
the warm-up,

the players from both sides officially entered.

Western Conference starters: Kobe Bryant, Amare Stoudemire, Chris Paul, Tim Duncan, Yao Ming.

Eastern Conference starters: LeBron James, Paul Pierce, Dwight Howard, Kevin Garnett, Allen Iverson, Wade's

side has to stay off the court due to injury problems.

Paul Pierce took Wade's starting spot.

The game was just the beginning, and Da Yao, at the urging of Duncan, just came to the midfield and Howard jumped the ball.

Obviously, when facing Howard, jumping ball was a self-inflicted affair.

After seeing that he was about to lose the jump ball, Duncan, the old fox, grinned.

Da Yao shook his head helplessly, jumping ball was not what he was good at.

Su Lang also smiled.

He knew that Duncan didn't have bad thoughts, it was just an All-Star effect.

Su Lang waited quietly from the field.

At first, both sides were more relaxed.

Everyone is on the court performing some dunks or fancy passes.

Five minutes into the first quarter.

Western head coach Phil Jackson called a timeout.

Da Yao and Xiao Si were replaced.

"Shaquille, it's your turn!" Phil

Jackson looked at a big black fat man on the sidelines.

O'Neill nodded faintly.

At the beginning, the Zen master sided with Kobe, so that O'Neal had to leave Los Angeles.

In fact, O'Neill has always had a knot in his heart.

So the mood towards Phil Jackson is not very high.

However, after Su Lang knew about this game, the alliance intervened, and they should be able to release their previous suspicions.

"Su, you let it go!" Su

Lang was recalling some details in his memory.

Phil Jackson's voice sounded in Su Lang's ears.

Su Lang was a little surprised.

In fact, Su Lang himself didn't expect to be replaced so early.

Su Lang thought that his first quarter All-Star was here to play soy sauce.

I didn't expect the Zen master to let him play so early.

In fact, Su Lang underestimated his charm, and Su Lang's ability to appear so early was actually arranged by Stern in private.

Otherwise, according to the Zen master's idea, Su Lang is indeed a soy sauce all-star this year.

Stern's purpose in doing this is very simple, he needs the dragon country flow on Su Lang's body.

Although Su Lang is not as famous as Da Yao in the Dragon Kingdom now.

But the rising trend of traffic on Su Lang's body cannot be underestimated.

There were also substitutions on the eastern side.

Iverson comes off and Ray Allen comes on.

Larry Brown made a bizarre substitution.

Su Lang could obviously see that Xiao Mo's face on the eastern side was not very good-looking.

It stands to reason that after Iverson left the field, Xiao Mo, who is also in the No. 1 position, should be replaced.

But Xiao Mo was still on the bench.

But soon Su Lang understood.

James is once again a playmaker small forward.

After there was no No. 1 position in the East, James naturally took on the responsibility of the team's organization.

The first round after playing.

Su Lang just stayed quietly in the bottom corner.

Sure enough, Su Lang didn't get the ball in the first round, and after Kobe Bryant directly changed direction and shook off Pierce, he shot in a quick stop.

Basketball hits.

Turning his head to the offensive round in the east, Su Lang directly faced James.

Su Lang didn't take it seriously, in fact, everyone came to play the All-Star Game.

When Su Lang retreated to the three-point line, he waited for James' offense.

James looked at Su Lang with a smile.

In the next second, James directly lowered the center of gravity of his body sharply, and then accelerated and rushed out from Su Lang's side.

Su Langgang wanted to chase James.

Then Su Lang felt like he had hit a wall.

Your uncle! Don't talk about martial arts! Play blocking and demolition!

Su Lang turned his head and saw who was blocking his way just now.


Howard had a happy look on his face.

Su Lang shook his head helplessly.

In the next second, James ran past Su Lang's side proudly.

Looking at James's expression, Su Lang didn't know why he suddenly wanted to beat him.

Offensive round in the west.

What is interesting this time is that after Kobe Bryant received Paul's pass, he did not choose to attack by himself, but passed directly to Su Lang.

Su Lang looked at Kobe Bryant in surprise.

"Come on, let me see what you're capable of!" Kobe

Bryant said lightly.

Su Lang smiled.

But in the next second, Su Lang couldn't laugh.

James, Garnett, and Ray Allen came straight over.

Su Lang was shocked, what the hell was waiting for me here!

Su Lang had no choice but to pass the basketball to Kobe.

Then Su Lang saw James's smile.

If the scene just now had nothing to do with James, he wouldn't believe it when he killed Su Lang.

"Hahaha! How about it!This treatment is okay!" James

smiled and came to Su Lang's side.

This is Lao Tzu's first All-Star, and you actually joined forces with them to attack me

! What else do you say that I am your

brother! Dog's day!

Is my brother here to stab the knife?

Su Lang glared at James fiercely.

After seeing Su Lang's face, James smiled even more wantonly.

"You wait for me!" Su

Lang said viciously.

In fact, when James was in the locker room, the gift he prepared for Su Lang was very simple.

That's when you treat others, or as usual all-stars, hello, hello, everyone, let's play together.

But on Su Lang's side, they have to get serious and let Su Lang experience the cruelty of the NBA.

In fact, this is just a prank by James.

Bryant gave a back-to-back pass to O'Neal, who opened up Howard under the basket and completed a one-handed dunk.

The fans in the stadium burst into cheers.

OK connection, this is also a memory in the hearts of fans.

The cheers of the fans in the audience brought Kobe Bryant and O'Neal back a little back to the days when they played together.

However, time has passed, and the two of them now seem to be strangers.

An arrogant person like Kobe Bryant naturally won't apologize, although O'Neal is funny, but in fact, he is also very arrogant in his heart.

That's why two people are strangers.

However, the cheers of the fans made the frozen hearts of the two people begin to loosen.

Offensive round in the East.

James still had the same evil smile on his face.

Su Lang stared at James.

Laugh! Laugh! If you laugh later, Lao Tzu Su Zi writes backwards!

James just controlled the ball and passed half the court, and Su Lang made a lunge to go up.

Don't talk about martial arts first!Don't blame me for being ruthless!The

next second,

Su Lang directly turned on the death winding mode.

"Hey, James, I've always wanted to tell you, your dribbling is actually pretty lame, you can't get past me!" the

smile on James' face froze instantly.

Can't you get past me?

Watch my tank hit! Eight steps from the dragon!

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