Why do you feel bounced?

Shouldn't it hurt to fall on the floor?



Just when Su Lang wondered why he didn't feel pain when he fell on the floor.

A groan of pain.

pulled Su Lang back to reality.

Su Lang saw the Lakers players start running towards him.

Subconsciously glanced at his body.

Good guys

! I wonder I have to feel pain!

It turns out that I have a human flesh pad.

It was Phil Jackson, the Zen master who placed Su Lang together, who acted as a human cushion.

When Su Lang flew into the air just now, when he grabbed the ball, he only had basketball in his eyes, and he didn't notice the situation on the sidelines at all.

The Zen master didn't expect Su Lang to suddenly fly out of the boundary.

couldn't dodge and was directly knocked to the floor by Su Lang.

Unintentionally inserted willows and willows, Su Lang originally thought that he would not find a chance to teach the Zen master in this game.

Unexpectedly, at the last moment, the Zen master actually sent it to the door himself.

While Su Lang was thinking, the members of the Warriors rushed over one after another and pulled Su Lang up from the floor.

The Lakers players were all in a hurry to help the Zen master up.

"Hey, hey!!don't move!,"

Fisher had just touched the Zen master when the Zen master let out a howl of pain.

At this time, the medical staff also quickly came to the venue.

After a slight observation, he called a stretcher cart directly.

Several people struggled to carry the Zen master onto the stretcher, but during this time, the Zen master had to howl in pain again.

Martial Saint Jackson sneaked close to Su Lang.

"Hey, boss, you can't mean it,"

Jackson looked at Su Lang with a wicked smile.

"What do you think! Am I that kind of person? Everything is a coincidence, do you understand the coincidence"

Su Lang had a righteous and awe-inspiring expression.

How can you think of yourself like this, am I Su Lang that kind of person?

Su Lang couldn't get angry when he looked at Jackson with a wicked smile on his face.

"Hahaha! I know, it's not just a coincidence! I see!" Jackson

smiled meaningfully.

Su Lang, who was watching, wanted to give him an electric cannon.

Su Lang knew that Jackson must have mistakenly thought that the Zen master's injury was done by Su Lang on purpose.

But this time Su Lang really didn't mean it.

I'm a good person!Why doesn't anyone believe it!Alas~

Su Lang looked at the Zen master who was carried out speechlessly.


After the Zen master left the field, the game continued.

Possession of the ball by the Warriors.

Don Nelson laid out a sideline ball tactic, hoping that Su Lang would be able to grab a three-pointer.

If it hits, then the Warriors still have a chance.

Margeti serves a sideline ball from the sidelines.

Andris and Brandon White continued to block and dismantle for Su Lang.

The Lakers, for their part, also saw the Warriors' strategy.

Kobe Bryant followed Su Lang desperately.

Wharton followed Bryant's pace closely and chased after Su Lang.

But Su Lang still ran out of position, and the opportunity was fleeting, and Margeti threw the basketball directly in the direction of Su Lang.

But in the next second, there was a mistake in the pass.

The passing route of the basketball was discovered by Odom.

Odom stole the pass with a lunge.

As a last resort, Brandon White had no choice but to foul.

The referee's whistle blew, announcing that the Warriors were on the edge of a cliff.

With Odom hitting two free throws.

The suspense of this game is completely lost.


The whistle blew at the end of the game.

The score was fixed at 129:120

The Lakers won the game by nine points.

Bryant scored 38 points, 3 rebounds, 9 assists, 3 steals and 2 blocks.

Su Lang scored 43 points, 4 rebounds, 11 assists and 3 steals. In addition, Su Lang also contributed 7 turnovers in this game.

This is also a new high in Su Lang's career.

I have to say that the Lakers' defense really made Su Lang very uncomfortable.

At the end of the game, Kobe Bryant walked in the direction of Su Lang.

Now Kobe Bryant has recognized Su Lang's strength in his heart.

"Very good performance! You are indeed much better than when I first entered the league

" "But I won this game"

Kobe Bryant finally had a smile on his face.

Su Lang and Kobe Bryant hugged each other.

At the moment of hugging, Su Lang said in Kobe's ear.

"Actually, I wanted to run and vomit at you at first, if you hadn't run fast, you wouldn't have had a chance to talk like that now" "

Also, you won this game, but I cut more than thirty points on your head, so I won the duel between the two of us"

The smile on Kobe's face instantly froze.

[Negative sentiment value from Kobe Bryant +10000]

Kobe Bryant's side finally found the familiar feeling of the first half.

Shit! So he wanted to run and vomit me

! What a fucking insidious!

It reminded Kobe of Hamilton.

A man Bryant never wanted to remember for the rest of his life.

And Su Lang was right, he did break the game in the third quarter, and Su Lang did cut more than 30 points on his head.

Kobe Bryant instantly felt that the victory in this game was not fragrant.

It was as disgusting as eating a fly.

Seeing Kobe's constipated expression, Su Lang's mood instantly refreshed a lot.


Su Lang was not in the mood to participate in the post-game interview, after all, he still lost the game.

Don Nelson had no choice but to take Jackson into the limelight.

Su Lang stayed quietly in the locker room alone.

This game made Su Lang see a problem, the same as against the Celtics.

Once the strength of the opposing team is completely greater than that of the Warriors, the firepower of the Warriors is only Su Lang.

When the opponent tilts the defense to Su Lang's body, the Warriors will completely lose power.

Both games against strong opponents were lost in the same way.

Su Lang's heart was also very helpless.

After all, the team's lineup is indeed a bit unreliable.

And the games will definitely not be good in the future, and it will be time to fight for a playoff spot.

Other teams will definitely look into the Warriors.

In this way, the Lakers' game against them is a template for the league teams.

Su Lang could imagine the defense he would have to face in the future.


After the game, Zen master Phil Jackson's injury report also came out.

Su Lang's flying pounce before the end of the game directly caused the Zen master to break his right leg calf, and he also suffered a serious sprain on his neck.

After Su Lang learned about it, he silently crossed out the Zen master in the small book in his heart, and made another note for Kobe Bryant.

In the next showdown, we must let Kobe's ice cube face break the defense.

Thinking of Kobe, a smile appeared on the corner of Su Lang's mouth.

Although he lost the game, Kobe Bryant was a big player in this game.

One person was stunned for the whole game, providing Su Lang with 70,000 negative emotional values.

Su Lang has seen such a prolific player.

Su Lang made up his mind in his heart, the next time he met Kobe, he must be squeezed

dry! Yes! It is to squeeze him dry!

Kobe, who was far away in the Lakers locker room, suddenly shuddered.

In the dark, Kobe Bryant felt as if he was being targeted by something!!

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