“If you want to kill the old man, this degree is not enough~”

When the words fell, the Tiancong Cloud Sword suddenly lit up with a dazzling light, and the power of the mountain roaring tsunami instantly rose, and the light illuminated the entire No. 1 island, and the momentum rushed straight into the sky!

The yellow ape’s whole body lit up with an incomparably brilliant light.

“Slash of Light!”

The flickering sound resounded, and the bursting light instantly condensed into a super powerful slash, slashing across the sky!

In everyone’s shocked gaze, the yellow ape incarnated into endless light and Solon’s six-armed golden Asura suddenly collided.



The fierce momentum penetrated all around, the ground collapsed, the sea was turbulent, and the wind and clouds were surging in the sky.

Solon squinted, looking at the man with the same light in front of him, fierce color, three swords pierced through!

The light fell on Solon’s body at the same time, generating super damage.


Two figures flashed, and Solon landed with a strong impact, crushing the surrounding ground into a hole.


Solon’s face showed a touch of bitterness, accompanied by a coughing sound, and red blood flowed down the corners of his mouth.

During the engagement, particles of light hit Sauron’s body, causing him serious damage.

Solon would not have this result even against the Battle Vine Tiger and the Green Bull, mainly because the light of the yellow ape was too psychedelic, and the elusive attack was unpreventable.

The yellow ape still turned into a shuttle of light and shadow, fluttering lightly on the ground.


The moment the yellow ape landed, the yellow sunglasses he was wearing suddenly shattered into pieces and fell to the ground.

On his face under his eyes, a faint line of blood appeared.

On the forearm of the left hand, the clothes were even shattered, revealing the severed arm inside, the wound was not deep, but at least it was also injured!

“Hmm~ it’s really not an ordinary slash~”

The yellow ape’s heart shook.

Solon actually injured him?

This kid’s knife is actually so fierce?

“General Yellow Ape… Injured?” Renly’s eyes shook violently, looking incredulously at the yellow ape’s injured arm.

That young swordsman actually cut off the admiral?

Who is he?

Lorne’s partner?

Ace, Klockdar, Luffy… Now a terrifying sword hao has emerged again?

Renly was dumbfounded, what kind of monsters are all on this ship?


Marin Fando.

Sengoku’s face was a little sluggish, staring at the scene of the yellow ape being injured in disbelief, and he was shocked: “Roronoya Solon?

If the means of the yellow ape really broke out, he would definitely be the most difficult person among the three generals.

As a result, now, he was beheaded by a hairy boy who just went to sea?

Although Solon was also injured, in the eyes of the Warring States, it was normal for Solon to be injured, and the yellow ape was injured, which he could not accept!

Jian Hao, who can slash a general… Solon has proven himself to be 777 power!

“Sure enough, they have become stronger one by one!” Karp finally confirmed the judgment in his heart, not only the speed that Luffy had just shown, but also the strength that Solon had exploded now, which was absolutely shocking!

Staff Officer Crane finally realized something, and his face was shocked: “Something is wrong! There is definitely a problem with the Pirates of Spades! If one or two people are strong, it can be talent, but now all of them have shown that they are strong!

Could it be Lorne?” muttered Sengoku narrowing his eyes and shining with extreme danger.

Sengoku is now murderous!

Pirates of Spades, you can’t keep a single one!

All are huge threats!

From the beginning to the present, Ace and Klockdar have teamed up to suppress the red dog!

Luffy fights the tyrant bear!

Yamaji was seriously injured and fought Momomaru!

Solon broke out, and the two vice admirals couldn’t help him at all, and even beheaded the general!

And Lorne, who can fight against Renly!

This is definitely a ship of monsters!

And this kind of combat power configuration is comparable to the Four Emperors Regiment!

Definitely a major threat!

“Inform Kuzan, arrive at full speed, keep everyone to the old man!” Sengoku suddenly got up and immediately walked out.

Watching the battle at this moment, the Warring States finally didn’t care what shock they would cause when they rushed to the battlefield, and they just wanted to kill the Pirates of Spades.

It was originally thought that gathering the three would be able to rule this battle.

Now, however, it seems that everything is full of variables.

“Karp, with the old man!”

Karp was shocked.

If he and the Warring States arrived, there would really be no way back for the brats.

At that time, even Lorne may not be able to return to the sky.

And at this moment, a soldier hurriedly ran outside the door, handed over a confidential document to the Warring States, and reported: “Marshal, the combat order from the marshal of the steel bone.” ”

Sengoku quickly took the document, and after browsing it, the whole person suddenly relaxed.

“What’s wrong?” Karp had a bad premonition in his heart.

The Warring States, who were still imposing just now, suddenly returned to their seats calmly at this time and continued to watch.

Sengoku took a breath and said deeply: “The spy personnel of the World Government reported this matter in the Chambord Islands… The man personally dispatched. ”

“That man?” Karp was slightly stunned, and then he was shocked, “You said the old man who shot in the Valley of Gods?”

“That’s him. Sengoku said lightly.

