Navy noble son

Chapter 120

September 3rd.

It is located between the islands of Chambord and the island of Marinfando.

On the way back, Rosinandi intercepted a medium-sized three-masted sailing ship, because this medium-sized three-masted sailing ship was neither a fishing boat, nor a merchant ship, nor a pleasure boat, nor a pirate ship, but an ordinary civilian ship with no standards and no knowledge, and when he saw the warship of the navy, he couldn't help but panic and run away... It's doubtful that there's something hidden.

Luo Nandi caught up with the medium-sized three-masted sailing ship alone with the "moon step", stood on the bow of the ship silently and chicly, lit a cigarette, and said gently: "You are in a hurry, is it possible that you are weak-hearted?" "

"The sea ... Navy! "




There were not many people on board the medium-sized three-masted galleon, and Rosinandi's sight and hearing were domineering, and he accurately understood the number of thirty-three.

Thirty-three people, both men and women, young and old, have one thing in common - full of bookish temperament.

"There are three of the most famous things in this sea... Frequent shipwrecks caused by 'snake currents'. The pirates who have completed the first half of the Great Voyage will need the resin and coating technology of the Chambord Islands to smuggle into the New World from beneath the Red Earth. The aristocrats personally formulated the "Anti-Slavery/Subordination Law" and personally trampled on the "Anti-Slavery/Subordination Law", and the thriving human trafficking in the Chambord Islands also led to rampant human arrests. On the side of the ship, a woman held a book and talked eloquently.

She was about twenty-six or seventeen years old, with a rare natural white hair, and the contrast was that her skin was slightly darker and wheat-colored, but this contrast made her exude a strange beauty. Three-dimensional straight nose, blue eyes, simple jeans, T-shirt outfit set off her beautiful curves, as well as that elegant tone, slightly hoarse magnetic voice, constitute her good temperament.

"Olvia ..."



A few people around reminded the white-haired woman's attitude crampedly.

"Olvia ... Miss, huh? Rosinandi pointed his finger at the hilt of the knife and said, "It's harsh enough!" Are you sarcastic about the Navy? "

"Shouldn't the Navy be sarcastic?" Snake currents' no one can do anything about it, including the navy. Allowing pirates to smuggle into the New World may be the Navy's strategy. What about human arrest and trafficking? The Navy is the guardian of the law, this is so close to the Navy headquarters, but it has not been done for a long time, can we understand that the Navy deliberately covers the arrest and trafficking of people, and even... Get directly involved? "We are suspicious of this, so staying away from the navy is not weak-minded. "

Rosinan Dinunu mouthed and bared his teeth and smiled: "Miss Olvia, yes~~~ Miss Nicole Olvia, your eloquence is very good, and you speak wildly!" "

Olvia's pupils constricted, and cold sweat trickled.

"All of you from West Sea O'Hara are in a hurry, could it be that you are weak-hearted?" , Roxinandi repeated the previous words with a prefix.

"Storm... Dewed? "

"How, how, how?"

"The Navy is ... Crusade against us? "



The people on the boat were all archaeologists from O'Hara, the holy archaeological site of the Western Sea.

They sailed from O'Hara for more than a year in search of "a hundred years of blank history." Because the exploration of the "blank 100-year history" has long been defined as a great crime by the world government, they do not want to involve their hometown, and they all go incognito and throw away everything related to O'Hara, but they are so secretive that Rosinandi still makes Rosinandi scream, and he can't help but panic.

Luo Nandi pondered for a moment and sighed: "Go back!" Give up the little actions that you feel are right, and don't be obsessed with them, because they will kill a lot of people. "

"We have our freedom, if we commit a crime, please show the evidence, navy!" , Olvia regained her composure and said boldly.

Rosinandi shook his head, O'Hara's archaeologists were too deep, and studying and restoring the "blank 100-year history" no longer seemed to be a curiosity-driven behavior, but already their absolute belief, a belief that they would never regret until they died, unchangeable, indelible, and unshakable.

"You know what I mean, and I say it again, go back! Give up the little actions that you feel are right, and don't be obsessed with them, because they will kill a lot of people. Rosinaudi stared solemnly at Olvia.

"Then I'll say it again! We have our freedom, and if we commit a crime, show the evidence, navy! ", Olvia stubbornly said.

Rosinandi thought for a moment and said, "Whatever you want!" But I still tell you that the historical text stele records that the ancient weapons are true and noisy, and the whereabouts of the 'Hades', one of the three ancient weapons, that the Roger Pirates have mastered through the historical text stele, is also true, so! Interpreting the stele of the historical text can really bring a crisis to the world, even if the person who interprets it is not malicious, if there are evildoers who use it, the result will be the same. "

"The government must prevent others from following the example of the Roger Pirates, and also find ancient weapons by interpreting the records of historical text steles, and comprehensively collecting and destroying historical text steles. I guess they did it to the point of... Is there a more suitable place for the role of 'chicken' than O'Hara, a world-renowned archaeological holy site? Rosinandi was stunned.


"Bang Bang Bang !!"

Roxinandi stepped on the "moon step" and left neatly.

A boatload of archaeologists, sluggish.


"The Navy, the World Government has been informed ... Let's move on...? "

"What is the world government hiding?"

"That navy ..."


Loud talking.

"Let's ask for a doctor." , Olvia covered her forehead and sighed.


PS: The first update, it's awkward to write, there's an update today, don't ask a few points, I'll sort out my thoughts first, and my brain is super messy. Ask for subscriptions, automatic subscriptions, flowers, monthly passes, collections, clicks, rewards, you all ask.

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