“Canine Devouring Red Lotus!!”

The rolling magma completely erupted, and the lava dog’s head formed, wrapped around the overlord-colored domineering, making the magma that was originally explosive in attack more ferocious.

Klockdar is an overlord-colored domineering entanglement of the incomparably unexpected red dog.

Red dogs can also open a bully?

Have you been holding back until now?

Klockdar was stunned for a moment, then threw away the thoughts in his mind, and the dark gold devouring sand around him ~ emerged.

“Eternal reincarnation of the desert!”

The dark gold devouring sand completely erupted, forming a shape like a gossip taiji in front of Klockdar, turning wildly, what should have been loose gravel, but at this moment it was like an abyss that swallowed everything!

The yellow sand between heaven and earth is pervasive, and the sky and the earth are turning!

The scorching lava dog’s head exudes ferocity.

Endless gravel, twist everything.


The power that erupted in an instant spread around.

In an instant, the desert dances with magma.

The geology of the islands is changing.

The gravel gossip Taiji flows layer by layer, mercilessly devouring the lava.

The lava dog’s head roared, crashing into the restraints in front of him.

But in the end, the lava dog’s head mixed with domineering is better, the condensed gravel is gradually suppressed, and the pattern of Bagua Tai Chi gradually cracks.

Klockdar’s eyes narrowed, and he gradually felt an irresistible force, and said in disbelief:

“Is the overlord domineering really so strong?”

The next second, the situation changed abruptly.

The red dog fist was wrapped with overlord-colored domineering, and it suddenly swung out, penetrating the magma and bursting out a powerful blow.

The terrifying power directly tore through the abyss formed by the desert.


Dark Gold Sand Shattered.

Klockdar’s eyes changed suddenly, and his arms subconsciously wrapped around his armed color domineering in front of him.


The red dog’s heavy punch blasted Klockdar away without resistance.

The landing Klockdar turned into quicksand, quickly opened the distance, and his real body appeared from a distance.

A streak of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth, and his brows furrowed.

At this moment, Klockdar finally felt the gap brought by the overlord domineering.

If it is strength, his conceit is not weaker than the red dog, even if it is the ability of the devil fruit, the magma fruit cannot be completely crushed.

But after the red dog turns on the domineering, the attack becomes unreasonable.

“Overlord color domineering!”

Klockdar said through gritted teeth.

In the face of such a natural overlord-colored domineering, he is really powerless and full of unwillingness.

It’s just that Klockdar doesn’t know that Lorne can also turn on the overlord-colored domineering the day after tomorrow, as long as the Spades Pirates can recruit 20 S-class crew members, then the universal cultivation warehouse can open the overlord-colored domineering awakening function!

Now Klockdar doesn’t know yet, but his heart is full of a sense of powerlessness and unwillingness.

“Klockdar, die!”

The magma behind the red dog soared, like a volcanic eruption, and the earth-shaking surge came.

“Ace, I’ll stop the yellow ape, you go help that bastard!” said Moriah very righteously.

The shadow in front of him changes wildly.

Ace’s gaze wandered on the red dog and the yellow ape, and he hesitated for a while.

“Don’t hesitate, the captain will be here soon!” urged Moria.

Hearing this, Ace gritted his teeth and turned his head and rushed towards the red dog.

The golden bursting red flame burst out and turned into a sea of fire in the sky.

Ace was also annoyed.

Overlord color domineering outbreak!

Pour into the flames!

Ace’s roar resounded throughout the island.

“Great Yan Ring—”

Immediately, a circle of flames spread under Ace’s feet, forming a circle of fire that was only next to each other.

The roaring flames burned and suddenly rushed into the air.

Like a fire dragon dancing wildly, unruly!

The ability to burn fruits with all your strength, burst out!

“Yan Emperor!!”

Bursting Chiyan, with Ace’s belief in moving forward, condensed all the flames into a huge fireball.

To say that it is a fireball is not accurate.

More precisely, a ball of flame light.

Like a small sun, it is held in the hands of Esto.

That figure that seemed a little small under the flames, but he was like the Lord of Flames, controlling the flames of the world, and his figure was uninhibited.

The endless momentum rolls up a heat wave that people dare not resist.

The red dog immediately abandoned Klockdar, the overlord-colored domineering aura was filled with magma, and in the face of the attacking Ace, his cold face was full of cold killing intent, and he said coldly:

“Lao Tzu is magma, a small flame, after all, he can’t resist magma!”

“Ace, don’t resist stubbornly!”

“The vicious pirates deserve to die!”

“Delusional to become One Piece, the last One Piece Roger, was still executed by the Navy!”

“Evil fellows, all damn it!”

“The Great Spitfire!!”

The red dog turned his arm into a huge lava fist composed of lava, and then simulated the impact of a volcanic eruption to launch the fist, which was powerful enough to instantly smash and evaporate a large iceberg dozens of times larger than the giant race, with a magnificent momentum, with the momentum of destroying everything.

