. This kid is unwilling to come out and hang out sooner or later. Isn’t he my great-nephew...ah! He’s not your grandson. Labor and management have already given him a chance but he didn’t want it, and now he still wants preferential treatment?


"You can't send them to Impel Down. The conditions there are so bad, especially the food there..."

Being surrounded by so many good friends, the old boy Garp also softened and looked at his good friend with small resentful eyes.

_-_-||...I will ask Impel Down to arrange a better private room for him alone, and then give him a cook..."

Sengoku can't stand his good gay friend, and he still has to give face to a good gay friend. It's just a matter of arranging a better room. It's not a big deal to arrange a presidential suite for that brat and to assign him a cook. There is no need to provoke good friends over such trivial matters. If not only Whitebeard, but also red-haired, Rayleigh and those old guys show up, he and Marine Admiral alone will not be able to defeat the four-handed one. , this old guy is still needed.

"That's good, I'll go to 520 to see my grandson..."

After Garp finished speaking, he immediately turned around and left. He obviously didn't believe that a good friend could serve as a cook for his eldest grandson in Impel Down. Neither Roger nor Golden Lion had this kind of treatment.

"Come back here before I finish speaking... (No

"We'll talk about it when I get back..."

.....This old bastard! (^▼ㄨ)"

Seeing that his good friend was gone at the door, Sengoku wanted to kill this bastard. This old bastard obviously didn't believe that he gave "Fire Fist" Ace to accompany the cook․

The two bosses were bickering with each other on a daily basis, and the Marine uncles around them were used to it, and they pretended not to see it, but this time Vice Admiral Garp's grandson, the captain of Whitebeard's second division, was fucked, and Marshal Sengoku actually refused to give Vice Admiral Garp face. Instead of coming to the headquarters, they were sent directly to Impel Down. They also vaguely felt that Marshal Sengoku seemed to be playing a big game.

Otherwise, it would not be so formal. Vice Admiral Garp and Marshal Sengoku have been friends for decades. They have become the third of the four great men in the world. It is not an exaggeration to say that the friendship between the two is everlasting, but now Marshal Sengoku would rather In Impel Down, "Fire Fist" Ace is paired with a cook (biej) and he doesn't want to give more face to his good gay friend. This is very abnormal.

According to the normal operation, the person should be placed under house arrest in the headquarters first and treated with good food and drink.

"Ahem... The times are calling... No. The four great pirates of the last era, Roger, are dead, Baloric, Maledfield and Golden Lion have been arrested, leaving only the old Whitebeard. Now that "Fire Fist" Ace is in our hands, the Five Elders have given orders for us Marine to use this opportunity to try to get rid of Whitebeard!"

"The following is the battle plan that Xiaohe and I studied......"


"Fuck! Fuck! (70)!!"


A week later, in the Marine conference room, all the Marine executives who had gone out to suppress the pirates and were wearing the Vice Admiral's great cloak of justice, headed by the Marine Four Admirals, all returned to their seats. When everyone sat down and the conference bell rang, Sengoku walked into the conference room. Without pushing too hard, I took out the speech that Mickey stayed up late to write for him. However, after reading a paragraph, I found that the writing style of this speech was too soft and not suitable for today's pep rally, so I put away the speech and went straight to the point.

When Sengoku was still announcing the battle plan, Leonardo and the four Admirals had no facial expressions. Leonardo, Kizaru, and Aokiji only raised their eyebrows. Was Leonardo surprised by the "idou" or running away? But it will bring disaster to the lives of the Whitebeard Pirates.

As for Kizaru and Aokiji, I don't know what they are thinking...perhaps they are thinking about how to act in the next scenes so as not to steal the scene and still have screen time.

However, Uncle Marine below, who was wearing a Vice Admiral cape, reacted so loudly that he almost bit his own tongue and looked at Sengoku in disbelief with their eyes wide open.

They heard before that Marshal Sengoku didn't give face to his good friend and sent Vice Admiral Garp's eldest grandson directly to Impel Down for official business. They guessed that Marshal Sengoku was going to play a big game. This was to destroy the last of the last era. A king needs to be wiped out!

This is so exciting just thinking about it. It’s no wonder that Marshal Sengoku made it so formal this time that he didn’t even give face to his lifelong gay friend.


He has been the No. 1 person in the world for decades. Even though he is a lot older now, he knows how terrifying Whitebeard is when he fights hard. When he was young, he was known as the invincible king who could destroy the world with his two fists. How can this be compared to going to New World with him? Those naval battles are dangerous in team fights. You can mix in that kind of team fight, but you can't mix in this kind of team fight where the enemy is desperate!

Why don't you let Vice Admiral Garp's grandson try it?

"Brother Kizaru, are you going to have a show at my house tonight?"

Akainu was still sitting next to Leonardo with a straight face, as if he wanted to keep strangers away. Leonardo didn't bother to offend him. Instead, he looked at Aokiji, checked their eyes, and asked in a low voice. Among them was Kizaru, who was drinking tea slowly.

He finally figured out that Akainu really regarded him as his future competitor.

Originally, their relationship was not bad, and there was no conflict of interests. At most, they were traveling around these years and had very little time to get together, so they were just a bit unfamiliar. Now, I don’t know who has caused this, and it seems like he wants to follow her. Akainu was vying for the top brother, even Sengoku had a complicated look on his shoulder when he first came here, as if he was not suitable for you...

But now he is too lazy to worry so much. When he read the original book, he felt that there was something fishy about Summit War. Marine did want to kill Whitebeard, but it was not to kill Ace, at least Sengoku didn't want to. Executioning Ace publicly would only lead to Whitebeard. It's just an excuse to play away from home. After all, with Marine's strength, no matter which one of the New World Four Emperors they face, they will only have more high-end combat power or mid-level combat power, but Marine just can't enter the New World with a large force. Things, so if you want to bulldoze these four gates, you can only lure them out. This is the same routine again, but I have to say that whether the routine is old or not is not the key, the key is that it really works!

So now comes the problem. They all can see that Sengoku will definitely give face to his good friends and will not really kill Fire Fist Ace, but when the time comes, the live broadcast will be watched by the whole world.

Even if you are a movie star, there are always a few experienced and capable film critics who find it inappropriate, so they find a time for the three of them to review the film first. .

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