
The game on the court was already halfway through the third quarter.

The score was fixed at 71:73

The Warriors trailed by two points at home.

Su Lang gasped for breath from the sidelines.

Kobe Bryant on the other side had cold eyes and hurried to rest off the court.

"Let me play, coach!" Su

Lang stood up directly and said to Don Nelson after taking a sip of water.

"You've only had a 1-minute break!" Don

Nelson looked at Su Lang in surprise.

For Su Lang's decision, Don Nelson was very puzzled.

"Don't worry, my physical strength is okay, I don't want him to rest"

Su Lang looked in Kobe's direction.

Don Nelson followed Su Lang's line of sight and instantly understood Su Lang's thoughts.

Don Nelson called a timeout and put Su Lang on the court.

Seeing Su Lang on the court, Kobe Bryant stood up from the bench without saying a word.

A wry smile appeared on the corner of the Zen master's mouth.

Although Kobe's violently undulating chest proves that Kobe's physical condition is very bad now.

But the Zen master couldn't refuse Kobe's request to play.

Su Lang and Kobe Bryant stepped onto the court at the same time.

In an instant, the invisible fire of war between the two people was ignited again.

"Hey, Kobe, don't you take a break, I don't think you're in a good state"

Su Lang looked at Kobe Bryant with a smile.

"Rookie!Sometimes what you see with your eyes isn't necessarily true!".

Kobe Bryant's determined eyes did not waver in the slightest.

Su Lang smiled and did not continue to speak.

The Warriors' offensive round. Su Lang controlled the basketball after half court.

Without waiting for Kobe to step forward to defend, he accelerated and moved towards a forty-five-degree angle.

Kobe Bryant moved in the direction of Su Lang's breakthrough with tired steps.

A smile appeared on the corner of Su Lang's mouth.

At this time, Su Lang had already felt that Kobe's physical fitness had indeed decreased a lot.

Because Kobe's pace is not as flexible as before.

Take advantage of your illness to kill you!

At the moment when Kobe Bryant's defense was in place, Su Lang changed direction again and moved to the right side.

Although Kobe Bryant had already anticipated Su Lang's route in his mind.

But his pace was still a step slower.

Su Lang seized the opportunity and threw off Kobe Bryant with an acceleration.

Rushed to the inside line.

Kobe Bryant chased after Su Lang.

But it was too late, Su Lang came to the basket and made a feint to pass the ball to the right.

Shake off Odom in front of him and put the basketball into the basket with one hand.

[Negative emotion value from Kobe Bryant +5000]

"I said you're old!" Su

Lang said to Kobe Bryant with a smile.

In fact, Kobe Bryant is just 30 years old now, and he is at the peak of his career as a basketball player.

It is a stage when the player is fully mature technically, mentally and physically.

Kobe Bryant certainly isn't old.

Of course, compared with Su Lang, Kobe Bryant is naturally older.

Su Lang's purpose in doing this was to provoke Kobe.

This is the purpose of Su Lang all the time saying this.

But for now, it seems that Kobe Bryant is not in the slightest sign of being irritated by this statement.

looked at Kobe Bryant, who did not waver in the slightest.

Su Lang knew that he needed to find a breakthrough from other directions.

"Hey, Kobe, I've already scored more than twenty points on your head!" Su

Lang said in Kobe's ear when he returned to defense.

After saying this, Su Lang instantly felt that the air around him became cold.

There is a play!

The corners of Su Lang's mouth rose slightly.

"Rookie, I also got more than twenty points on your head!" Kobe

Bryant said coldly.

Kobe's words made Su Lang's heart bloom, and he finally found a breakthrough for Kobe.

Kobe Bryant holds the ball and faces Su Lang.

Now Kobe Bryant just wants to teach Su Lang a hard lesson.

But Su Lang directly put huge pressure on Kobe Bryant the moment he received the ball.

If it is placed before, Kobe Bryant scored from Su Lang's head with complete ease.

But now the situation is different.

Bryant felt his steps getting heavier and heavier as his physical strength wore out.

No matter which direction he breaks through, Su Lang can take the first step to block Kobe's forward path.


, Kobe Bryant cursed in his heart.

In the next second, Su Lang found an opportunity and directly stabbed the basketball in Kobe's hand.

Bryant also felt the news that the handball was stolen.

Kobe Bryant quickly turned around and saw the basketball that was stabbed by Su Lang, and Su Lang who had rushed out of his side.

Kobe knew that if this situation continued, Su Lang would definitely pick up the basketball and attack first.

In the next second, Kobe Bryant directly made an astonishing decision.

Bryant's feet kicked the ground violently, and the whole person flew out.

There was a loud bang.

Kobe fell heavily on the floor, but the basketball was also grabbed by Kobe Bryant with one hand.

Su Lang looked at Kobe Bryant who fell to the ground in front of him in surprise, and was a little shocked.

is worthy of No. 24 with paranoid attributes!

But Su Lang was not soft, Su Lang reached out and grabbed the basketball in Kobe's arms.

The referee's whistle interrupted Su Lang's movements, and the Zen master had already called a timeout on the sidelines.

Fisher ran straight over and pulled Bryant up from the floor.

Kobe Bryant got up and looked at Su Lang.

Su Lang shrugged his shoulders with a smile, and then walked off the court without looking back.

Kobe Bryant also came to the court, sat in a chair and seized this little time to regain his strength.


Kobe Bryant gasped for air.

Although he didn't want to admit it, Kobe knew that he still underestimated Su Lang.

Before the game, Kobe Bryant never thought that Su Lang would cause him so much trouble.

This time, the scramble woke up Bryant.

He knew that he had fallen into Su Lang's rhythm, and that this game had broken out too early.

That's why it's a bit out of control now.


Kezhong exhaled heavily.

"Let Ariza get on!" Bryant

said lightly.

The Zen master, who was arranging the sideline ball tactics, heard Kobe's words, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

He just knew that Kobe Bryant would definitely react.

Because he knew that compared with the confrontation with Su Lang, Kobe Bryant attached more importance to the team's victory.

Ariza is the Lakers' second biggest perimeter defensive rambling after Kobe.

If Kobe Bryant is out of the game, Ariza is the best option to defend Su Lang.

The timeout ended, and the players from both sides returned to the field.

Su Lang was surprised to find that Kobe Bryant was resting off the court.

This is different from the situation imagined by Su Lang.

According to Kobe's character, he should not choose to back down at this time.

But the fact that Kobe Bryant was on the floor proved that Su Lang's plan failed.

Damn! It's just a little bit!

Su Lang thought with chagrin in his heart.

Just a little bit, Su Lang can run Kobe or let Kobe break the defense.

But I didn't expect Kobe Bryant to wake up at this time

! Damn!

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