The day after losing the game, Su Lang was in a somewhat unhappy mood.

I didn't go to the gym in the morning.

In fact, Su Lang also knew that even if he didn't train, he wouldn't say much according to Don Nissen's character.

Su Lang called Don Nelson to ask for a day off.

Because there's one thing to do today.

Some time ago, agent Biers recommended a large number of endorsement contracts for Su Lang.

Su Lang signed some.

There is an endorsement of a car brand in this.

Today, the car that the other party gave to Su Lang for free was delivered.

Last night, Bills called Su Lang.

I want Su Lang to come and see if he is satisfied.

After breakfast, Bills happened to drive to Su Lang's residence.

Su Lang was very satisfied with Beals's performance.

This is also why Su Lang chose a little-known little person to be his agent.

If you really choose a bull-breaking agent, the other party may not necessarily take Su Lang seriously.

Bills is different, Su Lang is now asking him to call grandpa, and it is estimated that Bills will not hesitate.

After all, Su Lang is his God of Wealth.

And now Beers' subordinates are only Su Lang alone.

So Beers' energy is all on Su Lang alone.

At the same time, Su Lang also has a plan.

Then manipulate Bills to build an economic company.

Through the information gap in the previous life, sign some players who are bullish.

You know, a lot of players are unknown before they enter the NBA.

These players are exactly what Su Lang is targeting.

However, the opportunity is not yet available, and Su Lang is still preparing to inspect Bills for a while.

At the moment, Bills is still very obedient.

An hour later, Beers drove Su Lang to a warehouse.

The door of the warehouse opened, and two mighty cars came into view.

After Su Lang saw this scene, he was in a much happier mood.

The car endorsement brand signed by Su Lang is George Patton of the United States.

This is also Su Lang's favorite car in his previous life.

Su Lang happily stepped forward and stroked the body.

Still the same feeling.

The two cars are the hottest models under George Patton's name.

One is the George Patton sword, and the other is the George Patton chariot.

This model also fits Su Lang's body type.

After all, Su Lang is more than two meters tall, and ordinary cars really can't fit Su Lang.

"BOSS, how's it going?" Bills

looked at Su Lang with a flattering smile.

The reason why Bills is happy is very simple, Su Lang was able to sign with George Patton, although there are Su Lang's own reasons.

But Beers also contributed to it.

You must know that when Bills was screening contracts, he inadvertently threw the contracts of some car brands into the trash.

So after George Patton signed with Su Lang, Beers himself also made a lot of money.

After all, George Patton's representatives are still very sensible.

Su Lang nodded with satisfaction.

"Very good! "Very good!"

Su Lang said slowly, and the George Barton in front of him had also been modified by Su

Lang's opinion.

If you replace a huge tire with a track, it will look like an armored car.

This is exactly why Su Lang likes him.

Su Lang was about to take a test drive, but suddenly remembered that he didn't seem to have a driver's license from the United States.

In an instant, Su Lang was stunned.

His grandmother's, how could he forget about this matter!

At this time, Bills seemed to see Su Lang's thoughts.

With a smile on his face, he took out a file bag from the passenger seat of the car.

"Boss, don't worry, the driver's license has already been prepared"

Su Lang took the file bag handed over by Bills in surprise.

Inside is Su Lang's Mi driver's license.

"How did you get that?"

Su Lang looked at Bills.

"Hahaha, boss, this is too simple, I just spent a little money"

Bills said proudly.

Su Lang shook his head helplessly after hearing this.

It turned out to be bought for money.

It's really evil capitalism

! But I like it!


if I really have to go step by step to get a driver's license in Kaomi Country, Su Lang doesn't have this time.

Su Lang opened the car door and sat down.

As soon as he stepped on the accelerator, the car under him let out a heavy roar.

Su Lang's face showed an excited expression.

That's the kind of car a man should drive.

"I'll go first, and you can put the other car in your garage first,"

Su Lang opened the window and said to Bills on the side.

Bills agreed with a smile on his face.

Then Su Lang kicked the accelerator and disappeared into the street.

As the saying goes, if you don't return to your hometown, it's like walking at night in brocade.

It just fits Su Lang's mood now.

When Su Lang was driving on the road, he decided to go to the team.

Otherwise, how to show off your newly acquired car.


Half an hour later, Su Lang drove to the door of the stadium.

"Sue! You got such a fierce car from you"

Su Lang had just lowered the window when he heard a surprised voice coming.

Su Lang looked back and saw that it was Jackson who had fought with Garnett in the last game.

"Hey, Stephen, why are you here"

Su Lang looked at Jackson with a smile.

"I just finished training, and you haven't told me where you got this big monster?"

Su Lang patted the body.

"Hahaha, I just signed a contract with a car brand, and the other party gave it away,"

Su Lang said with a smile.

Jackson looked jealous when he heard this.

"Oh my God, your agent is too powerful, compared to your agent, I'm like a piece of shit

" "What kind of shit is the car endorsement brand he found me! You are the car that a man should have"

Jackson looked at Su Lang with envy.

"Can you let me take it for a test drive?"

Jackson said later.

"Of course!"

Su Lang opened the car door directly and handed the key to Jackson.

Then he got into the passenger seat.

Jackson sat in the lead seat with an excited face.

As soon as he stepped on the accelerator, the car roared like a beast.

This gave Jackson's adrenaline pumping.

No man could say no to such a voice.

Jackson, of course, is no exception.

"Oh my God, did you hear me? Sue! He's like a beast!"

said Jackson, with excitement on his face.

"Which brand of car is yours, I must buy one when I go back. Even if you can't usually drive it out, it's good to take a look at it at home,"

Jackson looked at Su Lang.

Jackson has a car endorsement, so he naturally can't drive casually when he travels, but he really likes the car in front of him too much.

"If you like it so much, you can take it and drive it, anyway, I still have one,"

Su Lang said nonchalantly.

"Don't refuse me! It's a big deal that you don't want to open it, give it back to me"

Su Lang didn't wait for Jackson to answer, and continued.

In the last game, Jackson stood up for Su Lang, and Su Lang was ready to pay the league's fine for Jackson.

But Jackson disagreed.

Su Lang felt a little unhappy in his heart, if you don't accept it.

How can I make you willing to be a thug.

Unexpectedly, now Jackson has delivered himself to the door again.

After seeing Jackson's writhing promise.

A smile appeared on Su Lang's face.

It seems that this gold medal fighter has been completely recovered by himself.

I will also have guards with knives in the future!

All I paid was a car.


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