The words of the red dog inadvertently angered Ace’s anti-scale!


This knot in his heart, Lorne could not untie Ace, but now the red dog mentioned it in front of Ace.

Evil guys… This sentence instantly reminded Ace of everything in the past.

Anger suddenly gushed in my heart!

“I choose to step into this sea!”

“Pursue the highest freedom!!”

What qualifications do you have to talk about!”


“Emperor Yan—”

When the words fell, Ace roared, his eyes reflected the golden color of the flames, and a touch of red was revealed under his eyes, and Esto held the “Yan Di” fireball and rushed forward towards the magma.


“Sakaski and Ace collided, who can win in the end?”

Sengoku slowly clenched his fists and began to tense up.

If Ace defeats the Red Dog, it will be terrible!

Karp’s heart was raised to his throat, and he was even more nervous.



Reilly looked at Ace’s back and marveled at Ace’s power.

This kind of age is terrifying enough!

The yellow ape only glanced at it, and then ignored the battle between Red Inu and Ace, watching the battle was undoubtedly a waste of time, what he had to do was to solve all the enemies.

“Hmm~ Moria, although it is not clear how you came together with them, but do you think you can stop the old man?”

The yellow ape narrowed his eyes, and his tone was filled with unprecedented coldness.

Moriah also came out to mix a kick?

I don’t know how thick it is.

What gives him confidence?

The yellow ape stretched out his finger and pointed at Moria, and the light of his fingertips gradually brightened.


Laser rays burst out.

“Whoops~~ Admiral, do you actually underestimate Lao Tzu so much?

Moriah plunged his hands into the shadows in front of him.

The shadow in front of him was a fusion of 900 ghost warriors and shadows collected from the surroundings, and 900 ghost warriors were even more armed with domineering colors wrapped around Moria.

In the next second, the shadows completely fused like water masses, transforming into a phantom-like existence, flowing down Moria’s arms to his whole body, and gradually outlining the shape.

A shadow-constructed armor clings to the surface of Moria’s body, looking more like a general.

The armor is dark in color, and with Moria’s movements, it looks very relaxed.

“Phantom Ten Thousand Devils Warframe!”

Next second.

Moria did not dodge or dodge, and with his own defensive power, he took this laser ray abruptly.


After a violent collision, Moria walked out intact.

“Whoops, hee-hee~ Is that the degree?”

Moriah suddenly became arrogant.

The laser light just now was easily resisted by him.

The Ten Thousand Demon Warframe is a new shadow fruit ability developed by Moria, which was previously devoured into the stomach to increase combat power, and now the shadow is fused on the surface of the body, which is equivalent to adding a layer of tougher armor, because the shadow is entangled in the armed color domineering, so the simple defense is even stronger than the armed color domineering!

This is also because of the existence of the ghost shadow warrior, which caused Moria to directly summon the shadow and have stronger control over the shadow, so he created such a move.

Phantom Demon Warframe.

It was even more that he threatened to drag down the yellow ape’s confidence.

“Hmm~arrogant guy~”

The yellow ape whispered, and then turned into light and burst out, launching a crazy attack on Moria.

The other side.

The confrontation between Ace and Red Dog has entered the stage of full outbreak.

Magma collides with flames… The first to erupt was the terrifying heat.

The temperature of the entire island rose instantly, as if they were in a furnace, and everyone was sweating profusely.

Magma flowes.

The world behind Akainu turned completely into magma, and the ground was lava.

The flame burns.

Behind Ace was a raging flame, and the ground cracked.

Island No. 1 is really an old sin.

Various natural abilities are used on it, one moment of magma, one moment of desert, one moment of flame… If it weren’t for the sea back, the islands would have been directly evaporated and melted!

Magma, gravel, flames… It’s all about moisture.

This time, the island really couldn’t stand it.

After Ace and Chi Inu erupted this time, the earth under their feet finally began to collapse, and countless seawater gushed out, but it was all evaporated.

Magma and flame bursts!

Compete with each other.

“Flames! Why resist Lao Tzu!”

In the magma, the red dog roared viciously. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

Lao Tzu is a bursting Chiyan !!”

Ace roared, and the Yan Emperor completely detonated!


Magma and burst erythritis all erupted.

The heavens and the earth are full of red.

It’s like a monstrous blood light!

The heat wave rushes, like a wind wave of annihilation, mercilessly melting everything.

In this collision, except for Moria and the yellow ape who were still fighting, the rest of the people all retreated neatly to avoid the fiercest impact.


Luffy pulled his tongue, completely scrappy.

“It’s so hot, Ace’s flames and magma have completely destroyed the island. Robin wiped the sweat from his forehead and sighed.

“Wait, we’re all retreating, how about Ace?” Usopp suddenly realized the question.

“Old Sand is in. Solon said succinctly.

The scorching storm slowly dissipated.

The two figures inside are revealed.

Ace and Akainu stand opposite each other.

