Yukinoshita Yukino has a good impression of Roy, but she doesn’t like Roy’s bad character of not treating the weak as human beings.

But she also knew that she could not change Roy’s personality, so she planned to take advantage of this opportunity to travel to the pirate world to clean up the world.

For example, kill some evil pirates and nobles who enslave the common people.

And with her current strength, even if she is traveling to take photos and cleaning up the garbage at the same time, one day is enough to save countless ordinary people.

She thought it was something meaningful.

Under her cleanup, ordinary people in the pirate world will definitely live a better life, and the world will have fewer tragedies.

【Just think of it as praying for Mr. Roy. As a Celestial Dragon and a time traveler, he has done too many evils in the pirate world. ]

25 Yukinoshita Yukino thought secretly in her heart

“Well……Go ahead, it doesn’t matter what you do, you can kill whoever you want.”

Roy chuckled and waved his hand. Naturally, he would not object to what Yukinoshita Yukino wanted to do.

How many people died in the pirate world, and what does it have to do with him?

He just had a thought before, and he casually did it from afar. She killed people from a whole country and brought the princess and her daughters Sugar and Monet into the harem.

As long as Yukinoshita Yukino didn’t blow up the planet where the pirate world is located, Roy didn’t care how many people she killed..

Well, in fact, it doesn’t matter even if the planet is blown up.

Anyway, he can now summon Othinus at any time. It is a matter of a thought to reverse time or recreate the planet.

As for the sea after the world is reshaped, Are the people in the world of thieves still their original selves?…….Roy simply chose to ignore this philosophical question.

As the saying goes, I think, therefore I am.

His memory, personality, appearance and even his entire life experience are exactly the same as before. Why is he not himself anymore?

Thinking of this, Roy looked sideways at Otinus and asked with a chuckle:”Yukishita is going to do some heroic deeds. What about you, Otinus? What are you going to do?”

“Travel. Othinus’ tone was very calm:”

Although it is a weak world, the scenery is surprisingly good.””

As she spoke, her emerald-like eyes looked directly at Roy, and the corners of her mouth slightly curved beautifully.

The one-eyed demon chuckled and issued an invitation:”Do you want to travel together? Come with me to see the scenery of another world.

Roy raised his eyebrows and said,”Okay!””

He originally wanted to develop a relationship with the demon god Othinus, but now she takes the initiative to invite him, which is quite in line with his wishes.

But in Roy’s arms, his daughter An was confused.

Father wants to travel? And this One-eyed blond beauty?

How can this be done!

She has not seen her father for such a long time, and they only hugged her for just ten minutes. How could her father abandon her and spend two nights with this woman?

So 993 , An blurted out almost instinctively:”Father! I want to go too!”

“I don’t care.”

Roy chuckled and looked at Othinus:”What about you?”

“I actually quite like children too.”

Otinus raised the corners of his mouth playfully, looking at the father-controlled little girl in front of him, as if he was seeing an interesting toy.


Looking at Othinus’s playful gaze, fearless of heaven and earth, An, who can be called the devil incarnate in the pirate world, couldn’t help but shudder, and felt extremely regretful.

This one-eyed blond woman wouldn’t bully her in front of her father! ?.

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