The next day, Don Nelson found Su Lang with a somewhat unsightly face.

Su Lang knew through the other party's face that there was definitely no good news.

"I really don't know what these management are thinking!" "

Nosy is on Lao Tzu's head!" Don

Nelson said with an angry face.

Don Nelson was still thinking yesterday that he had the final say on the pitch.

No one has been able to intervene yet.

I didn't expect to be slapped in the face today.

Some pig brains from the management actually found him and wanted to continue the experiment and let Montaelis appear in the No. 1 position.


really don't know what these people think, do they have to play the Warriors team he built up with great difficulty until they are in pieces.

Don Nelson's temper tantrum also came up, and he didn't even think about it, and he scolded the other party directly.

When the contract was signed, there was a condition that it would not interfere with Don Nelson's decisions on the field.

Now they're doing it, and that's why Don Nelson is angry.

The other party did not expect to provoke such a violent reaction from Don Nelson.

Although after that his old friend Chris Mullin comforted him.

But Don Nelson was still angry.

Hear Don Nelson explain what happened.

Su Lang finally understood why he was so angry.

"Otherwise, promise them, it just so happens that I have sprained my wrist these days"

Su Lang looked at Don Nelson with a smile.

Don Nelson just wanted to care about Su Lang's injury, and suddenly saw Su Lang's eyes.

instantly understood what Su Lang meant.

Good guy! Su Lang played this trick beautifully!

In fact, Su Lang was also testing how far Don Nelson could support himself.

Otherwise, he is sick in the brain, and he will put pressure on the management.

A rookie puts pressure on the management, I'm afraid it's not looking for death.

But with the support of Don Nelson and Chris Mullin.

Then the result will be different.

"Okay, I grant you three days off, you can rest as you like,"

Don Nelson said as he looked at Su Lang.

The two of them smiled tacitly.

What kind of state Montaelis is in now, they know very well.

If there is really no Su Lang in the team.

It's not hard to imagine what the game would be like with Montaellis.

Those people will definitely have nothing to say at that time.

Su Lang also got the answer he wanted.

Don Nelson was really supportive.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have played like this with Su Lang.

Soon the news of Su Lang's injury spread to the team, and Su Lang will not play in the last few games.

The happiest person to hear this news was Montaellis.

He thought his chance had finally come.

But what he didn't know was that this wasn't his chance.

It was the beginning of his demise.

Su Lang also received a call from his gold medal hitter Stephen.

Jackson was very concerned about Su Lang's injury.

Su Lang didn't tell him the truth, but just let Jackson play seriously with peace of mind.

The first day of Su Lang's departure.

The Warriors host the Cleveland Cavaliers.

Directly contributed to the fans of Oracle Stadium a miserable game.

The Warriors lost the game 92-123 at home.

The whole court was suppressed by the Cavaliers led by James.

Lost by a full 31 points.

Created the most points losses for the Warriors this season.

Monta Ellis shot 4-of-23 from the field and 3-of-6 from the free-throw line

He had 11 points and 4 assists.

It can be said that the biggest responsibility for the loss of this game lies with him.

After losing the game, Montaelis obviously did not look very good.

It's not the same script he imagined.

Don Nelson had already gone to Chris Mullin after the game.

The two of them are ready to give the management some people who don't give up, some colors to see.

Otherwise, they are really soft persimmons.


Su Lang learned that the Warriors had been slaughtered by 30 points.

On the one hand, I regret that I didn't fight James again.

On the one hand, he sneered in his heart, did he really think that Montaelis would be able to do his best.

Some people in management are a little too pig-headed.

Su Lang wasn't in a hurry, anyway, Don Nelson gave him three days.

Don Nelson must have some scheming on his side.

All Su Lang needed to do was wait quietly.


On this day, Su Lang's agent Bills found Su Lang.

Previously, he talked about a clothing brand goman for Su Lang.

This clothing brand is also a high-end brand in the United States.

However, they have not found a sports star to endorse them.

They're more inclined to movie stars and stuff like that.

I don't know how Bills did it, but he actually helped Su Lang get such an endorsement.

This time, Bills arrived to tell Su Lang that he needed to help the Goman brand shoot a set of promotional photos.

Su Lang thought he was going out for a walk.

Bills booked a plane ticket and left the Golden State to Los Angeles for the GOMAN brand's location.

After arriving, Su Lang didn't know.

This time, the publicity shoot was far from as simple as he thought.

It's not just some promotional shoots of regular clothing.

There is even a set of clothing shoots for the Goman brand to prepare for the starry sky series that is the main spring theme.

The important thing is that the Starry Sky collection is a set of clothing for a couple's collection.

This means that the other party also has a female spokesperson who will shoot this promotional video with Su Lang.

Su Lang didn't know this at all before he arrived.

Su Lang looked at Bills.

Bills bowed his head in embarrassment, it was his job mistake.

He didn't tell Su Lang the news in time.

But Su Lang didn't mind.

Anyway, if you accept the other party's money, you will be regarded as a part-time job.

Su Lang is ready to be a tool man this time.

Since the other filming of the other side has long been completed.

So today's shooting is only Su Lang alone.

The set of the Starry Sky series will not be able to shoot until tomorrow when the other party arrives.

Su Lang didn't refuse, and made it clear that he was a tool man who had the final say.

It wasn't until the filming started that the person in charge of Goman understood.

What a right thing it was to choose Su Lang as their spokesperson.

Su Lang's figure is simply not inferior to some supermodels.

It's a natural clothes rack.

Wearing their branded clothes, the whole person exudes a charming charm. 、

The person in charge of the GOMAN brand can think of。

After the future promotional photos are issued, how many little girls will be fascinated by Su Lang.

And I heard that Su Lang's fan base in the Dragon Kingdom is also very good.

This is also the reason why the GOMAN brand chose Su Lang.

Because in the second half of this year, they have a development plan for the Asian region.

So choosing Su Lang is a very good stepping stone.

On the first day of shooting, Su Lang was exhausted.

Su Lang didn't expect the promotion of clothing endorsement to be so difficult.

I would have known that I would not accept these brand endorsements.

When Su Lang arrived at the filming location the next day, another female spokesperson had not yet arrived.

Su Lang could only sit alone in the studio, take out his mobile phone to check the news of some league games, and kill time.

"Hey, hello, are you following the NBA news?"

a gentle voice said.

Su Lang, who was killing time, raised his head and looked over.

Good guy

! Do something!

Du Xiaoshuai knows that he can't kill himself! That's

right! The person who spoke was none other than Scarlett, the famous widow sister in his previous life!

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