Navy noble son

Chapter 102

Mary Joa.

The administrative center of the world government, the venue of the plenary meeting of the Navy.

"Although I don't know the specific situation, but the top level of the government can make such a decision, I really feel a lot less pressure...", the meeting has not yet begun, many admirals have not yet arrived, on the sofa next to the windowsill, empty tired on the back, with a deep oblique squint in the mouth of a cigarette swallowing clouds and mist, Luo Nandi, said: "You have done a good job, 'black fox'! It is the luck of the navy to have a new force like you." "

Sora refers to the fact that he did not listen to Rosinandi's advice and insisted on supporting the expeditionary fleet to continue to kill the Roger Pirates. What he originally thought was that there was a life card for the members of the Roger Pirates made by Roxinandi, and the Roger Pirates at the ends of the earth would not be able to escape the pursuit of the Expeditionary Grand Fleet, and the Expeditionary Grand Fleet would definitely be able to eliminate the Roger Pirates. But the result was contrary to what he had imagined, and the expeditionary fleet made things worse and worse, and he became more and more unable to explain to the government.

Fortunately, a few days ago, because Roxinandi's suggestion was adopted by the high-level government, the high-level government officials ordered the Navy Headquarters to recall the Expeditionary Grand Fleet, terminated all the actions of the Expeditionary Grand Fleet, and gave the empty step to the empty stage that had already regretted supporting the Expeditionary Grand Fleet to continue to kill the Roger Pirates... Others don't know what Roxinandi did, but he knows, so he praises Roxinandi for doing a good job.

"The stupidity of the decision-maker makes the executor look stupid. Rosinandi didn't move: "I just don't want to look stupid." "

"What harsh words. Even after seeing Rosinandi's sharp words more than once, Sora still shook his head awkwardly and helplessly.

Luo Nandi extinguished the cigarette and said: "Good medicine is good for disease, and good words are good for deeds." "

"Then prescribe a few more doses of good medicine and a few more words of advice for the navy. Scratching his Mohican hairstyle, he said, "I specially recruited you, a lieutenant colonel, to participate in meetings above the rank of rear admiral, and that's exactly why! 'Black Fox'! Your brilliant mind, excellent qualities, and more importantly, a very forward-looking vision will provide the navy with a way forward. "

"Am I that good?", Rosinandi said with a smile.

"There is no doubt about it. The hoarse voice of the crane came from not far away. She approached with a smile, reached out and pinched Luo Xindi's face, and said, "Little ghost, you grow fast enough, tsk~~~ It's not that cute." "

Rosinandi: "..."

The crane sat down next to Rosinandi, looking more tired than empty, his whole body almost curled up on his side, and his eyes were closed and he was pretending to sleep.

Luo Nandi understands the current situation of the crane, and for a long time, she is responsible for the task of searching and destroying the historical text stele, and during that period, she must also do some work against her will, such as eliminating the people who study and interpret the historical text stele... This made her feel tormented, and the burden on her heart was far greater than the physical exertion.

I don't know how long.

Sengoku announced: "Everyone is together. "

"Hmm, can you start?", he got up empty, exhaled a long breath, and went straight to the main seat with vigor.

Luo Nandi ignored the signal of the Warring States, and went to the staff officers' position area with the crane to sit down.

"Ahem. The empty cough twice, attracting everyone's attention, said: "First of all, I announce that the headquarters has decided to recall and disband the expeditionary fleet. "

"Recall and disband the expeditionary fleet? Considering the large amount of military expenditure consumed by the expeditionary fleet, our bases are also struggling, and it is long overdue to recall and disband. "

"yes! good decision!".

"The expeditionary fleet has drawn too many troops, and I am overstretched there. "


The admirals expressed their opinions one after another, and most of them were in favor of recalling and disbanding the expeditionary fleet, but there were also those who were not in favor.

"The exploits of the expeditionary fleet are obvious to all, and they have greatly deterred the arrogance of the pirates, and it is a pity to recall and disband


"The Roger Pirates haven't been eliminated yet, Lieutenant General Karp should be given some more time. "


Wait for the noise to subside.

"Recall and disband the Expeditionary Grand Fleet now, Marshal of the Air Force! The Expeditionary Grand Fleet is currently in the territory of the Whitebeard Pirates, and it would be a shame to confront the Whitebeard Pirates, and to withdraw troops like this, as if the Navy is afraid of 'Whitebeard'!" said a lieutenant general.

"Don't show it if you're afraid of losing face!", Rosinandi sarcastically.

The lieutenant general was not lightly angry, he recognized Roxinandi and knew Roxinandi's information, so he found Roxinandi's immediate boss and said, "Lieutenant General Angell, take care of your subordinates!"

"'Black Fox' is not wrong! Afraid of losing face, he took his face off and sewed it in his pocket, so he couldn't lose it. Ingres unhurriedly defended Roxinandi, but he was worthy of being the boss of the "G5" branch of the Flowing M Army, and the expression on that face was full of the provocation of "Don't accept you to beat me?".

The lieutenant general was so angry that he dared not speak.

"Okay!", he patted the table and said, "An order is an order! There is no change! The topic of today's discussion is by no means an expeditionary fleet, but ... The future of the Navy!".

The scene was silent.

"'Black Fox'?", Kuyi raised his hand: "Speak freely!".

Rosinandi got up, looked around the room of admirals, and said, "I don't want to mention the general situation, the general environment, and other vague concepts, just give an example... Is the Roger Pirates strong? Strong! Very strong! But if the navy had done its best to strangle them a few years ago, they would have been able to dodge? They would never have been able to dodge! What about now? With the scale and investment of the expeditionary fleet, the navy could not have done its best to strangle the Roger Pirates, but two years later, the Roger Pirates were still alive and kicking. "

"This is the truth, the sad truth!" said Rosinandi, "forget the glory of the past! Ladies and gentlemen, it is the glory of the Navy's forefathers! Our glory must be taken with our own hands!"


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