The time came to February 15, 2009.

It's the second day of All-Star Weekend.

At the beginning, Su Lang sat on the sidelines.

After all, the three-point contest is also the last finale of the show.

It generally starts later.

Interestingly, Scarlett's position was right behind Su Lang, and Su Lang didn't think much about it.

How did Su Lang know that after the last game, Scarlett was reluctant to continue in the second row.

So I managed to get a position on the sidelines.

As for being behind Su Lang, this can only be said to be God's arrangement.

Su Lang and Scarlett began to chat on the sidelines.

The first thing on the court is the Shooting Star and Skills Challenge.

The teams that played the shooting stars were Detroit United, Los Angeles United, San Antonio United, and finally Phoenix United at home.

In the first round, Detroit United successfully entered the second round of the final with Phoenix United at home.

In the finals, although several other Detroit players were not in good shape, they relied on Ranbir's excellent performance.

They still won the shooting star game in the end.

In the end, Rose won the skills challenge.

Next is the finale of the three-point contest and slam dunk contest.

The three-point contest is ahead, and the purpose of this is to warm up for the dunk contest.

The players participating in the three-point contest are: White Devils Mike Bibby, Su Lang, Danny Granger, Jason Capono, Rashad Lewis, Roger Mason.

Looking at the list of players, you can understand why Su Lang was reluctant to participate in the three-point contest at the beginning.

If Su Lang really came to participate,

with the SS-level eight-fold mirror, he would be bullying people.

Lewis was a slow starter, scoring just two goals in the first two points before going on to form well and finishing with 17 points.

Bibby was the second to play, scoring just 14 points.

Su Lang appeared in the third.

Before entering the field, Su Lang turned around and waved his hand at Scarlett.

Then Scarlett did something that Su Lang didn't expect at all.

Scarlett actually gave Su Lang a flying kiss back.

Su Lang looked at Scarlett's slightly red cheeks, and just wanted to yell.

I'm going to hit ten at a time!,

in fact, Scarlett figured it out after she went back last night.

That's the style on the side of the United States.

Once you find out that you like the other person, it's a straightforward confession.

Su Lang didn't expect Scarlett to be so brave.

Su Lang, who was caught off guard by Scarlett, turned a little old and red.

It is the first time that a girl has confessed in public.

Even if Su Lang's face was thick, he couldn't react for a while.

But then in the blink of an eye, Su Lang adjusted his state.

Walked onto the court with great dignity.

It may have been influenced by Scarlett.

Su Lang actually missed three balls at the first point.

Grandma's! A woman will affect the speed at which a gun is drawn

! The ancients don't lie to me!

But Su Lang immediately adjusted his state and hit the next two basketballs.

The first point scored 3 points.

The current rules have not changed to what is common in later generations.

There are now five points in the three-point contest, each with four orange basketballs representing one point and one flower ball representing two points.

The five points out of three are a total of 30 points.

In 14 years, the new rules were changed, and one free point was five flower balls, and the other four points remained the same.

The perfect score became 34 points.

Su Lang played well in the second point, hitting all five basketballs and scoring 6 points.

The third point missed an orange shot and scored five points.

The fourth point, Su Lang once again showed his might, hitting five basketballs in a row and scoring 6 points.

So far, Su Lang has scored 20 points after only throwing four points.

That's higher than the previous scores that Lewis and Mike Bibi had scored for a full five points.

At the last point, Su Lang casually threw three orange basketballs.

The total score reached 23 points.

This is already a high score in previous three-point shooting contests.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Su Lang released the water at the last point.

So 23 points is not Su Lang's limit.

watched Su Lang return to the field with a smile.

The players who participated in the three-point contest began to curse their mothers in their hearts.

Especially Granger, who played behind Su Lang, and defending champion Capono.

Under Su Lang's inhuman play, the pressure on the two people was unprecedented.

[Negative Sentiment from Granger +1000] [Negative Sentiment from Capono +1500]


Su Lang just returned to his seat, looked at the prompt of the system, and couldn't help but smile dumbly.

I just warmed up!

The next step was the same as Su Lang imagined.

Granger and Capono were out of whack under pressure.

Granger scored just 13 points.

It is certain that he is the runner of this year.

The remaining defending champion Capono played out of order in the first two points.

Only 4 points were scored.

However, he hit all five balls at the top of the arc and was stunned to get the rhythm of the collapse back.

But the early wave was too strong, and Capono finally scored 16 points.

They missed out on the final spot by just one point.

In the end, it was Rashad Lewis and Su Lang who made it to the final.

Rashad Lewis is not as good as Capono and is under pressure when he comes on the pitch.

unexpectedly missed one after another, and finally only scored 7 points, and ended hastily.

Su Lang appeared again with a dull expression.

This time, Su Lang didn't even take off his training clothes.

At the first point, Su Lang hit them all.

The second point, Su Lang hit 4 orange balls.

Two points, Su Lang scored 10 points.

Relying only on the shooting of two points, Su Lang determined the champion of this three-point competition.

Su Lang sighed slightly in his heart.

I have to let him participate in the three-point shooting contest of some birds.

It's not interesting at all.

Maybe it's only after Curry comes to the league that the three-point shooting contest will be interesting.

In the end, Su Lang casually threw the remaining balls and scored a total of 19 points.

It's not as high as the first round, but it's more than enough to win the championship.

Su Lang gave all the fans the feeling that it was.

That's right,

Su Lang came to participate in the three-point contest to bully people.

Stern also had a wry smile on his face.

Originally, Su Lang was asked to participate in the three-point competition, hoping to rely on Su Lang's traffic to add some vitality to the three-point competition.

Who would have thought that Su Lang would directly smash the field.

Now he somewhat understands why Su Lang refused to participate in the three-point contest in the first place.

A good game is built on a balance of strength between the two sides.

No one will like this one-sided slaughter competition.

Stern made up his mind that if there was no three-point player who could match Su Lang in the future, he would never invite Su Lang to participate in the three-point contest again.

Let Su Lang do this a few more times.

The three-point contest is completely boring


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