Su Lang can be regarded as experiencing Kobe's trash talk.

Didn't understand what Kobe Bryant was saying at all.

You know he's scolding you, but you can't figure out what he's talking about.

But Su Lang is not good at stubble.

You bully me I don't understand, right! Lao Tzu's native language has not yet made a move!

The next second,

Su Lang directly opened a battle against Kobe Bryant on the field in Long Chinese.

Neither of them could understand what the other was saying.

"Rookie!I'm going to blow your yolk

!"Black Mamba, right?!Lao Tzu made you a dead mamba

!""Come and defend me!I'm going to break your ankle

!"Old immortal!Want to shake me down!"Have your spring and autumn dreams

!"Rookie, your defense is like a piece of shit!"


"Rubbish! You're a trash!"


Both the Lakers and Warriors players on the court were shocked.

Hey guys! Is this still a basketball game?

Are you sure it's not a street fight!

At the end of the third quarter.

The score on the court was fixed at 82:75

Kobe Bryant not only broke out in trash talk, but also in the fighting state of the whole person.

Although Su Lang ridiculed Kobe Bryant as rubbish, he had to admit Kobe's strength in his heart.

In the third quarter, Kobe Bryant was like a sharp knife, inserting into the Warriors' interior again and again.

It was a tear of the Warriors' defense.

If it weren't for Kobe Bryant being angered by Su Lang, the whole person would have fallen into a state of competing with Su Lang.

Ignoring the connection with teammates, maybe the Lakers will be able to completely recover the difference in the third quarter.

Kobe Bryant walked off the field in a huff.

"Lend me your phone!"

Kobe Bryant said to the assistant teacher beside the Zen master.

The assistant teacher glanced at Kobe in surprise, and then handed his phone to Kobe.

Bryant sat directly in the chair.

Start tapping on your phone's screen constantly.

The Zen master looked at it curiously, and the next second the Zen master's face showed a speechless expression.


The intermission ended quickly.

Players from both sides returned to the pitch.

Kobe Bryant didn't even think about it, and he directly slammed Su Lang.

In the Lakers' offensive round, Su Lang quietly stuck to Kobe's side.

"You-yes--!" Su

Lang, who was sticking to Kobe Bryant's side, thought he had heard it wrong for a moment.

Good guy! Dragon Chinese is out!

Kobe Bryant sprayed a repeat sentence in Dragon Chinese again.

Su Lang's whole person became bad.

That's right! When Kobe Bryant was off the field just now, he was studying the swear words in Long Chinese.

This is also the reason why the Zen master is speechless.

Bryant translated a whole bunch of dragon Chinese swear words online.

However, in a short period of time, Kobe Bryant only remembered a few sentences.

Su Lang looked at Kobe Bryant in surprise.

It turns out that you are such a nag

! I wiped it! I didn't expect to unlock such a Kobe.

In fact, Su Lang didn't know that Kobe Bryant had always had a Xi, that is, to study the opponent before the game and prepare some corresponding trash talk.

This time, Kobe Bryant was careless and did not prepare trash talk for Su Lang.

So I can only cram on my feet temporarily.

Su Lang didn't expect Kobe's trash talk combat effectiveness to explode.

It has been able to spray non-stop until now.

"You can't stop me! You're just a piece of shit!" Kobe

Bryant directly ran back and shook off Su Lang.

Fisher threw the basketball to Kobe.

After receiving the ball, Bryant accelerated to the basket, turned in the air and dodged Brandon White's help defense, and then completed the end with a violent dunk.

"See, rookie, this is a dunk!" Bryant


[Kobe's appearance is not made up by the author himself, the author has checked the information, Kobe's trash talk after getting angry is really fierce, like a machine gun, and Kobe does have this Xi in the data]

Su Lang now regrets letting Kobe break the defense.

The tireless trash talk made Su Lang's skull hurt a little.

Although the opponent will not fall into the disadvantage, Su Lang is tired!

"Come on, rookie, use your crappy skills to beat me!Are you scared!"

Kobe Bryant looked at Su Lang defiantly.

Su Lang made an accelerated breakthrough and drilled directly past Kobe's side.

After Kobe's center of gravity changed, Su Lang pulled back, and the basketball returned to the same place again.

Bryant was stunned and stabilized.

"Is that the only way!ah!" In

the next second, Su Lang accelerated again and rushed to the inside line.

Kobe Bryant clinged to Su Lang's side.

Su Lang was also anxious, completely ignoring Kobe Bryant beside him, and jumped directly under the basket.

The whole person flew into the air.

Gasol under the basket had a frightened expression on his face.

You two bosses are competing, why is it me who was injured!

In the next second, Su Lang forcibly completed a violent dunk through Gasol.

Knock Gasol to the ground again.

Gasol had a look of lovelessness.

[Negative sentiment value from Gasol +2000]

In a short period of time,

Gasol was stunned and was deducted twice by Su Lang.Now he has become the worst person, even Fisher, who was blown up by Su Lang,

is stronger than Gasol

What Su Lang didn't expect was that in the next few rounds,

Kobe Bryant went crazy and hit

the inside/

It wasn't until Brandon White completed a dunk

that Kobe stopped the crazy impact of the inside.Su

Lang couldn't help but roll his eyes

when he looked at it Didn't he just dunk Gasol

twice.Kobe Bryant This guy has to dunk the Warriors players to respond.What

a fucking just!The

Zen master on the court looked up at the timer and score above, and couldn't help frowning

The Zen master directly called a timeout, and he couldn't let Kobe and Su Lang deal with each other

like this, otherwise it would be the Lakers who would suffer.

If anyone can calm down the angry Kobe, there is definitely no more than one palm in the league, and the Zen master is one of them.

"Calm down, we need you! the team needs you,"

the Zen master looked at Kobe Bryant firmly.

The Zen master knew very well what the team's victory meant to Kobe.

So as soon as the Zen master opened his mouth, he grabbed Kobe's life.

Kobe Bryant turned his head to look at the Zen master, and the flame in his eyes slowly began to converge.

But it still hasn't been extinguished, but obviously Kobe Bryant has calmed down a lot.


Kobe nodded, and then looked in Su Lang's direction.

In fact, Kobe Bryant himself knew after the fourth quarter that he was caught in Su Lang's conspiracy.

Now with the help of a Zen master, Kobe Bryant has finally come out of that state.

Kobe Bryant looked in Su Lang's direction.

I moved my wrist a little.

After the Zen master saw this scene, his hanging heart finally let go.

As long as Kobe Bryant adjusts well, they still have a chance.

"Can you give me the ball next?" Kobe

Bryant's face unexpectedly smiled.

"Of course!" replied

the Zen master with a smile.

He's back!


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