The no-brainer tactics of Year 1 quickly paid off.

Vallejo picked up his sixth foul of the game at the end of the third quarter.

And the last foul was caused by Su Lang not far from him.

In fact, Vallejo has already paid attention.

But it was still calculated by Su Lang.

So if you say it, you will have to pay it back sooner or later.

Ten minutes ago, I just played Rypi to bully Oden.

Ten minutes later, retribution came.

Vallejo walked helplessly to the field.

[Negative sentiment value from Vallejo +1000]

Su Langmeizi's harvest wave.

In fact, it's not just Vallejo, Horford's side is not much better.

In addition to Su Lang, the impact of Wei Shao and Rose also made Horford suffer a lot.

When Vallejo came off the court, Horford also had four fouls on his side.

You have to know when the third quarter of the game begins.

Horford had just one foul.

In the end, the sophomore chose to replace Horford.

Replace Jeff Green.

As everyone knows, Jeff Green's heart began to scold his mother.

Now he's the No. 1 player on the sophomore side.

Jeff Green can imagine what he's going to face next.

Sure enough, the first-year side didn't waste this opportunity.

The emptiness of the second grade made the impact of the first grade even more violent.

In the second half of the fourth quarter.

Howard brought Horford, who had committed four fouls, onto the court.

This adds some height on the court.

But it was too late.

The 1st grade side is already crazy.

Less than two minutes into the game, Horford picked up his sixth foul of the game.

By now, the second-year team has no hope at all.


The whistle blew at the end of the game.

The score was fixed at 131:117

In the first grade, under the leadership of Su Lang, the first led by 14 points and defeated the second grade.

Broke the six-year-long monopoly of the sophomore game on the rookie game.

After the game, the fans in the stadium burst into cheers.

Not surprisingly, Su Lang scored 40 points, 6 rebounds and 5 assists in the game.

Won the MVP of this rookie game.

When Su Lang lifted the MVP trophy.

The audience resounded with the call of a real MVP.


Looking at the trophy in his hand, Su Lang suddenly remembered the cute god Curry who hadn't called him for a long time.

Calculating the time, Curry is now about to start his March Madness journey.

You can visit him after this All-Star weekend.

By the way, take the MVP trophy in your hand and the trophy of the upcoming three-point shooting contest to stimulate a wave of cute god Curry.

It's interesting to think about.

After the game, Su Lang returned to the locker room after the interview.

As soon as I entered the door, I was sprayed with champagne on my face.

Damn! Sneak attack on your Uncle Su!

Forcibly opened his eyes, Su Lang finally saw who was sneaking up on him.

Wei Shao was holding a bottle of champagne at this time, sniping Su Lang frantically.

Su Lang suspected that Wei Shao's heart was more revenge on himself.

Let you say the turtle face again! Squirt you!"

Wei Shao's face showed an excited expression.

There are not many opportunities to attack Su Lang in such an open and honest way.

Wei Shao finally found an opportunity to fight back against Su Lang.

How can it be easily let go.

Like Su Lang's conjecture, Wei Shao completely forgot what celebration was at this time.

He just wants to report the waves openly.

In the next second, Wei Shao scolded his mother directly.

"Hey!, what kind of dog sneaks up on Lao Tzu!"

Wei Shao suddenly felt that his face was also sprayed with champagne.

Then he saw that Su Lang didn't know what to do, and there was an extra bottle of champagne in his hand.

is squirting at him with a smug face.

A real man will never back down!Come on!

Wei Shao raised the champagne in his hand again, and roared angrily in his heart to start a champagne battle with Su Lang.


After the toss was over, the locker room finally stopped a lot.

After taking a bath, Su Lang sent out his mobile phone.

Found a missed call on it.

The name left behind is Scarlett.

Su Lang thought about it and dialed it back.

"Hey, congratulations! today's game was exciting!" Scarlett's

voice came from the other end of the phone.

The corners of Su Lang's mouth rose slightly.

"Thank you!"

and then there was silence between the two men.

In the end, it was Su Lang who broke the silence.

"I remember that I promised you a dinner last time, would you like to go with you later,"

Su Lang said to Scarlett on the other end of the phone.



voice came with a hint of delight.

"See you in the evening!"

"See you in the evening!"

After hanging up the phone, the smile on the corner of Su Lang's mouth became more and more wanton.

At this time, Su Lang no longer understands what Scarlett, the little girl, wants to do.

Su Lang lived two lives in vain.

Su Lang can be sure that Scarlett, the little girl, definitely has thoughts about him.

Otherwise, it wouldn't be like this.

Su Lang looked at himself in the mirror.

I can't help but sigh that a good skin does work sometimes.

Su Lang suddenly remembered that in the future, Durant still wanted bath water with Scarlett.

Thinking of this, Su Lang suddenly felt that his game was too soft.

Dare to covet your sister-in-law.

Du Xiaoshuai!Your good days are over!


At seven o'clock in the evening, Su Lang and Scarlett came to the hotel where they met.

It was obvious that the Scarlett in front of her came out after being carefully dressed.

Su Lang's heart was even more proud.

"Wow, are you going to the red carpet, so beautiful"

Su Lang looked at Scarlett jokingly.

"It's just my normal appearance, I'm much more radiant on the red carpet than this,"

Scarlett said with a smile.

At this time, Scarlett's heart had already begun to snicker.

finally won back a city in front of Su Lang.

Otherwise, Scarlett really doubted that her charm would be useless in front of Su Lang.

But now it seems that this is clearly not the case.

But the next second, Scarlett's face didn't look good.

Because he heard Su Lang say to himself in a low voice.

"It's clear that he came over after dressing up carefully, and he doesn't admit it!" "

Stinky man! I don't understand the amorous feelings!"

Scarlett slammed a wave of Su Lang in her heart.

[Negative sentiment value from Scarlett +2000]

Good guy! Su Lang's

eyes widened instantly, and he looked at Scarlett on the other side.

Scarlett still had a smile on her face.

Sure enough, it was a woman's heart!

With a smile on her face,

she didn't know how to curse herself.

If it weren't for Su Lang's cheating system.

Maybe I was really deceived by Scarlett.

A dinner passed quickly.

This dinner also brought Scarlett and Su Lang closer.

When they parted, Scarlett looked at Su Lang.

"Is there still your game tomorrow?" Su

Lang still didn't understand what Scarlett meant.

"Of course!" Su

Lang nodded.

"Then I'll go to the scene and continue to cheer you on!" Scarlett

said with a smile.

"Hahaha! With the blessing of beautiful women, when the time comes, I will destroy them all,"

Su Lang said with a smile.

Scarlett gave Su Lang a blank look and turned to leave.

"See you tomorrow!"

Scarlett's voice came, and Su Lang smiled and looked at the back of Scarlett



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