Under the blue sky, in the calm sea, a pirate ship appeared on the skyline.

Once a navy sees the flag of this pirate ship, it will definitely be surprised.

This is exactly the Roger Pirates who have been in the limelight lately!


Captain Gore D Roger waved the newspaper in his hand and walked briskly towards Reilly.

"Take a look. "

Reilly was lazily lying on his recliner when he heard the captain's voice and couldn't help but look up.

"What's wrong?".

As soon as he finished speaking, Roger slapped the newspaper on Reilly's face.

Pulling the newspaper off his face, Reilly quickly scanned the report on it.

What the newspaper said was about Mitter.

Reilly was a little surprised, he didn't expect Mitt to be so strong at such a young age.

"Look, look, this Mitt is very interesting. Roger grinned.

"It looks like it should be a natural fruit, is it a thunder fruit?"

"Such a young guy is going to meet him. "

Unlike Roger's excitement, Reilly's face was gloomy, and he continued to look at the newspaper in his hand.

"This guy's strength is definitely not bad, and he is also a natural fruit ability. "

"Locks, that man has an extra boost. "

Speaking of this, Reilly's eyes could not hide the look of worry.

"Are you worried?" asked Roger.

"Of course, this is no joke. Reilly said in a deep voice.

"Especially since we're going to have an impact on the Upper Locks Pirates. "

The Rocks Pirates were already very strong, and now one more person has joined.

In any case, this is not a cause for joy.

"It's alright, Reilly. Roger grinned, a smile.

His expression was confident, and he was clearly not worried about this.

"I'm here, whether it's that Mitt or Rocks!"

"You. Reilly couldn't help but shake his head and look at the sea ahead.

He knew how good Roger was, but he didn't know why, and Reilly always felt that something was wrong.

"Now that the target is about to be chased, let's prepare for the next battle. "

"Of course. Roger said: "I am bound to get the heavenly gold, and I will not give it to others." "

"Watch out for Locks, there are other pirates. Reilly was still reminding.

There must be a lot of pirates staring at the target Heavenly Gold, and Reilly doesn't want to take it lightly.

However, Roger had already turned around and beckoned to his men.

"Everyone moves, prepare to intercept the target ship, the target is golden in the sky!".

"Oh!" the members of the Roger Pirates responded in unison.

Seeing this, Reilly shook his head and sighed.

"Let's hope things go well. "

As he spoke, he couldn't help but look at the photo in the newspaper, and the man named Mitt seemed to be looking at him as well.

The sense of foreboding in Reilly's heart grew stronger and stronger, and he couldn't help frowning.

"What is the strength of this man named Mitte?"

On the other side of the sea, Mitt was sitting on the deck cultivating at this time.

He sat cross-legged, his eyes closed, and his body was constantly crackling. It's daunting.

In addition to him, there were many pirates surrounding him, looking very panicked.

Just now, one of the pirates who was in charge of delivering food to Mitte was suddenly struck by lightning and fell to the ground in charred black.

These pirates were all frightened, and one by one, they didn't dare to act rashly.

It wasn't until Locks brought people over to inspect that the pirates had just moved.

Several pirates walked ahead, and when they saw this, they couldn't help but ask the pirates on the deck.

"What's going on?".

"He just came over to deliver food to Mitt, and it turned out to be like this. One of the pirates said boldly.

As he spoke, he couldn't help but look at Mitte, his body trembling slightly.

Hearing this, Mitt opened his eyes and pointed at the blackened man on the ground.

The man suddenly spat out his cigarette and suddenly straightened up.

"Scared!" the pirates on the deck were startled by the sudden resurrection of their companions, and retreated one after another.

Locks was amused, and couldn't help but step forward.

As soon as he got closer, Locks felt the air around Mitte rise significantly, and asked curiously.

"What are you doing on deck?".

"Practice, exercise. Mitt replied, gesturing at the charred man.

The man hurriedly ran up, scaring the others around him.

"This is how you cultivate?" Locks couldn't help but laugh.

"It's the first time I've seen this way, did you create it?"

"The Thunder Fruit can use a small electric current to stimulate the body's muscles, allowing it to exercise quickly. Mitt explained.

"Only I can do it, you can't. "

"Interesting. Locks shook his head: "It seems that you have a good development of the Thunder Fruit, but it is better to be careful." "

He was worried that if Mitt played like this, he would lose control and affect others.

"Don't worry, I'll take it over. Mitt understood what the other man meant.

Afraid that the other party still has doubts, Mitt added.

"There are other uses for my abilities, to stimulate the heart, to do CPR. "

Locks' eyes lit up and he spoke.

"Then you can be a temporary ship doctor and be responsible for CPR. "

Mitt was slightly stunned, then nodded.

"I should be up to the task. "

"Good. Locks had a smile on his face.

"Then I won't bother you, cultivate well. "

With Mitte, a new master, Locks has more confidence in his heart.

He looked at the sea ahead, as if he had seen the target ship.

It was a large cargo ship, escorted by several warships, and it was exactly what Locks was targeting.

Heavenly gold is on the cargo ship, as long as you break through the guards, you can take it away!

And it's not just heavenly gold, I heard that there are rare devil fruits in the goods!

Everyone knows the rarity of the Devil Fruit, so as soon as he received the news, Locks immediately locked onto the target.

At the same time, Locks also intends to take advantage of this opportunity to inflict a heavy blow on the navy and frustrate their spirits.

"Boss Locks, Boss Locks!" Boss Locks was thinking, and someone hurried over.

The pirate looked flustered and hurriedly reported to Locks.

"The situation was found in the northeast, but it is not clear what happened!"

Locks frowned, could it be that it was the target ship?

You must know that they have investigated and locked this fleet in advance, and if it appears at this time, it is the target nine times out of ten!

Thinking of this, Locks took a closer look and found that it was too far ahead for a small outline.

He immediately said, "It's too far away to see clearly." "

"Now everybody, get moving, lean over!" Locks commanded loudly.

"As soon as we find out that this is our goal, then go straight to it!".


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