Navy noble son

Chapter 107

The sky was as clear as a wash, cloudless, windless, and the sun hung with a cold glow like an incandescent lamp... The bitterly cold Winter Island is unusually mild.

"Ahhh Kuzan raised his arms and yawned like a leopard that had just woken up, sleepy-eyed but not lacking in vigor.

With a stinky face, Roxinandi wordlessly put on his sunglasses, lit a cigarette, and repeated what he had said: "It was my biggest mistake to recruit a few of you to join the plan. "

"Hiccup~~~", Peake burped, covered his stomach and walked in all directions, praising "yes, yes, the 'Black Fox' assistant chef is awesome." "

"Sailing is also very talented. Nozomi left the ship of the Elite Action Team to anchor... The ship of the Elite Operations Team is a medium-sized three-masted sail ship that Rosinandi specifically requested from the Naval Science Corps, which combines steam power and wind power, has a small hull, good speed, and has enough space for six people to live in a spacious life.

Polusalino put on a line hat and brown sunglasses, and teased: "Even the boatman skills and medical skills are a little, who are you trying to force to death? little brother~~~".

Sakasky nodded: "Uh-huh." "

"Damn it!, you idiots who can't do anything!", Rosinandi gave an indignant middle finger.

From the "G5" fortress to the kingdom of Anlandvio, a total of seven days. Not only did Roxinandi have to take on the work of piloting and cao rudder, but he also had to cook, repair the hull on a small scale, and prescribe some medicine to a idiot who had eaten too much... And he can't forget his duty, thinking about how to pacify Abaro Pizarro, and deal with Abaro Pizarro, the next target of the elite operation team, and so on.

"Alright!", Rosinandi clapped his hands and said solemnly: "Arrange according to the formation I have drawn up, and move forward quickly." "

Polusalino complained unwillingly: "No, isn't it?little brother~~~ I...", seeing that Rosinandi's face was wrong, he hurriedly raised his hand to make a surrender: "OK!OK!OK!YOU ARE THE BOSS! YOU ARE RIGHT!".

Sakaski was at the front of the pitch, flanked by Kuzan and Pique on left and right, Rosinaudi in the middle, and Silyu in the back, while Polusalino was free from the diamond-shaped formation.

"Let's go!", Rosinandi said.


Several people move at high speed.

In less than ten minutes, the elite action team was faced with a high-singing city wall... The walls were made of stone, with wire fences attached to them, and a small window in black with cannons or barrels sticking out.

"Has that 'Evil Ruler' built his country into a fortress of war?", Kuzan said, with a gloomy eyebrow, "or does this way make his tyranny easier to carry out?" After all, the common people in the city will never be able to overcome such things, only to be shrouded in terror. "

"Don't talk nonsense! Catch him and ask him?", Roxinandi flashed with sunglasses, and said loudly: "'Red Dog', blast it away!" 'Green Pheasant' and 'Tea Dolphin', deal with possible enemies at any time, do not seek to kill, and make sure that our breakthrough is not disturbed! 'Yellow Ape'! Fire support! After decapitation, clean up the mess !!


"It's !!," several people responded.

"Boom~~~", Sakasky in the running, clenched his fist, smoke billowed and magma splashed: "Big Spitfire !!


Swing hard.

"Boom !!



, click, click, click!!".

"Boom la la !!


A magma arm more than ten meters long pierced through the city wall, and then caused it to collapse.



The terrible alarm exploded in an instant.

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack! Enemy attack !!


"It's a lackey sent by the world government!".

"The Navy is coming!!



The sound of footsteps, shouting, noisy and chaotic, incessantly.

The Elite Ops Team rode into the heart of the kingdom of Anlandvio without waiting for them to react.

At the behest of Rosinandi, Hiryu easily captured a soldier of the army of the Kingdom of Anlandevio, pinched his neck and dragged him for a long time, only then did he pull him by the collar and said with a violent expression: "Tell me the location of the 'Evil Ruler', there is only this one chance." "

"Ahh!!hh Ho ho ~~~ cough cough cough...!", the soldier wailed in pain, coughed for a long time, snot and tears flew together, and stumbled and pointed the way: "The palace... There..."

"Congratulations on making a wise choice. Hiryu threw the soldier away.

Rosinandi looked up and scanned the surroundings and said, "'Akainu', speed up!".


Hiryu scoffed at his nostrils.

Rosinandi told Pique very seriously, "'Tea dolphin'! According to my investigation, the closest thing to a demon in the world should be a human being." ", Lloeton, he added: "Abaro Pizarro is one of the humans closest to demons, and compared to him, 'Murayu' is simply gentle. "

Peake was silent.

"Nine o'clock!'Yellow Ape'! Is your domineering look a luxury? give me attention!", Rosinan scolded.

"Whoosh !!


A laser ray flies.


With screams, one of the snipers fell to the ground.

"Don't be so harsh!Little brother~~~ You look like this, I think of Mr. Zefa. Porusalino jumped on the roof.

Rosinandi ignored Polusalino, his eyebrows furrowed, and he sensed domineeringly... There were countless people around.


PS: The first update, also, late from work, so... The update is also late. Ask for subscriptions, automatic subscriptions, flowers, monthly passes, collections, clicks, rewards, you all ask.

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