Luffy ignored the shock he brought and swung his right fist fiercely at the tyrant bear, the dark red lightning hissed, and the air was compressed and began to chaotic, driving a powerful air flow.

The fist shadow in the tyrant bear’s pupils enlarged rapidly, and he was a little confused: How should Lao Tzu fight this battle?

Dragon, why don’t you talk about it!


Everyone was shocked by Luffy’s perversion…

Only Karp knows that Luffy can do this step, all thanks to that person!


Karp tweaked Luffy for so many years… But after following Lorne, the second gear, the third gear, the fourth gear, and the tyrant were revealed one after another, how could it not be shocking?

Until now, no one had been able to connect all this to Lorne.

A group of pirates appeared monsters one after another, is the captain a mediocre person?

It can only be said that at the beginning the Sengoku and Tsuru staff officers had the wrong idea.

Lorne’s identity they defined wrong, the most important thing is that they don’t know Lorne’s ability!

I believe that in the future, Lorne will shock them fiercely.


“Rubber Great Ape King Gun!”

The overbearing Great Ape King Gun is shocking!

But the tyrant bear will not sit still!

The ability of the Tyrant Bear’s flesh ball fruit condensed in the palm of his hand, forming a red bubble-like appearance, which fit his palm and slapped Luffy’s blatant punch.

The red bubble absorbs all the impact, obviously it should be a devastating fluctuation, but at this time it looks like a bland landscape ink painting, flowing in front of the tyrant bear.

Although he was calm in front of him, the surrounding scene still exploded.

The sky caused a thunderbolt roar, the ground under his feet trembled, and Luffy’s fist flowed with a different luster.

An extraordinary terrifying impact erupted from the fist, the fist had completely ejected, the power instantly became furious, and the red bubbles created by the tyrant bear began to sway, flashing with a powerful red light.


Along with Luffy’s roar, the Tyrant Bear’s calm face once again became surprised, and a lingering shock appeared in his eyes.

In just an instant, Luffy’s fist actually penetrated the red bubble, and the violent amount of the landslide tsunami was all instilled on the body of the tyrant bear.


A dull explosion resounded between heaven and earth.

In the next second, the tyrant bear’s feet collapsed, shattering into dense cobwebs, and his huge body was fiercely embedded in the ground, and the qi wave was wrapped in a huge smoke and dust, scattered in all directions.

Luffy sprayed under his feet and landed in the distance, his body began to shrink, and began to retreat with the domineering lifting pattern.

In the blink of an eye, the four-gear pattern is lifted.

This time, Luffy’s consumption is also a little large, but at least there is no problem with life reduction.

He held up his straw hat and grinned.

Renly looked at this scene a little out of his mind… It’s really too similar.

The same straw hat, the same smile.

“Roger, there’s an interesting guy like you on the sea. Renly muttered in his heart.

Everyone was shocked by this scene.

Luffy the straw hat kid, defeated the tyrant bear!

“When did Luffy master the bully? This kid is still hiding quite deeply. Ace’s relieved murmur came from the golden flames.

Anyway, Luffy wins.


Klockdar’s face changed, and he marveled at the power of the overlord color domineering attack method.

It is worthy of the qualification of the king.

The magma in front of the red dog suddenly exploded, resisting the attacks from Ace and Klockdar, with an incredulous look on his face, “That bear guy was defeated?”

Something completely impossible happened!

What’s going on with Straw Hat Kid?


Marin Fando.

Sengoku was silent, his eyes flashing with suppressed anger.

Although Luffy had already guessed that this would be the result when he cast his bully, when it actually happened, he still felt a little too ridiculous.

His Majesty the King Qiwu Sea, the tyrant bear, was killed by a hairy boy?

What kind of monster is Luffy!

Karp’s eyes were lost for a moment, and he admitted that Luffy’s growth rate had far exceeded his expectations!

If it goes on like this, it is only a matter of time before Luffy’s ability is exposed.

I hope that when the time comes, he can have the power to protect himself… Karp prayed silently.


The other side.

Lorne takes Frankie, Rowe, and Bebo back to the pirate ship.

Who are these two guys?” Moria was wary, visibly relieved when he saw that it was Lorne, and then asked anxiously.

Ace and they accidentally fought the navy because of the snatching of the Thunder Fruit, and now the red dogs, yellow apes, tyrant bears, and pacifist troops are on the island, and the pheasants are also on their way. These two are new crews. Moria, you go help now, remember, do it hard~!” said Lorne without hesitation.


Moria took a deep breath, answered heavily, and then rushed to the island.

“By the way, you go get Mr1 and them back first!” reminds Lorne from a distance.

“Got it. ”

Moria’s figure drifted away with the voice.

Lorne doesn’t care so much at this time, anyway, he has shown a wave of overlord-colored domineering, so let the navy be dumbfounded to the end!

Not only Klockdar of the Seven Wu Sea is on Lao Tzu’s ship, but Moria is also there!

Moreover, Moria’s change will definitely surprise everyone.

