

The alarm flickered.

"What's going on, there's an enemy?".

"Is it a pirate?".

"Pirates, this is the area covered by the fire of the Navy Headquarters! What are you kidding, which pirate is so daring?".


The trainees were talking in a chaotic manner, and they gathered on the deck and side of the warship in a chaotic manner.

"Someone's going to be unlucky. ", Rosinandi muttered.

Polusalino nodded gloatingly, in agreement.

Rosinandi shook his head: "What are you happy about? The probability of covering us is eighty percent." "

Polusalino grinned: "Huh?".

As one of the few people who let off the wind outside the cabin, did not drink, smoke, play cards, and sleep in the cabin like everyone else, and quickly lined up as soon as the alarm sounded, Rosinandi and Polusalino witnessed the process of the chief instructor of the Navy, "Black Wrist" Zefa, pulling the emergency alarm and timing it...

Rosinan Dichai, Zefara Alert creates chaos in order to test the reaction of the Navy cadets.

Obviously, he was disappointed.

"Six minutes! Six minutes!!", Zefa roared angrily, "The fruit seller has !! faster than you crumbs


Where Zefa's sharp eyes skimmed, no one dared to look at each other, and they all hung their heads.

"Look at the virtues of each of you!!".

Zefa's tall and sturdy figure was extremely oppressive, and he took big strides, walking back and forth in front of the queue, fiercely reprimanding.

"Why don't you tie your shoelaces? When you are fighting, the slightest mistake may make you doomed! If you don't tie your shoelaces, once you break your foot, you can't charge up or retreat, who do you want to kill? Who do you want to kill? Who will kill you? Take them off and throw them into the sea! When I let you wear shoes, you will put shoes on me again!"

"You, where are your weapons? Ah!!h

"And you! What are you laughing at? Is it funny? He's your comrade-in-arms! He's a companion you can rely on when you go to battle! You laugh at him, you give me that foolish laugh of yours!" Idiot !!



scolded more than a dozen people in a row.

"I'm ashamed of you!"

"Shaozhi is complacent, you little devils who don't know the height of the sky! Being selected by me to the Naval Academy is not a big deal... Moreover, not everyone has the opportunity to walk out of the Naval Academy in the name of my Zefa disciple! There is so much waste mixed in! It is so much that it annoys me!".

"From now on, some of you must go! Maybe one hundred! Maybe two hundred! Maybe five hundred, six hundred! Not qualified, must be eliminated!".

"I'd rather you be eliminated and sent back to a place where nothing can be done, than see you pretend to be powerful, go to the front line of the war, and then die and your body is sent back to your hometown!"

Zefa roared, and the last sentence was hoarse.

He dismounted mercilessly, which made the students' hearts tense and review their previous relaxation and casualness.

"I'm very disappointed in you guys for the full six minutes of meeting time, and I'm very unhappy too! Six hours of push-ups!", Zefa said sonorously, and seeing that the students were stunned, he shouted again: "What are you waiting for? Get down!".

Polusalino complained, "It's too harsh, isn't it?

"Shut your mouth! What do you want to say? Say that you are the fastest person in line, and you should not be punished? You are comrades-in-arms! Comrades-in-arms who have both glory and loss! It is natural to share weal and woe, stupid!", Zefa snorted coldly: "Because of your stupidity, everyone, all add another hour!".

Polusalino: "I..."

Rosinandi tugged at the corner of Porusalino's coat and shook his head slightly.

"Hula-la... Hulala...!".

Five or six hundred students, all brushing on the ground, honest push-ups... Including Roxinandi, he is here to exercise, how can he be lazy.

Zefa looked at the students expressionlessly and said, "From now on, you will each have a code name, and the code name will replace the name. "

Zefa didn't explain the reason for doing this, only he knew. His family took revenge on the pirates when they learned his name... This prompted him to change the Navy, starting with code names instead of names.


"I? Purple orchid, I love this flower. "

"Lock, I want to lock the ocean!"

"Firebird. "


Five or six hundred students, each with a code name, are all strange.

To Sakaski, he stiffly said, "Red Inu." "

"Yellow Ape", Polusalino followed.

Luo Nandi pondered and said, "Black fox." "

"What do you mean by a black-bellied fox?", Polusalino complained.

"It's better than a sparkling long-faced monkey. Rosinandi fought back sharply.

Polusalino: "..."


PS: New books, ah, ah, ask for collections, ask for flowers, ask for full score evaluation votes, ask for rewards, all of them.

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