Who would have thought that what was originally an ordinary action of the navy turned out to be more and more intense, in order to encircle and suppress a group of pirates in spades, not only the three major generals of the navy were dispatched, but now even the old monsters hidden by the world government have personally ended!

Broken! Broken!

Karp covered his head with his hands and scratched his hair.

How do they run when this circuit flies?

Don’t fight, run!

Karp urged anxiously inwardly, as if Lorne could hear his voice.

On the other hand, looking at the Warring States, there was quite a sense of calm and leisure, and the previous shock and fury were all dissipated.

He has an extremely strong confidence in his heart, if it is the one hidden by the world government, the Pirates of Spades will definitely not be able to escape.

Back then!

Valley of the Gods War!

Even Rocks collapsed in his hands!

It’s just that for some reason, this incident will alarm him who can’t come out of the world!

Sengoku was slightly puzzled in his heart.


On the battlefield.

The air seemed to freeze for a moment.

The yellow ape’s injury shocked everyone.

“Damn, what is Borusalino doing? how could he be hurt by that little ghost!” the red dog was furious.

Isn’t it serious at a time like this!

At this time, the red dog was extremely irritable in his heart, and could even be said to be irritable.

Ace and Klockdar are really too difficult to handle.

He even had a bad premonition and guess that if the three of them kept fighting, I was afraid that it would be him who would lose.

“Ace, you go help them, the red dog is handed over to Lao Tzu!” Klockdar turned his head and shouted, the dark gold devouring sand in front of him was fierce magma attack, and the next second he summoned the gravel to fight back.

However, in the face of the magma of the red dog, the characteristics of the dark gold devouring sand are limited, and the power it exerts is limited.

“Lao Sha, be careful. ”

Ace didn’t care to say anything, turned around and withdrew.

The situation over there is really not good.

Watching Ace break away from the battle, the red dog’s eyes were shocked, and he shouted lowly: “Klockdar, Lao Tzu is going to blast your head!”

Leaving Klockdar alone, the pressure of the red dog plummeted, and the anger just now was accompanied by a ferocious outbreak of magma.

Klockdar’s face was slightly gloomy, and he sneered: “Then come and try!”


“Old man…”

Orochimaru was completely stunned.

Who are these pirates?

New to the sea?

He didn’t believe it!

Oh, he was almost beaten to death …

“Still not enough…” muttered Solon, his chest heaving violently and his face full of reluctance.

The complete stab only injured the yellow ape, which really did not satisfy him.

A serious look appeared on the yellow ape’s face, and he sighed: “Hmm~Unexpected brat~”

“However, the old man will not play with you. ”

When the words fell, a strong light emerged from the yellow ape’s body, emitting countless particles of light refracted out, and appeared in front of Yamaji in the blink of an eye.

The yellow ape is very sensible, and he will continue to attack Solon because he hurt him, and he wants to kill this group of pirates one by one, of course, starting with the injured Yamaji.

“Damn it, stop!” Solon grimaced, gritting his teeth and enduring the pain in his body to rush out again.

The yellow ape actually wants to start from the mountain, it’s too damned!


Luffy instantly turned on the second gear and quickly rushed out.

“Borusalino, it’s too much to bully a bunch of kids like this. “I don’t know when there was an extra knife in Renly’s hand, and he actually chose to strike.

“Renly, the old man advises you not to mix!”

The yellow ape’s eyes suddenly became cold, staring at Lei Li and said coldly.

At this moment, the yellow ape showed an unprecedented domineering on his body!

Even in the face of the former Right Hand of One Piece, he still spoke in an absolutely commanding manner.

“Huh, threatening the old man?” Renly smiled nonchalantly, and the speed under his feet did not decrease by half a minute. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

These guys are Ace and Luffy’s partners, two guys with such a deep relationship with Roger (CEFI), which made Renly choose to shoot.

Then use the last moments to escort them for a ride!

“You asked for it!”

The yellow ape’s tone has changed, and it is no longer that cynical tone attitude.

A brilliant light suddenly lit up on his body, and more than a dozen figures separated and hovered around him.

The doppelganger of light, launch again.

The moment these doppelgangers appeared, they rushed around.

Not only Solon, Luffy, and Reilly rushed over, but even Nami and Usopp rushed here.

It’s just that the yellow ape shot extremely fast, and the doppelganger instantly killed Robin, so that Robin had no chance to use the flower fruit to take away Yamaji.

“Fire Fist!”

Ace’s rushed with flames, still resisted by the doppelganger of light!

The Light Doppelganger only needs to delay for a second!

Enough yellow apes to kick and smash Sanji’s head!

Even an exoskeleton cannot withstand such a serious kick from the yellow ape!

“Abominable, abominable, open me!” Luffy was furious at the entanglement of the Light doppelganger.

The yellow ape’s feet had already lit up with a brilliant cross-shaped light, and he had kicked a killer blow at Sanji.

Sanji’s pupils shook violently, and cold sweat fell on his forehead.

