Navy noble son

Chapter 108

"It's... There were too many people pouring out of the front, back, left and right of the street, looking at the panicked expressions of men, women, old and young, and the movements of cowering with weapons used as mops and sticks, Kuzan's pupils constricted: "Bastard's 'evil king'! What did he do?".

"I guess... If they don't help Abaro Pizarro, they will be liquidated and beheaded afterwards, and they will be forced. Rosinandi's tone did not fluctuate at all.

"Since they are on the side of the 'Evil Ruler', they are the enemy!", Sakasky coldly clenched his fists, and the magma danced wildly in an instant.


Sakasky was caught off guard and was kicked to the knee by Rosinandi behind him, and he was half on his knees in embarrassment.

"We are here to save them! If we lose them, who else will we save?", Rosinandi pulled down his sunglasses and looked fiercer than ever: "'Red Inu'... Can you answer me?".

"Ah~~~Ah~~~ I'm angry!I'm angry!I'm angry!I'm so rare!", Polusalino was overjoyed when he saw the excitement: "Hey!'Pheasant', 'Murayu', 'Tea Dolphin', have any of you carried a video phone? Cameras and cameras are also OK, borrow them from me." "

Rosinandi ignored Polusalino, held his sunglasses, and said: "'Red Dog', justice can be absolute, but it is definitely not this absolute! It seems that I requisitioned you from the remote base of the Navy early, you have not changed, you are still the same you in your bones, barbaric, extreme... This is not what Mr. 'Black Wrist' wants to see, what I want to see. "

"Now... It's not the time for infighting, is it?", Pique tried to lighten the mood.

"Yes! Not the time for infighting. Rosinandi took a deep breath and said, "Shift the roof and move on!".

Sakasky was silent, but his better obedience to orders was the model of a professional soldier, so he continued to be his vanguard.

"Catch them !!


"Don't let them run, or else... Otherwise...... His Majesty the King will punish ..."

"But... They are the Navy. "

"What to do?".

"If only they could beat that..."

"Silence, are you crazy?".


The elite action team on the roof of the house ran, and the ordinary people on the street also ran, but no matter how much they ran, they couldn't outrun Luo Nandi and the others.


A palace made of steel, a fortress to be exact, presented in front of an elite action squad.

In front of the fortress, trenches, horses are rejected, and swaying figures indicate that a large number of soldiers are hiding from them.

"Meow hahahaha... Hey, hey, hey, what did I see?", on the third floor balcony of the fort, stood a middle-aged man, with his mouth sparsely open, sneering.

He was more than five meters tall, wearing a gorgeous speckled fur coat, but he wore a dark black shirt in the cold Winter Island, showing off his knotted muscles. The hands are mechanical, with two sharp horns on the forehead, a long beard hanging from the upper lip, and the lion's mane-like hair, the beard of the chin is all blue, and the head is crowned with a small hat studded with gems... The temperament is quite nondescript.

"With the crown, you don't look like a king, Abaro Pizarro. Luo Nandi took off his gloves, looked at his slender hands, and bared his teeth to show his white teeth, and said with a smile: "I heard... Someone used to call himself the 'Blue Lion' and the 'Lion King'? Is that you? Hehe! Arrogant enough, don't you know that there is only one lion in this ocean, and that is the 'Golden Lion' and the 'Lion Ghost'!"

Abaro Pizarro also changed color.

Rosinandi was not a man who did not take his enemies seriously, and he looked through a lot of information about Abaro Pizarro, including the story of Abaro Pizarro, who had previously called himself the "Blue Lion" and the "Lion King".

The result of the story is tragic - the domineering pirate Shiki, who commands the pirate fleet, heard that Abaro Pizarro called himself the "Blue Lion" and "Lion King", and made a special trip to cut off Abaro Pizarro's claws and break Abaro Pizarro's teeth, so there is only one lion in this ocean, that is, his "Golden Lion" and "Lion Ghost".

"So, no matter how bad a cat is, it's not a lion after all!" said Rosinandi.

"Kill them!!", Abaro Pizarro was scarred, his angry voice became sharp, and he was furious.

"Bang bang bang !!




The cannon shifted its direction, and the bullets were loaded.

Unhurried, Rosinandi lit a cigarette and said, "Fire suppression!"

"It's really calling, little brother~~~", Polusalino shook his head, a little on tiptoe, flying in the air, his arms interlaced and shining: "Eight-foot Qiong Hook Jade !!




"Boom !!


The laser bullets in the sky are like a torrential rain.


The soldiers of the Kingdom of Anlandevio in the trenches could not hold their heads up after being beaten.

"'Tea dolphin'?", Rosinandi said.

"Understood!", Pique crouched down, his palm touching the ground, and the ground seemed to come alive, as if the waves were rolling on the sea...



Mud fountains soared into the sky, and with Pique's control, they converged into one, heading straight for Abaro Pizarro on the third floor of the fortress.

"'Pheasant'?", said Rosinandi.

Kuzan touches Pique's mud: "IceAge (Ice Age) !!




"Click, click, !!


A direct access to Abaro Pizarro, that's it.

"If you don't come down, we'll go up. Rosinandi refers to Abaro Pizarro.

Abaro Pizarro was in a state of shock: "The Department of Nature... The capable... Three? no, four!".


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