
"Look, look!".

"Again... It's that monster again!".

"What is he doing here?".

"Isn't it bad enough for us, he destroyed half of the camp!"


In the Admissions Office of the Naval Academy, the Navy was talking in a panic.

Roxinandi didn't take the ugly words seriously, swaggered to the place of registration, saluted a non-standard naval salute, and said, "Recruit Roxinandi reports!"

"New... Bing?", Zefa, who personally presided over the registration of recruits, was about to lose his myopic glasses.

"Yes!sir!Marshal Air specially recruited me to enlist in the army and allowed me to study at the Naval Academy!", Luo Nandi put down his hand and said solemnly: "If you don't believe me, you can make a phone call to ask Marshal Air." "

Of course, Zefa didn't believe it, and directly called the bug to give it to the air.


I don't know how Sora told Zefa, Zefa hung up the phone, let out a long breath, picked up the pen, document form, hesitated and put it down, and said: "Physical examination...", halfway through the words, he denied: "No!

Rosinandi waited patiently.

"Go ahead! Zefa thought about it for a while, and waved his hand helplessly at Roxinandi.

Zefat was embarrassed, Roxinandi's identity and life experience were kept secret, and he didn't reveal his tone at all. Just tell him to take less attitude towards the ordinary navy to Luo Nandi, just let it go and indulge, and it is not good for him to record Luo Nandi, and it is not good for Luo Nandi to take off his clothes for a physical examination.

Rosinandi went straight to the barracks.

A group of navy members hurriedly dodged Rosinandi....

Rosinandi looked for a direction to the naval gathering area sent from the "G5" fortress.

"Ah~~Ah~~~ It's strange, little brother, who are you? I've heard that you've been specially recruited into the army. Polusalino asked, stunned.

Polusalino was not so dashing, Rosinaudi was involved, their tent was razed to the ground, and a group of people were struggling to rebuild on a hot day. Especially him, he was really tired, sweaty, dusty... Who called him the culprit who brought Rosinandi to the barracks?

Luo Nandi smiled and said, "The news spreads so fast. He jokingly added: "I said I was from Tianlong, do you believe it?".

Polusalino also joked: "I don't have a lampshade on my head." "

"Lampshade, perfect description!", Rosinandi smiled brightly.

"Less nonsense! And you, Rosinandi. Sakasky reminded: "Spread it out and you will receive it." "

"Ahh Luo Nandi smiled: "In short, please take care of me in the future." "

"I have a... Bad feeling, you're not going to stay with us, are you?", Polusalino twitched, and his expression became more obscene.

Roxinandi spread his hands: "Unfortunately, your bad feelings are real!".

Polusalino covered his forehead: "Why not someone else's place?

"We're all monsters, our kind. ", said Rosinandi.

Polusalino and Sakasky were silent.


A few days later.

The navy was scattered around the world from bases and fortresses to send the trained navy, and Zefa decided to set sail, leading the five or six hundred men on a warship to Mary Joa's Naval Academy.


The sea breeze was blowing, the waves were rolling, and occasionally a few seagulls were singing and passing by the blue sky from the warship...

Rosinandi changed his outfit, a black T-shirt, trousers, leather boots, and a white jacket with the navy logo on the back. His hair was dyed, and it was also black, and his hair was gray due to the "Nine-Tailed Fox Fruit" rampaging before, and it never recovered, which was a bit weird.

"What's there to see?", Polusalino muttered as he sidelined Rosinandi.

"Don't you think... If there wasn't so much garbage in this world, it would be very beautiful, more beautiful than that!", said Rosinandi with deep meaning.

Polusalino thought for a moment and retorted, "Wrong! Without so much garbage, how can we bring out the beauty of things? "

"I don't see how you can say anything like that. Rosinandi was amazed.

Polusalino rolled his eyes: "Look down on people less!".

After a period of contact, Rosinandi learned a lot about Polusalino and Sakaski.

Polusalino is an optimist, who doesn't care about everything, and occasionally gets forced to show a little edge.

Sakasky is a hard-liner, jealous of evil as hatred..."Right is good, evil is evil, black is black, white is white", this is his philosophy.

The differences in the personalities of Polusalino and Sakasky stem from the differences in their childhoods.

Porusalino's parents were petty government officials, and his family was not wealthy, but slightly stronger than ordinary people, and he did not suffer much, so he did not pursue much.

Sakasky is different, he is an orphan of war caused by the wanton actions of pirates, and he lives a life of fighting with the sky, the earth, and people. The experience of not having enough food and clothing made him full of a sense of crisis and aggression. Probably because of the salvation of the navy, which kept him alive, he had illusions about becoming a great navy.


PS: New books, ah, ah, ask for collections, ask for flowers, ask for full score evaluation votes, ask for rewards, all of them.

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