I really can’t hide from it…

That’s the end of it…

There are still a lot of delicious food that I haven’t had time to make for everyone… It’s a shame.

Unconsciously, the last thought came to Yamaji’s mind.

The yellow ape’s face was full of cold killing intent, and the light under his feet suddenly fell.

“Stinky cook!”

“Get out of my way!”

“Yellow Ape! You dare!”

Countless angry voices roared.

However, it did not stop the yellow ape’s move at all.

Right now!

A completely unfamiliar sharp voice suddenly sounded.

“Phantom Shield of All Devils!”

The shadows around Yamaji suddenly surged and blocked in front of Yamaji at the fastest speed.

At the same time, the power of countless shadows was directly grafted onto Yamaji’s shadow, and 900 shadow warriors, plus shadows scavenged from the battlefield, all gathered on Yamaji’s shadow in an instant, forming a deep shadow shield in the change, tightly protecting Yamaji.


The yellow ape’s eyes were shocked, and he was caught off guard by this sudden scene.

The attack under his feet fell, the yellow light exploded, and the laser light bombarded, but the shadow shield only trembled violently, but it was never penetrated.

The yellow ape’s attack was blocked!

Seeing this scene, Ace and the others instantly breathed a sigh of relief.

“Shadow Gun!”

A shadow gun with an entwined armed color domineering color killed in front of the yellow ape in the next second.


Light particles flickered, and yellow apes appeared in the distance.

The shadow gun failed, but forced back the position of the yellow ape.


The golden flames exploded, and Ace, who blasted back the doppelganger of light, was the first to rush to Sanji’s side.

“Sanji, are you all right?”

Yamaji breathed a sigh of relief, and said with a palpitation: “It’s okay, it’s almost.” ”

The shadows in front of him diverged, the shadows belonging to Yamaji returned to their bodies, and the rest of the shadows fled into the distance.

“Too timely! Moria!”

Ace looked up and gave a thumbs up to the huge figure in the distance.

“Tweet hee hee ~ There was a little delay on the road. Moriah said with a laugh, and the shadows scattered from afar slowly condensed in front of him.

At the critical moment, Moriah arrived!

It was because Mr1 and the others who went to buy supplies on the road that they wasted some time, and they arrived at this time, and if it was a second in the evening, the situation would be bad.

“Hahahaha, the shallot is so timely. Luffy breathed a sigh of relief and grinned.

The corner of Moria’s mouth twitched, “Bagaya deer! Straw hat boy, Lao Tzu hates this title!”

Robin, Nami, and Usopp gather around Yamaji, and Chop begins to heal.

“Moonlight Moria, why are you here!”

After the yellow ape saw the person coming clearly, he was directly stunned.

Moonlight Moria, one of the Seven Martial Seas of His Majesty?

How could he be here!?

Wait a minute!

The tone of their voice… Did Moria also join the Pirates of Spades?

The yellow ape was a little confused at this time.

What is the situation with Moonshine Moria?

“Whoops~ General Yellow Ape, long time no see. Lao Tzu has now officially notified the navy that shit Qiwu Hai Lao Tzu will not do it!” said Moonlight Moria with open arms and raised eyebrows.


Marin Fando.

Inside the conference room.

“Moonlight Moria, this bastard actually betrayed the navy like Klockdar!”

Moonlight Moria’s betrayal made him rush to anger.

When they originally set up the position of His Majesty Qiwuhai, they all readily agreed to join, but now they are actually against the water?

Damn pirates!

“Isn’t it, just one Klockdar, now even Moonlight Moriah has joined the Pirates of Spades?

The sudden appearance of Moonlight Moriah really gave him a whole thing.

The point is, Lorne’s group of brats are also too messy, is this unclear and the navy robbing people?

“Klockdal, Moria, why would they join the Pirates of Spades?” the crane staff officer frowned suspiciously.

What the hell are they for?

How could His Majesty the King Qiwu Hai casually submit to the pirate group who had just gone to sea?

There must be something weird in this!

Warring States nodded noncommittally: “No matter what conspiracy they have, they are about to be completely crushed!

Sengoku’s tone was particularly cold.

This may be the most murderous time since he became a marshal.

Knowing that the man was about to arrive in the Chambord Islands, Sengoku remained calm even though Moria’s appearance was unexpected.

The more enemies appear, the better, just wipe them all out!


“That bastard Moria, it’s really time to show up. Klockdar breathed a sigh of relief.

“Sure enough, it’s all damn pirates, it’s the wrong choice to let the pirates be elected to the Seven Wu Sea!” The anger in Chiinu’s heart became even stronger, and the hot lava flowing on his arm smiled viciously: “However, worry about yourself first!”

A deep light flashed in the red dog’s eyes, and the terrifying aura rose up in him, and the moment it erupted, it suddenly wrapped around the magma of his arm!

In the scorching wave of air, countless darker crimson lightning bolts were born, flashing and neighing around the red dog.

“This is…” Klockdar’s gaze shook violently, shocked.

However, the red dog did not give time to react, and roared angrily:

“Canine Eater Red Lotus!!”.

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