Su Lang stared at Kobe Bryant, who was calm off the field, and his eyes gradually became sharper.

I don't believe you can sit on

the court!

After Kobe Bryant went off the court, the Lakers used Ariza to defend Su Lang.

But Su Lang had already made up his mind in his heart to bring Ke Daxin back to the field.

So in the face of Ariza's defense, Su Lang turned on the god-killing mode.


shot! Three-point shot

! Three-point shot hit again! Breakthrough! Three-point shot! Assist!

After Kobe Bryant left the court, Su Lang directly exploded with unprecedented energy.

The score on the court was gradually overtaken by the Warriors.

The whistle blew at the end of the third quarter.

The score came to 95:86

The Warriors directly extended the margin to nine points.

But until the end of the third quarter, Kobe Bryant did not play, and Su Lang clearly knew that a 9-point advantage did not guarantee their victory.

The fourth quarter of the game will be a real Shura field.


The fourth quarter begins


Bryant went straight back to the court.

Bryant, who had rested for less than half a quarter, has recovered from a state on the verge of collapse to a normal range.

Bryant stepped onto the court again.

A 9-point difference!

Bryant was confident that he could control the pace of the game in his own hands.

Su Lang sat on the sidelines to rest, and when Kobe Bryant broke off in the third quarter, Su Lang broke down the entire Lakers team by himself.

Su Lang wanted to take advantage of Kobe's absence to pull the score away.

But in the end, it was only 9 points.

This also caused Su Lang to consume a lot of physical strength.

So at the beginning of the fourth quarter of the game, Su Lang could only choose to rest off the court, because he knew that there would be more fierce confrontation next.

A 9-point margin of points, three minutes after Kobe Bryant came on the court.

With a signature back-to-back jumper from Kobe Bryant, he hit.

The score came to 96:96

In three minutes, after Su Lang went off the court, the Warriors only relied on free throws to score 1 point.

Kobe Bryant chased the difference back.

Su Lang couldn't help but scold in his heart.

Su Lang stood up from the sidelines, he needed to get back on the field.

The Warriors needed him!

The Warriors called a timeout and replaced Su Lang on the court.

The first round.

Su Lang directly threw a cold arrow at the position of the logo, and directly shot three points.

The basketball went into the net, and the score came to 99:96

In the next round, Kobe Bryant went straight to the basket through cover.

Look at this Andris defense, hit a 2+1

The score came to 99:99.

The two sides will not budge an inch.

Every time Su Lang hits a shot, Kobe Bryant will try his best to respond.

The scores of both sides alternated upwards.

Don Nelson is constantly directing the Warriors' players off the court.

The Zen master is holding his hands in his arms, calmly looking at the situation on the field.

In this case, the Zen master has absolute trust in Kobe.

There were four minutes left in the moment.

The Zen master glanced up at the timer above.

Walked straight to the sidelines.

Whistled at the Lakers players.

Then he raised his right fist.

The Lakers players instantly understood the Zen Master's tactics.

Bryant frowned when he saw the Zen master's gesture.

Because he knew the meaning of this gesture of the Zen master.


Su Lang!

Su Lang just controlled the basketball over the half court.

While Kobe Bryant stepped forward to defend, Wharton also came directly to Su Lang's side.

The two forced Su Lang to move to the right.

There's also the Lakers' Fisher in that direction.

As long as Su Lang moves to the right, then Su Lang will fall into the three-person bag.

The Zen Master's tactics are clear, the rest of the Warriors can attack, but Su Lang cannot.

In fact, the Zen master has long seen that the offensive end of the Warriors team relies on Su Lang's outburst, and once Su Lang is dumbfounded, then the

Warriors will be a toothless tiger.

The reason why the old fox of the Zen master has not let the players contain Su Lang is that he has given the Warriors a fatal blow until now.

Warriors head coach Don Nelson discovered the Zen Master's purpose.

Don Nelson looked in the direction of the Zen Master and saw that the Zen Master was looking at the field with a smile on his face.

I couldn't help cursing the old fox in my heart.

It's been so insidious for many years!

Su Lang had no choice but to pass the basketball to Margeti, who was missed by Wharton.

Margeti seized the opportunity and rushed to the basket.

At this time, Gasol and Odom under the basket also became crazy in an instant.

An expression that wants to eat Margety.

Margeti rushed to the basket and forced a layup for a foul on Odom.

Two free throws, Margeti hit the first shot, and the second basket went straight out of the frame.

Gasol grabbed the rebound.

The Zen master's tactics have been successful.

In the next few rounds, Su Lang was stared at by the Lakers players.

Once Su Lang gets the basketball, he will at least fall into the defense of two people.

The Zen master made up his mind not to let Su Lang make a move.

With more than two minutes left in the game, the score on the court came to 109:114

The Lakers have a five-point lead.

Lakers offense, Bryant passes the ball to Odom.

Odom hit a rebound from a 45-degree angle to stretch the margin to seven points.

Su Lang felt a pain in his brain.

Then he looked at Zen master Phil Jackson on the sidelines.

It's all this kind of goods!

Su Lang didn't find a chance to teach him a lesson throughout the game.

Unexpectedly, the last moment was put by the Zen master.

Su Lang's mood became more and more unhappy.

In the Warriors' offensive round, Su Lang dribbled past half court.

Bryant and Wharton came up again.

Su Lang immediately looked for Margeti, who had been missed.

But this time, I don't know why Margety's brain was pumping.

Plunged headlong into Odom's range.

Su Lang had no passing target for a while.

Su Lang felt that his hands were empty, and his mood instantly tensed.

In the next second, Su Lang saw the basketball in his hand flying into the distance.

There is also the figure of Kobe Bryant rushing to the basketball.

At this moment, Su Lang only had basketball in his eyes.

Without thinking much about it, Su Lang kicked the ground violently, and the whole person rushed out like an arrow.

After taking two steps, Su Lang knew that Kobe Bryant would definitely get the basketball one step ahead of him.

At this moment, Su Lang thought of the previous scene of Kobe Bryant falling to the ground and scrambling.

In the next second, Su Lang threw himself directly into the air.

Su Lang clearly felt that he was getting closer and closer to basketball.

In the next second, in Kobe's shocked eyes, Su Lang grabbed the basketball with both hands and grabbed the basketball into his arms.

At the same time, he looked at the referee.

"Pause!" Su

Lang yelled.

The referee had already put the whistle to his mouth, waiting for Su Lang to call a timeout.

The moment Su Lang's words fell, the referee blew the whistle in his mouth.

The moment the whistle fell, Su Lang also fell out of bounds.


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