After losing to the Lakers.

There is a problem with the state of the Warriors, and even Su Lang's own state has become bad.

Su Lang didn't know why, and suddenly he didn't feel anything.

Scored no more than 20 points in three consecutive games.

18 points, 17 points, 19 points, this is Su Lang's score in three games.

The result is a situation where the Warriors have lost four in a row since the All-Star break.

The Warriors' record also dropped to sixth in the West.

After four consecutive defeats, Su Lang's mood was very bad, which was reflected in the locker room.

If Su Lang's college teammates are here, they will not be strangers.

Su Lang, who was scared of people without saying a word, came back, and no one in the entire locker room dared to talk to Su Lang.

Even Jackson, the martial saint who usually has the best relationship with Su Lang, is hiding far away.

Looking at Jackson's depressed expression, Su Lang suddenly remembered someone.

It's going to be March Madness soon, and I don't know how he's doing now.

It's time to go see this guy Curry, I don't know if this guy has forgotten what happened last time.

Thinking of this, a smile appeared on the corner of Su Lang's mouth.

"Stephen, come here"

Su Lang said to the Martial Saint Jackson, who looked at Su Lang with a depressed expression.

Nine times out of ten, Su Lang wanted to scare him again.

Jackson walked to Su Lang's side with a generous expression of death.

"As for this expression, hahaha"

Looking at Jackson's expression, Su Lang couldn't help laughing.

Jackson gave Su Lang a look of executive experience.

Isn't it clear to you, I'm about to be hurt by you.

"Okay, don't look miserable, I know that I'm in a bad mood about this matter, and it will affect you

" "That's it! you take them to the nightclub to play around at night, and the consumption is mine,"

Su Lang said to Jackson.

"Really?" Jackson

looked at Su Lang in surprise.

"Really, but I have something to do at night, so I won't go,"

Su Lang continued speechlessly.

After finishing speaking, Su Lang got up and left the locker room.

As soon as he walked out of the door of the locker room, Su Lang heard a burst of cheers erupting in the locker room.

Su Lang shook his head helplessly, took out his mobile phone and dialed a call.

"Help me book a ticket to Davidson"


In the basketball arena at Davidson College.

Su Lang sat in the field in full gear.

Now Su Lang is more or less a celebrity, and for the sake of unnecessary trouble, Su Lang still hides it honestly.

This game is Davidson College vs. University of Kansas.

It was also the last race of February.

Davidson College has already secured the No. 10 seed, so the final match will no longer matter to them.

The normal game became Curry's show.

Winning the NCAA championship last season did create some butterfly effects.

Now Davidson College's basketball team clearly has several unfamiliar faces.

Apparently the players who were re-recruited by the school.

Therefore, the overall strength of this session is stronger than that of Su Lang.

At least you don't have to patch it around like you used to.

Curry has also changed quite a bit.

The breakthrough is sharper, and the three-point shooting rate is higher.

It is enough to see that Curry has definitely not trained less this year.

At the end of the game, the score was fixed at 101:88

The Davidson College Wildcats took the win,

and Curry chipped in a double-double of 38 points and

11 assists.

Su Lang stood up silently and left his seat.

More than ten minutes later.

A roar erupted from inside the locker room at Davidson College.

"Damn, you still dare to come!" In

the locker room, Curry rushed towards Su Lang with his teeth and claws.

"Hey, Stephen, if you don't want to be embarrassed in front of your junior, I think you'd better think clearly before you do it"

Su Lang looked at Curry with a smile on his face.

After hearing Su Lang's words, Curry instantly remembered Su Lang's fatal scissor feet, and the pace under his feet couldn't help but slow down.

[Negative Sentiment Value +1000 from Stephen Curry]

Or is the negative emotion value provided by Curry comfortable!

Looking at the long-lost prompt that popped up in the system, Su Lang felt a warm flow in his heart.

Su Lang stepped forward and put his arms around Curry's neck.

"Stephen, aren't you going to introduce me?"

"Damn! You give me a go! I'm the boss anyway, don't I want to lose face!"

Curry forcibly broke free from Su Lang's control.

looked at Su Lang angrily.

"What is there to introduce, you are now a famous rookie in the league, how can I not know you when I play basketball"

Curry said with a blank look at Su Lang.

"Hahaha! Stephen, I feel a heavy sour taste in your words, are you envious and jealous?"

"When you were asked to participate in the draft with me, you didn't go, otherwise maybe you would be able to make a name for yourself now"

Su Lang said with a smile.

"Envy fart!This is the path I chose, and I won't regret it!" Curry

said with a stubborn expression.

However, Curry looked at Su Lang and was a little envious of Su Lang's ability to kill all sides in the alliance.

Every time he sees the news that Su Lang is in the alliance, Curry will think about whether this will be the case after he enters the alliance.

Su Lang knew that Curry in front of him must be hard-mouthed, maybe he was envious, jealous and hateful in his heart now.

"Okay, don't disturb the juniors

" "Let's go, Stephen, I'll invite you to dinner"

Su Lang looked at Curry and said.

"Hmph, I happened to settle accounts with you last time, wait for me to change my clothes, and I'll leave immediately!"

Curry said.

It seems that he is afraid that Su Lang, who was finally sent to the door, will run away.

Curry, who was about to change his clothes, suddenly turned around and looked at Su Lang.

"Hey, you're in front of an NBA pro, aren't you going to ask for an autograph? his autograph is valuable!"

Curry said to his teammates with a wicked smile.

In the next second, Su Lang was surrounded by the players of Davidson Academy.

Su Lang's face showed a helpless expression.


Half an hour later.

Inside a cafeteria around Davidson College.

"What! You said you lied to me before

!" "Damn! Su Lang! Your uncle! Do you know how I've been living these months!"


jumped up directly from the chair, eager to choke Su Lang's neck.

[Negative sentiment value from Stephen Curry +2000]

"Hahaha! Didn't I do it for your own good, you yourself walked into a dead end, I don't give you a goal, how can you become like this"

Su Lang sat calmly and said.

"Damn, I've been scared for months, and now you're telling me it's a prank" "

I swear if I could beat you, I'd beat you up!" Curry

said, waving his fist.

"Hahaha! If you dare to swing your fist, you dare to guarantee that you will fall to the ground within three seconds!" Su

Lang said calmly.

[Negative sentiment from Stephen Curry +2000]

"Su Lang!

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