Post-match press conference.

"Mr. Nelson, why did you substitute Montaelis in the fourth quarter"

Don't doubt the eyes of reporters, these people have enough experience to see the Warriors' problems.

"Ellis himself has just returned and is not back to his best, so to be on the safe side, our original plan was not to let him play more than twenty minutes, and now he is over the limit,"

Don Nelson gave the standard official response.

But that's not what journalists want.

But in a blink of an eye, the reporters remembered Su Lang, a friend of reporters.

Maybe they can get what they want on Su Lang's body.

"Mr. Su!Montaellis's comeback will not affect the operation of the team, we can see through the data that when he is on the field, the team's efficiency value is the lowest in the season"

The reporter was obviously digging a hole for Su Lang.

If Su Lang answers this question, no matter what, they will add fuel and vinegar to the report.

Don't talk about morality with journalists.

All they need is exposure.

"Next question!" Su

Lang directly made an unexpected response.

Su Lang didn't forget this group of dogs a few months ago and gave him a backstab.

He was banned for two games.

Su Lang is a person who holds grudges, and he won't get used to these reporters now.

"If there is no problem, today will be the end,"

Su Lang was about to get up and leave after finishing speaking.

How could the reporters on the scene let Su Lang go.

"Wait a minute, Mr. Su, what do you think about Miss Kardashian's show of affection at the scene, and whether you have been in a relationship with Miss Kardashian,"

a reporter asked gossiply.

Don Nelson also looked at Su Lang curiously.

Although he is not very willing to interfere in the private life of the players.

But if Su Lang is really in a relationship with Kardashian, it is really not good news.

Su Lang, who was about to leave, stopped his steps.

"I don't want to appear on the video, so I reserve the right to hold anyone who spreads rumors legally responsible,"

Su Lang said without replying.

Su Lang's answer can be described as very ruthless.

This is what Su Lang does, he doesn't want to be stuck by Kardashian all the time.

So Su Lang directly faced and then revealed Kardashian's old bottom.

At the same time, a handful of salt was sprinkled on Kardashian's scar.

Some of the reporters in the audience couldn't help but want to laugh.

They could see it through Su Lang's answer.

It's all a one-sided operation by Kardashian.

And Su Lang directly mentioned the word videotape, obviously mocking Kardashian's chaotic private life.

Few people would mention this matter so shamelessly.

After all, Kardashian is also a famous socialite.

After hearing Su Lang's answer, Don Nelson breathed a sigh of relief.

Now it seems that Su Lang does not seem to have any involvement with Kardashian.

Even Su Lang hates Kardashian very much.

Don Nelson nodded in satisfaction.

That's right, you should put all your energy into basketball.

As for women or something, it will only affect the speed at which the gun is drawn!

Don Nelson became more and more satisfied with Su Lang.

However, if Su Lang knew that Don Nelson wanted him to be a monk.

It is estimated that Su Lang will directly give Don Nelson an electric cannon,

nonsense! He just doesn't have a cold interest in Kardashian

! He has no intention of becoming a monk!

On the way out of the stadium after the game, Su Lang suddenly seemed to touch something in his trouser pocket.

Su Lang took it out and looked at it, and a sneer appeared on his face.

It seems that the other party is not giving up!

Su Lang had a note in his hand.

It has a phone number left on it, and it also has an exaggerated lip print.

Don't think it's all Kardashian's doing.

However, the other party does have some ability, and nine times out of ten, a staff member accepted the benefits of Kardashian, and took advantage of the game to run to the locker room and stuff it into Su Lang's clothes.

Su Lang picked up the note and wanted to throw it in the trash.

Just when Su Lang walked near the garbage.

Suddenly, Su Lang saw a person wearing a hoodie, sneakily hiding aside.

Su Lang instantly cheered up.

At the same time, the brain recalls the behavior of one side during this time.

After the previous behavior of publicly firing in the media, Su Lang has a lot more low-key.

Shouldn't it be black fans who come to attack themselves?

Su Lang's brain was running rapidly, and his feet were ready to start exerting force.

If the other party has any abnormal behavior, Su Lang will immediately give the other party a lightning response.

But in the next second, Su Lang almost laughed.

A face with a unique temperament appeared under the hoodie.

This person is none other than Du Xiaoshuai!

Good guy! If he hadn't seen the other party's face.

Su Lang almost went up with a flying kick.

"Hey, Kevin, why are you here!" Su

Lang looked at Du Xiaoshuai with a smile.


Durant looked at Su Lang in a hesitant manner.

In fact, he himself didn't know why the ghost sent the gods to come here.

It stands to reason that after being taught a lesson by Su Lang on the court, Durant should be very unhappy with Su Lang in his heart.

But Durant has a little devil in his heart, prompting him to come here to find Su Lang.

After a few moments, Durant finally mustered up his courage.

"That, I want to ask you how you can attract girls like this"

After saying this, Durant looked at Su Lang expectantly and embarrassedly.

Su Lang looked at Du Xiaoshuai in front of him and almost laughed.

Poor boy

! I'm about to go crazy!

Thinking of the future Du Xiaoshuai is a well-known female insulator in the alliance.

Su Lang's heart is sympathetic to Durant.

It stands to reason that in the future, Durant will not be inferior to anyone in terms of money or status.

But even some of the leftovers in the alliance can find female friends.

Poor Du Xiaoshuai is still alone.

This is clearly unscientific.

In the end, it may be caused by Du Xiaoshuai's unique temperament.

Su Lang didn't expect that Durant would come to him to learn from him.

Su Lang looked at Du Xiaoshuai in front of him.

I couldn't bear to tell him the truth.

Don't worry! You have been a female insulator all your life

! Wouldn't this be a little too cruel!

Suddenly, Su Lang remembered that there was no sticky note in his hand that he had time to throw out.

Then a smile appeared on the corner of Su Lang's mouth.

"I don't know how to attract girls, but I can tell you how to chase girls"

Su Lang looked at Durant.

Durant's eyes widened instantly, he didn't expect to really gain something here in Su Lang.

"Thick-skinned, rich, don't be cowardly, stick to the end!" Su

Lang looked at Durant seriously and said.

Durant kept chanting Su Lang's book.

"By the way, there is an opportunity in front of you now!" Su

Lang waved the note in his hand, and then threw it directly to Durant.

Durant was flattered and took the note.

He didn't expect that Su Lang would not only teach him the treasure book, but even give him the practice objects he had prepared.

Thinking of this, Durant looked at Su Lang with a grateful face.

A good man! A good man has a safe life!

Su Lang looked at Durant with a grateful face, and his heart was a little empty.


possible to think about

it, after all,

people who can show their love by posting and drinking each other's

bathwater on the Internet have brain circuits that are always different from normal people.

Su Lang's previous words were just perfunctory to Durant.

Now it seems that Durant really took it seriously.

Could it be that he still has the potential to be a big fool, Su Lang couldn't help but doubt himself.

"Thank you! You'll be my brother from now on! I'll remember you,"

Durant said gratefully.

Then he couldn't wait to turn around and leave, holding a note in his hand and preparing to practice Su Lang's treasures.

Su Lang looked at Durant's back and couldn't help grinning.

I hope you don't hold a grudge against me!!

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