“There are too many pirates in this world, right? Plus those nobles who feed the common people…….It feels like ordinary people in this world are even worse off than ordinary people in the world of magic.”

In the pirate world, after separating from Roy and his group, Yukinoshita Yukino began her journey to another world.

Along the way, she encountered thousands of pirates in a short period of time, which amazed her.

Although I have long known that this world is called One Piece, and it must be a world dominated by pirates, the number of pirates is a bit ridiculous. They are like locusts!

The pirates burn, kill and loot, the nobles and the king oppression, and world nobles like Roy……..Can ordinary people in this world really still live normally?

“I really made a right decision. Of course I can’t save everyone, but it’s more than enough to save a small number of people!”

Muttering to herself, Yukino looked down indifferently at the pirate fleet that was gradually approaching her in the distance under the snow floating in the air.

From her perception, she already knew that this was a pirate fleet from the South China Sea.

This one The captain of the pirate fleet is a newcomer with a bounty of 50 million beli.

In less than two years since he went to sea, he has defeated the navy’s fleet several times, and even defeated a commodore of his own headquarters, gaining the following of countless pirates.

According to Yukinoshita Yukino’s perception, this fleet has more than a hundred ships, and there are at least two to three hundred pirates stationed on each ship.

“It’s just a little-known pirate group, but it actually has tens of thousands of people. It’s really……Outrageous~!”

“Mr. Roy is really in his own world after all. He is obviously so powerful, why can’t he do some good things? Yukinoshita

Yukino softly complained about what she saw and heard, but her hand movements were not slow at all.

She slowly raised her hands, and the positive infinite repulsion and negative infinite gravity were exerted on her body. emerged from the side, and then quickly merged together, turning into imaginary material energy.

“After doing so many bad things, you are lucky to die from this blow without any pain!”

Yukinoshita Yukino’s tone was indifferent, she placed her fingers on her plain chest, and then moved forward


The energy ball, which was enough to cut through space and planets, flew forward at great speed, swallowing up hundreds of pirate ships in front of him in an instant, leaving no trace behind.

After doing all this, looking at the empty sea, Yukinoshita Yukino’s face showed no trace of joy, and turned to look sideways into the distance.

There are more people she needs to kill.

There are more people who need her to save!

“It’s a pity that I only have one day, which is not enough……..””

Yukinoshita Yukino said with a sigh.

Even Othinus, the demon god, cannot understand the time rules in the chat group and the time rules in other worlds (the king’s). He can only blame it on the fact that there are really no rules. It can be said that it was completely random.

One day later, Yukinoshita Yukino, who had wiped out countless pirates and nobles, was forced to return to the world of Jutsu Kaiba.

【The mission to defeat and conquer the Whitebeard Pirates has been completed! Start giving out rewards! 】

As the chat group prompt sounded, many people who had been waiting for a long time immediately entered the chat group.

Uchiha Miyuki:”Great! Yukino-chan is finally back?”.

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