James accelerated suddenly, although his dribble was lame, but his body was strong

! The tank hit the road!

He didn't believe that Su Lang's small physique could defend him.

James easily slipped past Su Lang's side.

But James suddenly felt that something was wrong.

"Hey, James, are you looking for him?"

Su Lang passed from his side.

James looked back and saw Su Lang holding the basketball with one hand and looking at him with a smile.

"I've said it all, you can't get past me!" Su

Lang smiled faintly.

"That's it, give you another chance!" Su

Lang said as he took control of the ball and walked to James' side.

Then in full view, the basketball was passed to James.

James was

blinded, the players in the West were blinded, the players in the East were blinded

, and the operation was done,

but the fans in the

stadium were excited.

"Get over him, get over him......"

the fans began to shout together.

Su Lang lowered his center of gravity and looked at James in front of him.

[Negative emotion value from James +1000]

"Hey, man, you're too ruthless!" James

looked at Su Lang in front of him helplessly.

James could see that the players in the East were starting to snicker, because they all knew that James had done something bad to Su Lang.

Now that James is cocooned and put on a swing by Su Lang, the players in the East naturally like to watch such a bustle.

"Don't forget that you made the first move! don't say that the previous incident has nothing to do with you!" Su

Lang said with a smile.

James shook his head helplessly, and the next second, his eyes became firm.

"Since that's the case, I won't show mercy!" As

soon as the words fell, James suddenly lowered his center of gravity and broke through from Su Lang's side.

Let's do this again! Don't talk about martial arts!

James wants to hit Su Lang by surprise, as long as he passes Su Lang, he won't be able to lose face.

After all, James didn't want to be embarrassed on such a big stage.

But James felt as if he had gone back in time.

I looked down and saw that the basketball in my hand was gone again.

Your uncle!

James almost vomited out a mouthful of old blood.

"Pass it to him! pass it to him......"

At this time, the fans on the field also began to heckle.

They began to let Su Lang continue to pass the basketball to James.

James's old face darkened.

"Don't do it, man, I was wrong, don't mess with me, save me some face!" James


If it were to happen again, James would have made headlines in the media the next day.

That's too embarrassing!Su

Lang smiled.

"Hey, James, I can't help it! Look at how loud the fans are

!" "It's okay! As long as you get past me, it's fine!Don't worry, I'll give you water!"


Lang smiled and passed the basketball to James again.

James's face was not very good-looking, but when he heard that Su Lang would release water, James's face became happy.

A few seconds later.

"Su Lang, your uncle!You lie to me!"

[Negative emotion value from James +5000]

James's roar came from Su Lang's back.

Su Lang controlled the basketball and rushed to the basket in the east, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Let's eat fart

! Dare to me

! If I don't give you some color, I really don't know how many eyes your Uncle Su has!

The fans and players off the field have already been happy.

It's been a long time since I've seen such an interesting all-star.

Everyone is happy, but James is the only one who scolds his mother!

The happiness of tens of thousands of people is based on James's pain.

A smile appeared on the corner of Da Yao's mouth.

The corners of Kobe's mouth also rose slightly,

and the reason why he was happy was because his focus was different from others.

Kobe Bryant saw Su Lang's excellent defensive ability.

Then I remembered the conversation with Su Lang in the locker room.

Kobe Bryant suddenly looked forward to a head-to-head showdown with Su Lang.


In the next game, Su Lang did not continue to bully James.

It's not because Su Lang doesn't want to continue, but because James was replaced by Larry Brown.

Xiao Mo came to the court as he wished, and James gritted his teeth and went off the court.

Lifting a stone to shoot himself in the foot, it is James who is talking about it.

I originally wanted to play a prank on Su Lang, but I didn't expect to be beaten by Su Lang with a blue nose and swollen face.

After Xiao Mo came on the court, he behaved normally

in the first round, he dared to disgust James in the ball, but he didn't dare to mess around in front of so many big guys in the All-Star Game.

Xiao Mo honestly passed the basketball to Garnett.

Garnett faced Duncan's defense.

After turning his back, he directly connected to his trick, the iron-blooded jumper.

The basketball popped straight out of the frame.

At this time, a figure descended from the earth and flew directly into the air.

After a loud bang, the basketball was pressed into the hoop.

The person who came was Howard!

Su Lang grinned straight at the outside line, if it wasn't for O'Neill's side to hide quickly, maybe he would be detained.

O'Neal, who hates being separated the most in his life, may have a bad night.

is worthy of being able to replace James alone at his peak.

It's the turn of the offensive round in the west.

After Kobe Bryant received the ball, he hesitated.

However, in the end, the basketball was passed to Su Lang.

After Su Lang received the pass in the bottom corner, he suddenly had a familiar and unfamiliar feeling.

Isn't that exactly what he spent most on the court when he first started playing basketball?

The corners of Su Lang's mouth rose slightly.

Seeing that Kobe Bryant, who had retreated to the center line after passing the ball, Su Lang suddenly wanted to spoof Kobe.

Let's see if Kobe's ice cube face will have some expression.

Su Lang was in the bottom corner, waved his hand, and motioned for his teammates on the inside line to pull away.

It's like I'm going to play singles.

No one thought much about it, and Kobe Bryant didn't think much about it.

But after the space on the inside line was stretched, Su Lang did not choose to attack.

Instead, he feints on the spot.

"Hey, boy, I remind you, it's almost time to attack"

After James went off the court, Pierce became the defender opposite Su Lang.

At this time, Pierce looked like an old man and kindly reminded Su Lang.

Su Lang glanced up at the offensive time on the field.

There are 5 seconds left.

Don't worry! Don't panic!

The corners of Su Lang's mouth rose slightly.

When there were three seconds left in the attack time, Su Lang threw his arm directly.

The basketball rushed out like a missile.

The target was none other than Bryant near the halfway line.

Bryant was originally watching a play near the midline.

Suddenly, I saw a basketball flying.

Subconsciously, Kobe Bryant's gaze swept the timer.

When there

was more than a second left in the offensive time, the basketball came to Kobe's hands.

[Negative sentiment from Kobe Bryant +1000]


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