With the whistle blowing.

The second half of the game officially began.

Su Lang soon felt that the momentum of the Lakers had changed.

If the Lakers were suppressed by the Warriors in the first half.

The current Lakers are the volcanoes that have burst out.

A burning flame can be seen in everyone's eyes.

The first leg of the second half.

Kobe Bryant came directly to Su Lang and took the initiative to confront Su Lang.

This is also the first time that Su Lang and Kobe Bryant have faced each other in this game.

Su Lang smiled, after the foreshadowing of the first half, Su Lang was ready to harvest Kobe Bryant in the second half.

I didn't expect Kobe Bryant to send it to the door by himself.

After Su Lang received the baseline ball, he directly began to accelerate.

Bryant took a step directly across to intercept Su Lang's forward path.

In the first half of the game, the Lakers suffered a big loss in the face of Su Lang's quick attack.

In the second half, no matter what, Kobe Bryant will not let Su Lang increase his speed.

Kobe Bryant was directly entangled in front of Su Lang.

Su Lang had just controlled the basketball and passed half the court.

The next second, Kobe Bryant hit him directly.


Su Lang a fierce confrontation,

Su Lang instantly unsteady and retreated behind him.


Su Lang instantly understood what Kobe Bryant wanted to do.

If Su Lang takes this step back and lands, the referee will definitely blow the penalty for returning to the court.

That's the experience gap.

Su Lang was attacked by Kobe!

As a last resort,

Su Lang threw the basketball out directly before he landed.

But Kobe Bryant was ready to intercept Su Lang's pass.


the next second,

Su Lang's pass was directly intercepted.

Kobe Bryant directly launched a fast break.

Su Lang turned around in an instant, and rushed towards Kobe Bryant with an acceleration.

Kobe Bryant rushed to the Warriors' basket while observing Su Lang's position.

After crossing the free throw line, Bryant slowed down instantly.

The rhythm changed, and after Kobe slowed down, Su Lang, who was chasing behind Kobe, also had to slow down.

But in the next second, Kobe Bryant directly accelerated again, instantly widening the distance between him and Su Lang.


a loud bang,

Bryant completed a one-handed slam.

In this round, Kobe Bryant used his experience to eat Su Lang to death.

Su Lang can be regarded as suffering a loss.

Looking at the No. 24 falling from the sky, Su Lang's teeth itched for a while.

Kobe Bryant ignored Su Lang's eyes, turned around and ran to the backcourt to defend.

How could Su Lang let him go.

"Hey, Kobe, didn't you say that dunks are only rookies like to play!" Kobe

, who didn't look back, paused in his footsteps for an instant.

[Negative sentiment value from Kobe Bryant +5000]

Kobe Bryant can imagine Su Lang's sloppy smile without looking back.

As soon as he thought of this scene, Kobe Bryant had a feeling of going up and beating him up.

Bryant forcibly suppressed that feeling.

Then he turned around and stared at Su Lang deadly.

Su Lang smiled.

Sample! Then give you tsundere! I can't control you anymore!

After receiving the baseline ball again, Su Lang slowly controlled the basketball for half the court.

The Lakers have done a good job of defending and positioning, and Su Lang doesn't need to pass the half court quickly.

This time, Su Lang was much more vigilant, and was attacked by Kobe Bryant in the last round.

Su Lang has an extra eye in his heart, maybe Kobe Bryant will repeat his old tricks this round.

However, this time Kobe Bryant did not do this, but quietly waited for Su Lang to pass the half.

The Lakers directly put on a joint defensive position.

The entire Lakers' half was like a giant mouth in the abyss, waiting for Su Lang to get into it by himself.

Su Lang flicked his wrist and threw the basketball to Jackson.

In the next second, Su Lang turned on the skill of running for the god, and the whole person began to shuttle through the Lakers' defense.

"Hey, Kobe, aren't you afraid that I'll run and vomit you?"

"You hid fast in the last game, I hope you don't admit it in this game

!" "Hey, Kobe, your pace is too slow!" "

Kobe! I'll go to the bottom corner next!"

Su Lang kept taunting Kobe Bryant beside him while running.

Su Lang's constant taunts made Kobe's brain blow up.

Bryant just wanted to open his mouth to fight back.

In the next second, Su Lang directly ran away from Kobe.

Kobe Bryant roared in his heart and hurriedly chased after Su Lang.

But it was too late, Su Lang had already killed under the basket.

Jackson, who was at the top of the arc, instantly understood what Su Lang was going to do, with the blessing of the spirit rhino card in his heart.

At the moment when Su Lang ran back, Jackson flicked his wrist and the basketball flew directly to the vicinity of the basket.

At the same time, Su Lang flew directly into the sky like an eagle.

Su Lang in the air happened to receive a pass from Jackson.

Gasol under the basket didn't have time to react, so he could only turn his head and look behind him in horror.

In the next second, Su Lang rode directly on Gasol's body and completed an explosive dunk.

A loud bang came, and Su Lang directly completed Gasol's achievement.

After Gasol was buckled by Su Lang, his whole feet were weak and he fell directly to the floor.

[+2000 Negative Sentiment from Gasol]

"Oh my God, what did I see!", "The Buckle of the Century! It's terrifying!",

"Oh my God, I suspect Staples' basket is going to be smashed by him!"


At this moment, the Staples fans were also completely conquered by Su Lang.

They no longer have the idea of home and away.

Su Lang's dunk completely immersed them in the charm of basketball.

"Su, Su, Su......"

Su Lang was stunned at first, and then a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

It was the first time Su Lang had heard the shouts of the fans outside Oracle Stadium.

"Hey, Kobe, your fans have all defected!" Su

Lang looked at Kobe Bryant with a smile.

Kobe's old face darkened.

Now Kobe Bryant's feeling is that he has worked hard outside, but he didn't expect to look back and see that his home was stolen.

That's right! Su Lang stole his hometown



Kobe Bryant directly burst out with a foul mouth.

[Negative sentiment value from Kobe Bryant +10000]

The smile on Su Lang's face gradually became wanton.

Kobe Bryant broke

the defense!

The two games finally made the ice cube face Kobe Bryant break the defense.

Su Lang suddenly had a sense of pride for a moment.

There are a few people in the league who can break Kobe's defense.


Su Lang's heart blossomed.

In the next second, Su Lang's smile froze.

Bryant's mouth was like a machine gun.

Cazzo di merda!【Shit】

Che cazzone!【Fool】

Bastardo! [Hybrid

] [All of the above are in Italian!]


Kobe's mouth kept bursting out of some language that Su Lang couldn't understand at all.

But it can be seen from Kobe's eyes that Kobe Bryant definitely has no time to say good things.

In fact, Bryant is a language genius, he can speak Italian fluently, and he is proficient in some minor languages.

For example, Serbian, Russian, Arabic.

Kobe Bryant doesn't usually use trash talk, but that doesn't mean he doesn't have this weapon.

Obviously, Kobe Bryant is greeting Su Lang now.

It's worthy of the 24th!

Su Lang just now seemed to have opened Kobe's second vein.

Kobe Bryant directly turned on the trash talk overlay mode.

Su Lang looked at the chattering Kobe Bryant and couldn't help but roll his eyes.

Your uncle's! Kobe Bryant, who broke the defense, turned out to be like this!


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