Both of them gasped violently, whether it was physical strength or domineering just now, the consumption was extremely violent, and the two were completely fighting for life and death.

“Impossible, what exactly is your flame!”

Akainu said incredulously.

He didn’t believe at all that his magma couldn’t beat Ace’s flames!

Even if it’s a tie… He couldn’t take it either!

Can’t accept it!


There is even a point that the red dog can’t accept, that is, why does the flame have an unusual bursting feeling?

That power is nothing less than magma!


Bizarre and weird!


“Ace actually resisted the red dog that broke out with all his strength head-on!” muttered Sengoku incredulously.

It’s unbelievable.

Karp was also confused.

Ace is so strong, it’s really unexpected.

A deep shock appeared under Staff Officer He’s eyes.

The red dog, who has the strongest attack, did not defeat Ace?

Ace’s bounty is definitely low!


“Scary little one. Renly’s figure flickered and appeared not far from the Spades Pirates.

Once One Piece’s right hand, fully recognized the performance of Ace now.

It was even shocking.

Klockdar appeared next to Ace and asked, “Are you okay?” ”

“Little problem, I haven’t hit his head yet, I won’t fall.” Ace grinned.

“It’s so messy~ Sakaski didn’t actually kill Ace?”

With the momentum just now, the red dog was going all out!

The result is a tie in the end?

How could Ace, who had just gone to sea, be so fierce?

Why is this team so perverted!?


At this moment, the sea water poured and the island began to collapse.

Already completely destroyed.

Magma and gravel sank into the sea.

“Oops, can’t stay here, retreat.” Klockdar did not hesitate at all, and immediately took Ace and began to approach everyone.

After a while the island collapses, they will not be able to rectify.

“You guys are too nonsense, Lao Tzu has just arrived. Moriah also began to retreat.

Just kidding, as soon as it will be submerged by the sea, everyone will have to finish playing.

“Oops. Luffy looked at the frantically spreading sea, ready to turn on fourth gear.

And at this moment, a pirate ship came riding the wind and waves.

There was even a “woo-woo” sound.

The fast ones are not like the speed that a normal pirate ship can have!

Even faster than a naval warship!

“Hey – assembled, ready to board the boat.” Lorne stood at the bow of the ship and greeted from afar.

“Ah? Lorne is here!”

Luffy’s eyes lit up, and his arm stretched out directly, grabbing the main pole of the pirate ship.

And then……

His other arm stretched out and directly wrapped everyone around…

Brush –


“Lean! Your uncle!”

“Luffy, don’t mess around!”

Renly in the crowd: ???

What is the matter with the old man??

Lorne slapped his forehead, extremely speechless.

Lao Tzu drove the boat over, and you still choose this way of getting on the boat?


A circle of people fell on the deck.

Not surprisingly, as soon as everyone got up, they gave Luffy a punch.

Moriah stood up and rubbed his head.

It was really unreasonable for Luffy to be caught by Luffy at such a large size.

“Captain, I just made a move. ”

“Don’t get excited, don’t get excited. Lorne soothed, clearly unable to continue fighting now.

Then glanced at everyone.

Solon is also in the wrong state, Ace consumes so much?” Lorne instantly thought of the fierce battle just now.

He really didn’t expect that Yamaji would lose so completely.

“Boy, don’t look at the old man, don’t get me wrong, the old man doesn’t want to get on the boat. Reilly shook his head and smiled.

Lorne looked at Renly and his eyes lit up.

The yellow ape shone under his feet and appeared in mid-air, looking down at the people on the pirate ship.

The red dog took off in the air and kept moving.

The two men are also ready to continue fighting.

Because they all felt that a cold aura was rushing in the distance, and the sea was even more frozen.

It’s just that what the red dog and the yellow ape didn’t feel was a powerful aura further away!

Lorne felt it.

So he didn’t want to get entangled.

“Red Dog, Yellow Ape, you all listen!”

“Hades Renly, now officially join the Pirates of Spades!”

“Come if you are not afraid of death!”

Lorne roared up to the sky.


Mom sells lots!

Bastard boy, you sell the old man for nothing!

Yellow Ape:!!


Reilly joins the Pirates of Spades?


Now what exactly is the configuration of the Pirates of Spades!

“Forget it, it’s useless to argue about this, even if the old man is on the boat, but now the old man is leaving.” Reilly shook his head and smiled, not arguing about anything, and took off under his feet.

After following them, it would be too chaotic.

Watching Reilly leave, the red dog and the yellow ape breathed a sigh of relief.

Lorne’s eyes lit up.

A tone appeared in my head.

Recruiting S-Class Crew: Renly!]


Lorne was shocked: Is this all right?

He just wanted to blow up the yellow ape and the red dog, but he didn’t expect that by mistake he actually judged Renly to the ship!

In the next second, an extremely strong force fed back to Lorne himself.

Seek Raleigh strength!

Lorne’s strength skyrocketed!

On the data panel –

【Monster Level】【Ultimate Monster! II】.

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