After Brandon White came off the field, Turiaf came on the bench in his place.

Sure enough,

Turyaf was attacked by the Celtics as a weakness as soon as he came on the pitch.

Rondo began to consciously pass the ball to Garnett.

Garnett finally found an opportunity to vent his gas.

Constantly crushing Turyav on the inside.

Brandon White's side can't stand up to Garnett, though. But his height can still make some difference.

Turyaf's side is not as good as Brandon White.

Not only is it not good to fight, but there is not even much that can be done about Garnett's iron-blooded jumper.

After hitting two mid-range shots in a row.

Garnett had a smug smile on his face as he returned to the defense.

"See, rookie!, you're doomed!"


voice sounded in Su Lang's ears.

Su Lang looked back and saw Garnett's sly smile.

The nameless fire climbed instantly.

Grandma is a bear

! Fight!

There are three heroes fighting Lu Bu in the past, and today I Su Lang will also come to the next wave.

"You'll soon understand how unwise it is to provoke me!" Su

Lang said as he stared at Garnett.

The Warriors' offensive round.

Su Lang controlled the basketball for half the court.

Su Lang directly waved his hand and motioned for his teammates to pull away.

Although the elevator tactics were effective, they could only allow the Warriors to bite the score.

Can't beat the Celtic in front of them yet.

Su Lang decided that he was going to take over the game, even if he lost the game, he wanted the Celtics to lose a piece of meat.

Don Nelson also assigned Su Lang a singles strategy in the playbook.

So the Warriors weren't surprised by Su Lang's singles.

After the space was pulled apart.

Su Lang began to attack, and the continuous big float and shaking.

The last one to be shaken off with a back dribble was Rondo next to him.

Su Lang accelerated and hit the basket directly.

Target! Garnett! This is Su Lang's plan!


, who is on the inside, has a smile on his face after seeing this scene.

Most of the Warriors' offense in this game was solved from the outside.

So this leads to Garnett's strongest interior defense being useless.

Now Su Lang is actually looking for death.

Garnett is very confident in his ability to block on the inside.

As long as Su Lang came in, Garnett swore that he could definitely slap Su Lang and fly out.

When he was close to the basket, Su Lang kicked the ground and rushed to Garnett without fear.

Garnett also jumped up directly in the next second, straightening his arms to block Su Lang's layup space.

But the layup was not Su Lang's plan! Su Lang's plan was to make a foul

! Toot toot

! The referee blew the whistle,

Garnett fouled the defense!

Su Lang looked at Garnett with a smile on his face.

"How many rounds do you think you can last?" Su

Lang's words made Garnett's heart tighten.

This is his third foul of the game, if Su Lang continues to attack the inside.

Maybe it won't be the end of the third quarter, and he'll be full of graduates.

Su Lang is using his way to govern his body.

The Celtics used foul tactics to take the Warriors' Brandon White off the court.

Su Lang also wants Garnett to follow in Brandon White's footsteps.

The next second, Garnett was furious.

"Hey! Are you really going to get fouled like that piece of shit, you're so naïve!"

Garnett said viciously.

I secretly made up my mind that if Su Lang dared to kill him inside, he would find himself.

He will definitely make Su Lang pay for his naivety.

[Negative sentiment value from Garnett +2000]

A smile appeared on the corner of Su Lang's mouth.

Then he stood on the free throw line and hit two free throws safely.

Turning around, Garnett once again met Turyaf with a solid shot.

"See, you can't stop me!"

Garnett chattered after the goal.

A sneer appeared on Su Lang's face.

"You have to cherish the opportunity now, thinking that you are about to end,"

Su Lang said coldly.

Warriors offensive round. Su Lang killed the inside line again.

The target is still Garnett.

This time, though, it's clear that the Celtic side is already prepared.

Pierce, who was in the No. 3 position, actually helped to defend it.

and Garnett formed a blockade under the basket.

But Su Lang was not afraid at all.

rushed directly to the defense of the two people.

Although under the defense of two people, Su Lang did not complete the layup.

But the familiar whistle sounded.

The referee blew the whistle.

At this time, Pierce quickly raised his arm and signaled to the referee that it was his foul.

Because he knew that if the foul was on Garnett, Garnett would have committed four fouls.

But the referee was not affected by Pierce.

In the end, Garnett's foul was directly blown.

A smile appeared on the corner of Su Lang's mouth and he stood up from the floor.

He held out his right hand at Garnett and shook four fingers.

Four fouls!

Seeing this scene, Garnett's mentality exploded.

If he fouls again, Rivers off the court will definitely not let him stay on the court.

Only play at the end of the fourth quarter.

The most important thing is that in the last round, Garnett also bragged that he was different from Brandon White.

But now it doesn't seem like he's much better than Brandon White.

Especially Su Lang's smile.

It made Garnett's heart even more unhappy.

But I also saw Jackson beside Su Lang with an eager face.

Garnett's heart instantly retreated.

If it weren't for Jackson, Garnett swore he would have rushed to it.

[Negative sentiment value from Garnett +2000]

Su Lang knew in his heart that Garnett wouldn't last long.

Su Lang stood on the free throw line again and hit one of two free throws.

Celtic's offensive round.

This time, Ray Allen was outside the three-point line and shot a three-pointer.

But he and Su Lang encountered the same problem.

In this game, Ray Allen's number of shots was pitiful.

So it also affected the feel of his hand.

The basketball pops out of the frame.

Andris on the inside tried his best to drive Perkins and Garnett behind him.

Turyaf made a meritorious contribution and grabbed the rebound in the backcourt.

Su Lang quickly controlled the basketball through half the court.

But Su Lang did not choose to attack, Su Lang was waiting.

Wait for Garnett to return to the defense.

Apparently Garnett also knows this, if Su Lang is fouled again in this round.

Then he has to go down.

That's not what Garnett wants.

So Garnett didn't want to go to the inside line and gave Su Lang this opportunity.

But Su Lang didn't let him go so easily.

"What's wrong!Are you scared of the soft egg!"

Su Lang looked at Garnett defiantly.

Garnett, who originally wanted to retreat, was angered by Su Lang again.

[Negative sentiment value from Garnett +3000]

Garnett, who has always advertised himself as a tough guy, how can he tolerate others calling him a soft egg.

Garnett didn't think about it, but returned to the interior again.

"Come on, you rookie, let me see what you're up to!"

Garnett stared at Su Lang viciously.

A sneer appeared at the corner of Su Lang's mouth.

As you wish

!The next second, Su Lang broke out directly and rushed out!


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