Su Lang's heart blossomed.

I didn't expect the tsundere's ice-faced Kobe Bryant to have such a side.

Su Lang used the lone wolf pass that he hadn't used for a long time.

Isn't it just to come to the All-Star Arena to play?

Being able to see Kobe Bryant's usually serious ice cube face is embarrassed, what could be more fun than this.

Su Lang can be sure that Kobe's mood is definitely not as calm as his face.

It is estimated that when I received the basketball, I began to curse the street in my heart.

The picture comes to Kobe's side.

When Kobe Bryant received the basketball, it was too late to make superfluous moves.

So Kobe Bryant directly took advantage of the situation and threw the basketball out of the middle circle.

I have to say that Kobe Bryant's luck is good, coupled with Su Lang's lone wolf pass, the

basketball crossed an arc in the air,

and then hit the board.

This wave of operations has stunned the players in the east.

Ray Allen, who defended Kobe, was also blinded.

After the goal, Kobe Bryant was stunned for a moment, and then the corners of his mouth slowly rose.

There was nothing but a smile on his face.


Kobe Bryant suddenly became very interested in Su Lang.

"Hey, you're not too daring!" Kobe

said to Su Lang with a smile when he returned to defense.

O'Neal looked at Kobe Bryant in surprise.

As Kobe's former teammate, O'Neal knows how arrogant Kobe is again.

Kobe Bryant actually took the initiative to say to a rookie.

This is indeed a surprising thing.

"Hahaha! That's a wonderful pass, isn't it?"

Su Lang also looked at Kobe Bryant with a smile.

But he was about to laugh out loud.

Because of the notifications that keep popping up in the system.

[Negative Sentiment from Kobe Bryant +500] [Negative Sentiment from Kobe Bryant +500] [Negative Sentiment from Kobe Bryant +500



It's clear that Kobe Bryant is still the same Kobe.

Still holding grudges.

Su Lang gave him a frightened pass, although in the end Kobe Bryant hit.

And there is a feeling of unfinished, but this does not mean that Kobe Bryant can forgive Su Lang for doing this.

In the offensive round in the East, Garnett faked a real pass, and directly Ghoward came to a delicate cooperation.

After seeing Howard jump.

O'Neal also gave Howard the opportunity to perform.

After Howard jumped high, he came directly with a tomahawk slash.

Cut two points for the East.

Howard laughed and fell from the sky.

Su Lang looked at Howard with a smile on his face, and sighed slightly in his heart.

It stands to reason that Howard's achievements should never be like those of later generations.

But there is no way, the reality is cruel.

With such a talented player as Howard, who would have thought that he would later wander from team to team.

It can only be said that it is a creation that makes people.

Su Lang silently felt sorry for Howard in his heart.

Suddenly, Su Lang felt that something was wrong, and he didn't know why he suddenly became sentimental today.

This is indeed not Su Lang's style.

Su Lang shook it, expelling the sentimental emotions in his mind.

Turn your head to the western offensive round.

Interestingly, Kobe Bryant asked Paul directly for the ball this time.

Paul thought about it for a moment and then passed the basketball to Kobe.

After all, Kobe Bryant is the leader in the west, and this bit of face still has to be given.

Bryant received the ball and moved towards the bottom corner.

After Su Lang watched Kobe move over, he had no choice but to go out from the bottom corner to pull space for Kobe.

The position in the bottom corner of his own was occupied by Kobe.

Su Lang can only go to the top of the arc.

Bryant dribbled in the bottom corner while observing his position on the court.

With a back turn, Kobe Bryant instantly accelerated and rushed to the basket.

Ray Allen was in hot pursuit.

Kobe Bryant braked sharply in an instant.

Dribble under one crotch to stabilize your body.

At this time, Kobe Bryant can actually attack.

But Kobe Bryant deliberately waited for Ray Allen.

Ray Allen also did not live up to Kobe, and was blocked in front of Kobe Bryant again in the next second.

Bryant had no choice but to retreat while controlling the ball and move towards the bottom corner again.

It looked like he had reorganized his attack.

Su Lang, who was two steps away from the three-point line at the top of the arc, crossed his waist and watched Kobe Bryant single-handedly challenge Lei Allen.

Suddenly, Su Lang had an ominous premonition.

Because Su Lang saw the time on the timer, there were still four seconds left in the attack time.

Su Lang looked in Kobe's direction in surprise.

Isn't it! Lao Ke won't do this

! A second later, Su Lang's scalp was numb!

Because Kobe Bryant in the bottom corner threw his arm directly.

The basketball flew at him.


Bryant looked at the basketball that flew out, and the corners of

his mouth rose slightly in an arc.

Hmph! Stinky boy! Dare to calculate me

! Let you taste this too!


Kobe Bryant repaid the terrifying pass that Su Lang gave him before.

Kobe Bryant made up his mind at the beginning of the round to do this.

From the beginning, Su Lang will be transferred to the position at the top of the arc through the running position.

In the end, he feigned a breakthrough and failed, and was forced back to the bottom corner again by Ray Allen.

This is all played by Kobe.

Su Lang was completely deceived by Kobe's superb acting skills.

It wasn't until the last few seconds that Su Lang felt that something was abnormal.

But it was too late.

After Su Lang received the basketball, Pierce had already blocked it.

Obviously, he didn't want to give Su Lang a chance to shoot.

Although the distance from which Su Lang received the ball was closer than the distance that Kobe Bryant received before.

But Su Lang has Pierce's defense in front of him! Lao Ke! You are a real dog!

I didn't expect you to be such an old Ke!

Su Lang sighed in his heart, and then he could only force a three-point shot against Pierce's defense


The basketball arcs in a rainbow-like arc in the air and finally hollows into the net.

After seeing the basketball enter the net, Su Lang silently wiped the cold sweat on his head.

Su Lang never dreamed that one day he would receive a "

lone wolf pass!" The

problem is that Kobe's lone wolf pass is a real dog!

Su Lang's lone wolf pass is also blessed by the system's hit rate.

Kobe Bryant's is nothing.

Su Lang finally realized the meaning of that sentence.

Sooner or later,

Su Lang used the skill of lone wolf passing to wake up many people in nightmares at night.

Now feng shui takes turns, and it's Su Lang's turn.

"Hey, good job!" Kobe

Bryant said to Su Lang when he returned to defense.

Looking at the curvature of the corners of Kobe's mouth rising slightly.

Su Lang's teeth itched in an instant.

Kobe Bryant, the ancients are honestly not deceiving me

! It's really a fucking grudge

! Why don't you go to acting! This fucking acting skills are amazing!

Su Lang thinks that the MVP trophy of this NBA All-Star Game should be replaced by a little golden man.

This is in line with Kobe's acting skills.

After a while, Su Lang finally woke up to Kobe's calculating emotions.

Su Lang stared in Kobe's direction.

silently wrote down Kobe Bryant in a small notebook.

Hey, hey, we're not done!

You wait for me!

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