Along the way, everyone solved a lot of zombies.

Almost unimpeded, he broke in front of the huge fortress.

“Damn intruders, dare to break in here and disturb the owner’s rest?

A roar suddenly erupted around, and a loud echo echoed around, but no one could be seen.

“Lao Tzu Klockdar, let Moria get out!”

Seeing the domineering unleash, Klockdar directly swung out a sharp and rapid sand blade and slashed out ruthlessly.


A samurai zombie descended from the sky to block the sand blade.

Behind the samurai zombie, a figure slowly appeared.

He has a human man who has been transformed into a lion’s head.

Abu Salom. Moonlight Moria’s subordinate, zombie soldier and zombie general commander. Transparent fruit ability, transparent people, can make their bodies transparent, and can make people and things in contact with the body equally transparent, the jaw and nose are transplanted by Hoguguc, so the essence is human, not belonging to the fur tribe.

But his stealth was detected by Klockdar’s sighting.

However, the moment Abu Salom appeared, Sanji’s eyes erupted with raging anger!

He recognized the other party’s abilities!

It was the Devil Fruit he dreamed of!

“Ah, you ruined my dreams!” Yamaji wailed, as if his wife had been robbed, his face full of deep grief.

“That guy was stealthy just now?” muttered Ace, feeling a little strange, why did Sanji react so much?

Solon was in no mood to pay attention to Yamaji’s changes, and his gaze fell on the zombie samurai’s knife.

“Good knife. He marveled.

Samurai Zombie is a zombie general under the jurisdiction of Absalom, from the New World and the Land of Wenno, and the legendary samurai who once cut down the wyvern, in his body, is the shadow of the skeleton man Brooke.

The famous knife he holds is one of the twenty-one works of the great karma, “Qiushui”.

Immediately afterwards, Abu Salom summoned all the zombies, including three zombie generals, and surrounded everyone.

“Klockdar, didn’t you disappear in the East China Sea?” said Absalom, looking puzzled.

After all, Klockdar is the Seven Wuhai, and the navy immediately released the news after the disappearance, and Moria and his subordinates got the news, and now Klockdar actually found his home?

What does he want to do?

“Moria, get out of here for Lao Tzu. Klockdar roared, and a frenzied dark golden sandstorm condensed on his arm, and swung out suddenly.

Boom –

The huge sandstorm clings to the ground and sweeps out, involving many zombies and directly cleaning up those zombies blocking in front of them.

Klockdar’s strength is about to break through the general, and dealing with these little minions is not a matter at all, it is almost a matter of waving his hand.

The sandstorm was wrapped in those zombies, and Klockdar was about to smash these guys when Lorne suddenly spoke, “Old Sha, don’t be impulsive, stay for everyone to practice.” ”

Along the way, I almost didn’t encounter any enemies, and now I can count as two reasonable opponents, and the zombie Ryoma is one.

Klockdar heard this and disbanded the sandstorm.

Abu Salom’s eyes widened, how weak was the zombie he summoned?

Without hesitation, he directly urged the zombies under his command to pull the alarm of the castle.

If you can’t beat it, you can shake people, and Klockdar has to let Moria deal with it personally.

Solon presses the combat factor in his body and kills the zombie Ryoma.

The battle begins.

At the same time, there was a loud sound of banging inside the castle, accompanied by a tremor sensation.

Soon, a huge figure appeared in front of everyone.

He has a devil-like hairstyle with two horns on the side of his forehead, pointed ears and teeth, cross-shaped sutures from head to neck that resemble stitched wounds, a shirt with a bat-like collar and Gothic art.

Moria is nearly seven meters tall, making him the tallest in the Seven Martial Seas.

And behind him, they were followed by “Mononoke Princess” Perona and Hoguguac.

“Hey, hee, Klockdar, you dare to come to Lao Tzu’s territory to spread wilderness?” laughed loudly and strangely, but a look of surprise still flashed in his eyes.

Got the news of Klockdar’s disappearance from the Navy, how did he appear here now?

“Goo, ha… Moria, you also deserve to speak in this tone in front of Lao Tzu?” Klockdar’s eyes rose with fighting intent, and the gravel around his body flowed layer by layer.

If you don’t agree with a word, you are ready to do it.

“Hey, Shallot, let me beat you!”

Luffy suddenly broke into the relationship between Klockdar and Moria, and the fighting intent in his eyes was stronger than Klockdal.

This time he will not give up his opponent to someone else!

“Bastard, are you calling Lao Tzu?” Moria stared at Luffy with a cold gaze. 、


What is this called!?

The dignified Qiwu Sea, Moonlight Moria, was actually called “Big Fire Shallot”?

Not only Moriah was stunned, but even Klockdar was stunned, was Luffy so brave?

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