Despite saying this, Mitt couldn't help but show a hint of fatigue.

That single move of the Qilin had consumed quite a lot of his energy, so that he was a little tired now.

Thinking so, he quietly glanced at the golden lion.

Locks would have made a move, but he was really no match for this group of monsters. ’

Of course, Mitt is confident that if he is given time, he will definitely surpass all of them.

The power of the Thunder Fruit is only the tip of the iceberg, and it is far from meeting Mitter's expectations now.

"Mitte, you're still young, and you'll be able to shake the world in time. "

Locks laughed, his eyes full of excitement.

"The prestige of our Rocks Pirates will also resound throughout the world!"

"I think the title of Golden Lion is still off. John Wang smiled.

"Even Mitte, who is so young, can't beat him. "

"Shut up!" the golden lion's face darkened.

"The winner has not yet been decided, so don't talk nonsense. "

"Huh. John Wang smiled without saying a word, and looked at the golden lion with a look of defiance in his eyes.

Not to mention the Golden Lion, Charlotte Lingling quickly came over and pulled Kaido by the way.

"Little Brother Kaido is absolutely right to bring you here. Charlotte Lingling laughed.

"You're young, but you're in good shape. "

As she spoke, she couldn't help but glance at Mit.

Mitte's meaning in the face of the other party must be that he likes his bloodline and wants to have children with him.

Of course, Mitt wouldn't agree, he didn't want to do it.

Although the current Charlotte Lingling is very different from the future Four Emperors Bigmon, Mitt has no idea.

He has a strong personality, and he can't allow himself to be a sacrifice for someone else's child.

Kaido looked at Mitte, patted the other person on the shoulder as well, and said with a smile.

"That guy the Golden Lion is deflated, you're amazing!".

As the man who brought Mitte over, Kaido naturally wanted to recruit the other party, so his attitude was so enthusiastic.

In an instant, Mitt was targeted by these cadres with their own ghosts and became the focus of attention.

Locks also had this idea, and he wanted to see how Mitt would perform in the fight afterward.

"Alright!" Locks suddenly shouted.

"Now you all go back to rest for Lao Tzu and recuperate!"

"We have important things to do tomorrow, don't delay!".

The pirates at the scene were in high spirits, and several pirates also showed excitement in their eyes.

They can't wait to leave tomorrow!

Mitte couldn't help frowning and looked at Whitebeard next to him.

Whitebeard smiled slightly and spoke.

"Our goal for tomorrow is very simple, it is the gold of the sky!".

"Heavenly gold?" Mitt frowned even deeper, his eyes puzzled.

He didn't think that the light was just the gold in the sky, there must be something hidden in it.

However, Edward the Whitebeard did not continue to explain, but only dragged him to another island to drink.

The same goes for the other sea pirates, who surround Mitt and laugh loudly.

As long as you get the approval of these pirates, it will definitely integrate quite quickly, and this is exactly what Mitte is doing now.

His eyes burned, he looked into the distance, and said secretly in his heart.

The first step has been taken, and the next step is up to the world government to react.


On the other side, the Navy Headquarters Marin Fando, in the conference room.

An emergency meeting is underway.

"I knew that Mitt was from the Rocks Pirates. Sengoku said, tossing a document on the table.

"And it seems that he has just joined, and as a result, he has killed all the people in the entire Garcia Kingdom. "

Warring States couldn't help but shake his head: "This kid is so angry at a young age, it's quite difficult to deal with." "

"I think it's better to take care of this man. Tsuru said from the side.

"He's so young, I'm afraid the threat will grow, if we ........"

Karp interrupted with a smile, "You don't have to worry, I'll take care of it." "

"This kid does this kind of thing, I, Karp, will never let him have a good time!".

Steelbones looked at the report in his hand and suddenly felt his head big.

There are some more detailed information about Mitt in the report, so after reading it, Steelbone also feels that the other party is a great threat.

The fact that he is young alone means that the other party has full potential, and once he is left alone, there will definitely be another Locks on the sea.

One Locks is hard enough, but if there are two, the whole sea will not be at peace.

"Marshal, what do you say?" asked Sengoku.

Steelbone came back to his senses from his thoughts and replied, "The 200 million Baileys set last time are too little, add another 100 million." "

"This Mitt is a big threat, and it's best to deal with him and Locks. "

Cyborg unconsciously compares Mitt to Locks, which is enough to prove how seriously he takes it.

The other navies all nodded, no opinion.

"Is the plan to arrest Locks still going on?" asked Sengoku on the side.

Steelbone empty means to continue.

"It's not too much of a problem. "

Sengoku nodded and spoke: "Use Heavenly Gold and Devil Fruits to lure Locks and the gang, let them take the initiative to enter the trap, and we will take another shot." "

"Locks and his gang will definitely not be able to resist the encirclement and suppression of the navy, and strive to take advantage of this opportunity to completely eliminate the other party!"

Sengoku's meaning is obvious, he won't even give him a chance to escape, he will only find a way to fight it.

"Let's decide that first. Cyborg nodded.

"Everyone, hurry back and prepare, don't take the Rocks Pirates lightly. "

"Yes!" all the top Navy officials replied in unison.

The Navy quickly reached a consensus and began to prepare Rocks to do it.

Early the next morning, through the communication seagull, Mitte's actions were printed on it, and it quickly spread around the world.

Of course, a lot of the stuff in it is deliberately touching Mitte, and Mitte is happy to think so.

Anyway, he's a pirate now, so how can he care what other people think?

Many people around the world have seen this freshly baked newspaper and the picture of Mitt on it.

Immediately, many people talked about this, discussing this sudden rookie.

"Did you hear that? The man who slaughtered Garcia's kingdom cleanly is him!".

"What!?, but he looks young. "

"It's so terrifying to be so young and powerful, there's definitely something in it!".

The other pirates who were floating on the sea also saw this bounty and knew about Mitt as a person.

Anyway, through the bounty of 300 million Bailey, there is also the matter of the Garcia Kingdom before.

Everyone knows that Mitt is a man who is not to be underestimated!

Some people are vaguely aware of this, while others are still roaming the sea in their own way.

But what they don't know is that Mitt will stir up the whole world and become the focus of the world!

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