Navy noble son

Chapter 101

"Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom T

Just a few minutes after Rosinandi hung up the "CipherPol" phone bug, a call came in the opposite direction.

"Click. Rosinandi didn't enter the base chief's office, he expected the phone bug to come quickly, and answered the channel: "It's me, Lieutenant Colonel, 'Black Fox'." "

"It's us. The high-level of the world government couldn't wait to say: "How do you know about Mitsuki Mita..."

"First, my surname is Don Quixote. Second, I have browsed and remembered the information of the Whitebeard Pirates. Third, the surname Guangyue is very rare and not difficult to associate. Fourth, now that it's time to ask these inconsequential questions?", Rosinandi replied to all the doubts that the other party wanted to know and might want to know.

"Yes. The other party's voice was quieter, or his mind calmed down, and said: "The history of the Don Quixote family is similar to that of the Guangyue family, and the people of the Don Quixote family should understand the Guangyue family." "

Rosinandi didn't say a word.

The other end of the phone bug was silent for a while, and said, "We want to hear your opinion, Lieutenant Colonel 'Black Fox', no, Don Quixote Rosinandi." "

"Just call me 'Black Fox'. "As for my opinion, which aspect do you refer to? Roger Pirates, Navy, or... The future?".

"All. ", the other party said.

"Then in order, let's talk about the Roger Pirates first. After pondering it, Rosinandi organized his language, and said, "After the Roger Pirates have mastered the way to Lavrud and have the method of interpreting the historical text of the stone tablet, I speculate... Eighty percent of them will retrace the great voyage until they get 'ONEPIECE'. "

"Why do you speculate like this?", the other party was surprised.

"Character, character. Luo Nandi said firmly: "The soul of a pirate group is its captain, so the captain decides the direction of the pirates." Roger is indeed the most powerful pirate in the world, but the suffix has to be added to the word 'one', because of 'Whitebeard', because of 'Golden Lion'... He didn't really go to King's Landing. "

"That's it?", the other end of the phone bug is incredible.

If you can't understand it, please put yourself in another position, and don't use our general thinking to understand the world of pirates." "

The other party said: "Transposition..."

"The Roger Pirates are bound to set off a bloody storm to defeat anyone who blocks their path and challenges anyone who stands in their way, the navy is yes, and so are the pirates. It is better to let them kill each other with the pirates, and take advantage of this opportunity to seize the government and navy to seize the armament. "

"Whether or not the Roger Pirates reach Lavrud, Lavrud is no longer an ethereal legend, and under the guise of adventure, lustful for fame, power, wealth, etc., will flock to the pirates and pour into the great voyage. Luo Nandi said quietly: "With the weak state of the navy, zhenya can't be in such a crazy situation." "

"You describe the future of horror. The other party sighed.

"Do you know what the people at the 'G5' fortress say about me? They say - if you disagree with the 'Black Fox', then you must be at fault, not the 'Black Fox' is wrong. Rosinandi said calmly.

The other party did not answer for a long time.

Rosinandi reasoned: "Abolish the establishment of the expeditionary fleet and consolidate the government's rule over the four seas." Cut some of the redundant officers and expenses of the Navy, and use these redundant official positions and expenses as an incentive for the existing soldiers full of righteousness and the recruitment of new troops of a worldwide nature. Add troops, such as giant troops, scientific troops... There are a lot of things that can be done and can be done, and you are not so superficial when you hang the Roger Pirates, are you?".

"We... We must discuss it carefully and make a deliberate decision. The other party hesitated.

"Click. "

End of call.

Luo Nandi picked up the phone bug, returned to the base commander's office, and said, "Mr. Warring States, we really don't need to help the expeditionary fleet. "

"Uh...", Sengoku was stunned.

"'Peach Rabbit'! Let's go. Roxinandi grabbed the big gun, pulled Anna away, and threw down the Warring States.

The two of them chatted and walked without a ride, and after a short time, they arrived at the 01 detachment at the port.


The crisp and sharp whistle flew all over the sky.

"'Black Fox' Lieutenant Colonel, girlfriend is beautiful enough !!".

"Super envious!".

"Little cutie ~~~!!



A group of rogue soldiers, noisy and coaxing.

Roxinandi waved his hand angrily: "Fuck off!

"What are you shy!".


"Let's go!Wait a minute, Mr. 'Black Fox' will be annoyed!".


There was a commotion, and a group of rogue soldiers scattered as birds and beasts.

"Hey, little brother~~~ You... I don't think I'm in the mood for it. Lying on a bench on the edge of the pier, Polusalino with his head buttoned into a line cap.

"Sleep your sleep. ", Rosinandi snorted. But immediately, he exclaimed, "The best times have come, and the worst times have come, 'Yellow Ape'..."

Polusalino sat up, took off his line hat, and stared at Rosinandi with a wooden gaze: "What's the matter? little brother~~~".


PS: The second update, I should be able to write a chapter later, well, it's too much brain cell-intensive. Ask for subscriptions, ask for automatic subscriptions, ask for flowers, ask for monthly passes, ask for collections, ask for clicks, ask for rewards, you ask for everything.

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