Headquarters of the Navy, Marin Fandor.

Bang bang!

From the marshal’s office came a violent sound of smashing the table.

Who let him go to war with Shanks! This nonsense guy is really angry with the old man!”

Sengoku looked at the intelligence in his hand, and his brows were trembling.

Because Karp and Shanks were at war, and then the large ship regiment attached to the Shanks Pirates attacked two naval branch bases, causing heavy losses to the navy… Several Navy patrol ships disappeared outside the red-haired territory area.

And the red-haired pirate group still shows signs of ralding.

“Bru Bru Blu ~~”

“Hahahaha, Sengoku, what’s going on?” the phone worm connected, and came Karp’s grinning voice.

Sengoku slammed the table in anger and roared, “Karp, what did you do in the new world! Who made you declare war on Shanks!

The old man thought you asked the old man to solve Shanks. ”

You fought with him, why didn’t you solve him, but now it has triggered a counterattack from the Shanks Pirates, and they already have signs of starting a war!” said Sengoku worriedly.

“I didn’t expect Shanks to grow up so fast, it would be difficult to solve him for a while, and there was that deputy captain Beckman, even if the old man could defeat Shanks, he couldn’t kill him. But now it’s settled, since Shanks launched an attack on the navy, how can he tolerate it? You transferred Kuzan, Borusalino, and Sakaski, and the old man led them to destroy the red-haired pirates. ”

Karp’s voice came, and the Warring States were all gone.

Mobilizing the three major generals?

Destroyed the red-haired pirates?

“Karp, don’t mess with the old man, that’s the Four Emperors Pirates, the navy is struggling to maintain the balance of the sea, if you send a hand to the red now, Whitebeard, Kaido, and Aunt will not be honest!” Sengoku immediately denied Karp’s proposal.

This is simply not feasible.

“It’s over, it’s really not okay to find the marshal of the steel bone to ask for reinforcements. Karp said impatiently.

Karp, the old man said in advance, if you dare to come nonsense, don’t blame the old man for being unkind! And the five old stars personally issued an order forbidding war against the red-haired pirate group!”

“Got it, got it. Those old guys still come to mix. ”

On the naval warship, Karp hung up the phone worm, looking a little regretful.

The five old stars have spoken, and it is estimated that the battle will not be fought.

To be honest, Karp wanted to kill Shanks from the bottom of his heart.

Shanks gave Luffy that devil fruit, which simply pushed Luffy into the abyss from which he never returned… To say that Luffy ate the Devil Fruit is a coincidence, Karp doubts that it is a coincidence!

The fruit was Shanks robbing the world government, the escort force, just such a devil fruit, was robbed, it seems that Shanks shot for this fruit.

However, such a snatched fruit can be placed at will in a tavern, a place where a child can eat it at will?

Besides, could it be that Shanks drank too much, how could his strength not notice Luffy’s actions in such a large tavern?

Is he calculating Luffy or the old man?

The more Karp thought about it, the more he even thought that Shanks was not a good bird from beginning to end.

It’s just a pity that Shanks is worthy of Roger’s former crew, and now his strength is worthy of the name of the four emperors, so strong that Karp feels tricky, really want to fight for life and death, and the final result is really difficult to say.

What’s more, Shanks also has a group of monster crews.

So, just now Karp proposed to mobilize the three admirals of the navy … It was only rejected on the spot.

Karp sighed, unable to fulfill his wish.

Now, I hope Lorne can help Luffy grow up quickly, don’t expose it.


Moby Dick.

“Goo la la la la ~ ~ Karp that old guy, you can still fight.” ”

The loud laughter came out, and the burly man with the infusion tube on his body put down the newspaper, took the huge wine bowl and drank it, and he was in a very good mood.

The strongest man in the world, Whitebeard!

“Daddy, drink less!” said Marco urgently.

“Goo la la la la ~ the smelly boy has really grown up and dares to manage Lao Tzu? But speaking of which, time flies so fast, the little ghosts on Roger’s ship have become the four emperors, and Lao Tzu and Karp have become old guys…”

Whitebeard looked at the magnificent sea, and his eyes showed reminiscence and remembrance.

Time flies so fast.

As for the specific reason for the fight between Karp and Shanks, it has not been circulated, but the story of the fight between the two has formed a storm and spread rapidly on the sea.

Kaido, Auntie, Qi Wuhai and other forces have all received news one after another, which really caused an unknown shock, and even many forces in the new world began to move.

Once the war breaks out between the navy and the red-haired pirate group, the rest of the forces will definitely take advantage of the chaos.

At this time, Lorne and his party did not know that such shocking news had occurred in the outside world.

They were rushing to the castle of Moria.

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