When Moria was guarding the pirate ship before, he heard a huge movement from the island, and he couldn’t help but be worried, and wanted to go to the island to see, but he was worried that something would happen to the pirate ship.

This pirate ship, but Frankie’s hard work and carrying Lorne’s expectations, is very important to the entire Pirates of Spades.

So, Moria was anxiously waiting, waiting for the battle order given to him by Lorne, and he could finally make a big fuss!

And Lorne and French rushed straight to the cabin.

“Lorne, you really want to change the power plant, even if the power is enough, the fan blades may not be able to withstand such a strong impact!” warned Franky worriedly.

“I have calculated that there is no problem in a short time, and if it is long, it can only be seen as creation!

The two entered the control room to begin the final modification and assembly… No one knows what exactly this pirate ship is hiding.

Luo and Bebo looked at each other.

They were brought back, and then no one locked up?

Looking at the thunder fruit that was put on the table by Lorne, Beibo whispered: “Captain, run away with the thunder fruit?”

“Forget it, see what they want to do. Luo said calmly.

He’s not a fool.

The speed that Lorne showed just now, even if he replaced the fruits of surgery, he might be caught in an instant…

Moreover, the Thunder Fruit was placed in front of him like this, and Luo did not dare to act rashly.


“Hmm~ the tyrant bear has been defeated~ the growth of the straw hat boy is amazing!” muttered the yellow ape, and a brilliant yellow light lit up under his feet, exuding a cross-shaped brilliance like a star.

Yamaji, who fought against the yellow ape, felt pressure.

When speed is not superior, Sanji is suppressed.

Even the strong body of the exoskeleton has fallen step by step.

Although the sophisticated yellow ape often touches fish, it does not mean that he is a dish.

“In that case, the old man is not in the mood to play with you!”

The yellow ape’s tone was more serious than ever.

“Doppelganger of Light!”

Immediately after that, an even more brilliant light lit up on his body, like a dazzling sun, and with the light flickering, several doppelgangers exactly like him appeared next to the yellow ape!

You can’t even tell where the ontology is.

The moment the doppelganger appeared, they all rushed towards Yamaji.

Sanji frowned, burning demon kaze feet under his feet, and rushed towards a shadow doppelganger.

However, after the fight, he realized that this was not an ordinary doppelganger at all, and each doppelganger had the power of the body!

Although it will be aware of the body, its attack power is not weak at all.

Among these doppelgangers, it is impossible to tell which one is the ontology.

Yamaji’s face gradually sank.

With the fierce collision, the energy of the light doppelganger seemed to gradually weaken, until the first light doppelganger was shattered by Sanji.

Yamaji suddenly looked shocked and broke out again, the demon god’s wind feet, rapid power exerted to the extreme, and broke out without reservation, without considering the consumption of physical strength and domineering.




With the last doppelganger shattered, Sanji looked up at the last yellow ape and whispered, “You can’t hide it now.” Devil Kaze Foot Beef Burst!”

Sanji unleashed a big move and kicked the yellow ape fiercely.

“Hmm~ found it~”

The yellow ape said easily, and then his body was shattered by Sanji’s kick, turning into a little light particle and dissipating.

This look is exactly the same way as those doppelgangers just now!

“Not good! It’s actually a doppelganger!”

Yamaji was alarmed.

Unexpectedly, this last body was actually the light doppelganger of the yellow ape, so… Where is the ontology?

“But who said that was the old man’s essence?”

Fluttering words spread through the air.

With the flickering light, the yellow ape appeared above the head of the green pheasant, his fingertips shining with an incomparably brilliant yellow light, and he couldn’t look directly at Yamaji, and subconsciously blocked his eyes with his hands.


Before Sanji could make the next move, the yellow ape’s still accumulated laser light burst out, penetrating the air, and arrived in front of Yamaji in the blink of an eye.

“Oops. ”

Sanji chuckled in his heart, secretly screaming that it was not good.

But now even the rapid force can’t react, and the speed of the yellow ape is not a joke!

Sanji can only pin his hopes on the strong defense of the exoskeleton.

This time, however, he miscalculated. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

The yellow ape’s laser light this time was mixed with something different.

Before he touched Yamaji, Yamaji felt a powerful force pressing on his abdomen, and in the next second, the laser light pierced through the hole and directly pierced Sanji’s abdomen!


Yamaji spat blood from his mouth and was shot out.

And the laser light that penetrated his body suddenly fell on the island, erupting into a terrifying explosion, destroying almost half of the island!

The yellow ape’s seemingly ordinary blow actually hides huge energy!

Hit Yamaji hard.

Sanji covered his abdomen and looked stunned.

The yellow ape’s blow was completely unexpected to him, and he didn’t expect to break through the exoskeleton that he was proud of.

Yamaji looked down at the wound in his abdomen, which was penetrated back and forth, even if he had super resilience, I am afraid it would be difficult to continue fighting at this time.

