Navy noble son

Chapter 121

September 9th.

Headquarters of the Navy.


As soon as Rosinandi returned, his ears were filled with the sound of a terrible siren.

"Major General 'Black Fox'! Just waiting for you. The empty lieutenant waited for a long time.

"Got it." , Rosinandi nodded, turned his head and ordered: "Anna, you accompany Hawkins around, to my home, to the town... Anywhere. "

"Leave it to me, Roxinandi sauce~~~", Anna agreed to Roxinandi with a smile, turned her head, her expression changed instantly, and her eyes flashed with ill intentions: "Little, god, stick!" "

Hawkins shuddered at Anna: "Teach..."


"Bang! Boom! Boom!!! "

Rosinandi used the "moon step" and hurried straight to the marshal's office at the top of the fortress.


A naval lieutenant rushed into the marshal's office in a state of embarrassment, and he didn't even bother to salute in fear, shouting: "Empty... Marshal of the air! The New World Ed Waugh... The Roger Pirates and the Golden Lion Fleet are coming, they are coming..."

Luo Nandi squatted at the window, interrupted with an unkind face, and shouted: "You! Get out! Re-report! "

"'Black Fox', you're back!" , airside face, surprised.

Not only is there time in the marshal's office, but Sengoku, Karp, and Tsuru, the three pillars that are currently supporting the face of the navy.

"Hahahaha... Here's your chance! Karp laughed, and he couldn't sit still at the name of Roger's old enemy.

The empty joy immediately vanished, and he slapped the table and shouted, "Wait! Karp! I'm not done yet! "

Karp walked straight out and said, "You're not done, but I'm done listening." "

"Mr. Sora! You may wish to give notice that no warship is allowed to travel without your orders. ", Rosinandi said flatly.

Karp paused, and was not in a hurry, and said, "Hey, hey, little 'black fox', your heart is too bad, right?" "

In order to hunt down Roger, Karp has destroyed not fifty but forty warships in recent years, and the terrifying figures show the terrible military consumption, so that the empty does not approve his exclusive warships, which means... He has no warship to sit on, only rubbing other people's warships, but how can others be so willful and reckless? If you are instructed to do so by air, you will never travel.

Ignoring Karp, Rosinandi jumped into the marshal's office, looked down at the stunned naval lieutenant and said, "You! Get out! Re-report! Don't let me say it a third time. "

Karp picked his nostrils and said heartlessly, "Don't be so harsh! Little 'Black Fox'! "

Rosinandi still ignored Karp, stared coldly at the naval lieutenant, and said, "It's not their fault that the people are afraid of the villains, but we are the navy!" If we also show our fear of the wicked, who will protect the peace of the sea? Look at you, you didn't pee your pants, right? The ground beneath your feet is the headquarters of the Navy! In the base camp of the Navy, how many pirate names are you afraid of? Well? Less shame! "

The naval lieutenant was embarrassed, bowed and said, "I'm sorry, 'Black Fox' Rear Admiral!" I lost my temper. He walked out of the marshal's office, came in again, knocked on his heels, saluted and said loudly: "Marshal Kong!" In the New World Ed Waugh, the Roger Pirates and the Golden Lion Fleet are about to make contact! Report is complete, ask for instructions! "

"Good work, Major." , returned a military salute and waved his hand.

The naval lieutenant again walked out of the marshal's office.

"It's just a matter of one sentence...", Sengoku vaguely complained that Luo Nandi had complicated things.

Luo Nandi glanced sideways at the Warring States and didn't say a word.

"There's nothing wrong with what 'Black Fox' did, and it's right." , Crane sipped tea, as slow as ever: "Don't you feel it?" The current lack of 'naval spirit' in the Navy as a whole? "

Sora, Sengoku, Karp, their faces were all stiff.

"It's not that I blame, but your loose atmosphere has really affected the entire navy... When Zefa took office, the navy never lacked the 'naval spirit'. ", Tsuru sighed.

"The upper beam is not right, and the lower beam is crooked." , Rosinandi summed it up incisively.

Sora, Sengoku, Karp: (ーー ゙)

"That's... Little Rosinandi, I heard that you killed the most vicious female pirate in history? Ting is amazing! Card/Trina Depen, the notorious lone killer, has a bounty of 180 million berry! ", Sengoku awkwardly shifted the subject.

Rosinandi extinguished the cigarette butt and never mentioned Ka/Trina Depen, and said on the side: "The rice worms inside the navy still have to be dug up, and they bid 300 million Berry to buy my head, which is enough to prove that their money for ink is far more than 300 million Berry, otherwise how can they be willing to give it?" "

"I have never let up on the reform plan." , empty lane.

"Where is the meeting?" , Rosinandi asked.

"It didn't take long to start the topic of Karp's promotion to the rank of general." , empty said: "His answer, unchanged." "

Karp leaned against the door frame and said nonchalantly: "If you want to move freely, you can't have such a high status." "

"Anyway! The battle between the Roger Pirates and the Golden Lion Fleet is imminent, and this is the top priority. He crossed his empty fingers and said: "The navy must be cautious, how many warships and troops should be sent, how to deploy, and how to act, all have to be talked about in detail." "

Rosinandi closed his eyes and said, "You guys actually talked about it, but you just want to hear my advice." "

"Uh...", the air choked a lot.

"I told you, you can't hide it from him! The dozens of warships and tens of thousands of troops of the various branches requisitioned in Crescent Bay, as well as the incessant assembly sirens sounding outside, fully show that our preparations are done, do you think he can't see or hear? ", Crane shook his head.

Kong said simply: "'Black Fox', then your suggestion is...?" "

"None." , Rosinandi was succinct and to the point.


PS: The second update, it's gone today, and I feel super depressed. Ask for subscriptions, ask for automatic subscriptions, ask for flowers, ask for monthly passes, ask for collections, ask for clicks, ask for rewards, all of them...

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