The whistle blew, and Garnett looked desperate.

Five fouls!

Just now,

Garnett was about to give Su Lang a harsh foul.

Let Su Lang learn a lesson, but Su Lang seems to have expected it a long time ago.

Not only dodged his long-planned palm in the air.

When he finally made a layup, he also caused his fifth foul.

Su Lang looked at Garnett with a smile.

"It's time for you to end up like a stray dog now, hahaha"

Su Lang's voice sounded in Garnett's ears, it was so harsh.

Garnett's heart roared unwillingly.

No! This is not what he wants

! He hasn't taught Su Lang a lesson, how can he leave the scene!

At this moment, Garnett really has the temperament of a tough guy, and rushed straight up.

But in the next second, Garnett was directly hit by a sudden fist, and the hammer's head was dizzy.

After Garnett was hit, his anger instantly exploded, and he didn't see who was in front of him, so he pulled together with the other party.

The referee blew the whistle and rushed into the field.

The Celtics players and the Warriors players quickly separated the two sides.

Garnett had a chance to see who was attacking him just now.

This look directly sent a chill down the back of Garnett's neck.

It turned out that it was none other than the Warriors' Jackson who was entangled with him just now.

Jackson was staring at Garnett the whole game.

So when Garnett wanted to break out, Jackson went straight up to give a black punch warning.

It's still the same idea, I want to move Su Lang to pass him first.

Garnett's expression was cloudy.

But my heart is crooked.

Although this clash may be sent out of the court, he just fought Jackson.

Even if they were separated by their teammates, this is an indelible fact.

This is equivalent to drawing another stroke on his tough guy qualifications.

When he Garnett is mentioned in the future, there will always be people who think of his performance today.

Garnett's heart was smug.

The referee also made the final decision.

Garnett and Jackson were both ejected at the same time.

Don Nelson shook his head helplessly, obviously this result was very unfriendly to the Warriors.

Jackson's role with the Warriors is significant.

He is the second firepower point in the team outside of Su Lang.

Unlike the Celtics, after the Warriors lost Jackson, all the offensive pressure went to Su Lang.

And without Jackson's containment, the Celtics can also unscrupulously trap Su Lang.

On the contrary, after the Celtics lost Garnett, they still have Ray Allen and Pierce.

In this way, it seems that the Celtics are obviously not as affected as the Warriors.

Su Lang looked at Garnett who walked out of the court proudly.

Don't fight in one place.

If Jackson hadn't made a move just now, he would have been entangled with Garnett.

If it is really traded for Garnett, it will obviously be a bigger blow to the Warriors.

So Su Lang didn't want to let Garnett go so easily.

"Hey!" Su

Lang waved his hand at Garnett.

It's like saying goodbye to an old friend.

But Garnett knew that Su Lang was mocking him, and he left the scene like a stray dog.

[Negative sentiment value from Garnett +5000]

Although it was quite cool after a fight with Jackson, I thought about it and was beaten out of the field by Su Lang, a rookie.

Garnett's face was a little unbearable.

But Garnett had no way to deal with Su Lang now, so he could only glare at Su Lang viciously.

Garnett and Jackson both left the game.

The situation on the court turned against the Warriors in an instant.

Same as Don Nelson's conjecture.

The Celtics naturally seized on the Warriors' single firepower weakness.

Started the crazy bag clip Su Lang.

Su Lang also had a headache about this.

can only pass the basketball to his teammates, and after losing Jackson, the firepower of other teammates is very limited.

Gradually, the situation on the court began to tilt in Celtic's favor.


The whistle blew at the end of the game.

In the end, the score on the court was fixed at 104:119

The Warriors trailed by 15 points to the defending champions, the Celtics.

Su Lang scored 28 points, 12 assists, 3 rebounds and 5 fouls.

At the end, Su Lang unwillingly glanced at the Celtic position.

It is worthy of being the defending champion, and the strength is really strong!

Su Lang couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

In this game, Su Lang can be said to have all the hole cards.

But in the end, he still lost the game.

The momentum on the Warriors' side is a little sluggish, but there is one person who is secretly happy.

That was Monta Ellis, who lost his first game after seeing Su Lang return from suspension.

Naturally, he was very happy.

In this way, Su Lang's status in the hearts of fans will definitely be reduced.

Celtic were also relieved after winning the game.

They never expected to be pushed to this point by the Warriors.

If it weren't for the end Garnett and Jackson leaving the court.

Maybe the Warriors will get tangled with the Celtics to the end.

This feeling of oppression is something that a belly team can do.

It's hard for even a playoff team to do that.

But the end result is very encouraging.

The Warriors' season record is 8-4.

It is just 0.5 wins ahead of sixth place in the West.

In other words, if you lose the next game against the Cavaliers.

The Warriors will be overtaken by sixth place in the West.

Thus falling to the sixth place in the West.

You must know that at the beginning of the season, the Warriors even tied with the Lakers for first place at one point.

But as the game progressed, the Warriors' lack of heritage was exposed.

Don Nelson's side wasn't very angry after losing the game.

After all, the opponent is the defending champion.

Don Nelson's heart was ready for a long time.

But now Don Nelson is more worried about Su Lang's state.

He lost his first game on his comeback.

Don Nelson was afraid that Su Lang would walk into a dead end.

But when Don Nelson walked into the locker room with a worried look on his face, he saw Su Lang who was chatting and laughing with his teammates.

Don Nelson knew he was wrong.

Su Lang's state was obviously much better than he imagined.

Seeing this, Don Nelson couldn't help but sigh.

I really don't know if it's a good thing to meet such a player.

Don't worry about tactics

! Don't worry about training! Don't worry about the relationship with your players

! Don't worry about controlling the situation on the field

! Don't even worry about the mentality of the opponent now!

Don Nelson feels that he is useless as a head coach.

It's the first time in all these years that Don Nelson has had this sense of gain and loss.

After smiling helplessly, Don Nelson closed the door and didn't disturb Su Lang.

But Don Nelson didn't know in his heart that Su Lang had already recorded the strength of this time in his heart.

The Celtic Big Three, right

! No one is bullying Lao

Tzu! You wait! After the cute god comes next season, if you don't die, you Lao Tzu won't be surnamed Su!

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