Sanji was still too careless, the first hearty battle since the breakthrough was to defeat Zhan Momomaru, and then encountered the yellow ape… In terms of speed, he was able to compete with the yellow ape, which made Sanji look down on the yellow ape a little, and when the last doppelganger, Yamaji naturally thought that it was the body, but was raided by the true body of the yellow ape and hit hard.

Of course, Yamaji himself is still far from the yellow ape now.

As a result of the protracted war, the final victor is estimated to be the yellow ape.

“Let’s finish it. ”

The yellow ape’s fingers flashed with a dazzling light, pointing at Yamaji from a distance.


The laser light shoots out again.

Sanji looked up in amazement, his eyes shaking.

“Stinky cook!”

“~Get out of my way!”

Solon, who was the closest, suddenly sensed something was wrong, and the aura of his whole body instantly exploded, and the terrifying momentum of the demon monarch erupted in full force.

“Ghost Qi Nine Sword Flow Asura Piercing Power!”

Solon’s time was like a regional Shura, conjuring up a phantom with three heads and six arms, and slashing out with all his strength.

Stérez and Dalmesia were shocked and terrified.

Is this guy in front of him really human?

They fought to resist, but were still bombarded by Solon’s slash.

Solon paid no attention to these two people, his body swept across the ground, bringing up a circulating trace of airflow, instantly killing in front of Yamaji, and a slash blasted towards Yamaji’s attack!

“Hey, smelly cook, can’t die?”

Solon turned around, blocked in front of Sanji, and asked.

You still worry about yourself, that guy isn’t that easy to deal with. Sanji reminded with a cough.

Although Solon and Yamaji usually pinch each other very seriously, if something really happens, they can pay for each other’s lives!

“Hmm~ the second one was delivered so quickly…”

The yellow ape said nonchalantly, but his eyes were particularly sharp, and there was a great contrast between his usual cynical appearance.

It can be seen that the war peach pill does have a certain weight in the yellow ape’s heart.


Marin Fando.

“Having injured Orochimaru, Borusalino was really angry. Staff Officer Tsuru said slowly.

Sengoku quietly breathed a sigh of relief, “It’s good to be serious, end the battle quickly, if you do things in the usual style, you may not be able to solve the members of the Pirates of Spades.” ”


The light in the yellow ape’s hand flickered, and a lightsaber condensed.

Tiancong Cloud Sword.

Immediately, the light and shadow flickered, and the yellow ape swung a slash condensed by a sword of light particles.

A crescent-shaped particle of light in the sky converged and fell sharply.

Solon was unafraid and swung his knife forward.


The three knives blocked the slash of the light particles in a strange posture.

The blade slashed through a dull sheen.

Next second.

The slash formed by the condensation of light particles was cut off from the middle.

“Hmm~What a sharp knife~” The yellow ape’s face flashed with a hint of surprise, surprised by the power of the knife in Solon’s hand.

Even the slash of light particles was cut off?

No wonder the ghost spider highlighted the knife in Solon’s hand, which was indeed a little strange.

Yellow Ape (Wang Zhao) pondered in his heart, and light particles gradually appeared around him.

“Eight-foot Qiong Gouyu!”

The yellow ape drank lowly, and the light particles burst out, like a rain of light.

His main target now falls completely on Yamaji, and Solon will come to the rescue of Yamaji, which means that the attack will not fail.

Solon’s expression showed more seriousness than ever.

“In the face of an enemy like an admiral, ordinary attacks are just useless consumption. ”

“If you want to become the world’s number one swordsman, you must defeat all the enemies in front of you!”

“Hey, the Navy guy who injured the smelly cook…”

“I will not allow you to treat my partner… Huh!”


The knife in Solon’s hand and mouth instantly wrapped around the armed color domineering, releasing a strange purple light, and in the next second, even his whole body burned, and his body was filled with a ghost-like aura!

Behind him floated a phantom that emerged from the void.


“Nine Sword Flow!”


“Draw your sword!”

A layer of golden light appeared on Solon’s body, and he re-transformed into a three-headed and six-armed Hell Asura behind him, transforming into a three-headed and six-armed Hell Shura!

The streamers flickered, Solon spun his figure, and the blade shadow danced, forming the strongest guard in a storm of light particles, blocking all attacks for Yamaji.

In the next instant, Solon’s figure galloped out.

Swimming upstream in the eight-foot qionggou jade, all the light particles were slashed and blasted down.

Immediately afterwards, Solon burst out a stronger slash!

“Ghost Qi Nine Dao Flow!”

“Asura – tons”

“Draw your sword!”

The strong slash converged on the sword in Solon’s hand, and countless sword qi gushed out, bursting out with a momentum that destroyed the world and the earth, and the ground where he passed was cut by countless sharp sword qi, shattered like tofu.

The figure is like Shura, and a wisp of sword qi cuts in all directions!

“Drama of the dead!!”

Solon bursts out with the strongest blow and slashes the general with a sword!

Even the yellow ape was amazed by this knife.

“Hmm~Amazing attack~”

“If you want to kill the old man, this degree is not enough~.”

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