The timeout ended, and the players from both sides returned to the field.

Su Lang was surprised to find that Kobe Bryant did not continue to trash-talk attacks.

Su Lang couldn't help but look at Kobe.

The eyes of the two men met instantly.

Damn! What the hell are these eyes!

Su Lang was furious when he was looked at by Kobe.

Lakers' offensive round.

Bryant slammed into an acceleration and rushed to the outside of the three-point line.

Fisher passed the basketball to Kobe.

In the next second, Kobe Bryant did not stop, dribbled continuously, turned around and killed the inside line from Su Lang's side.

Near the free throw line, Bryant forced a jump directly.

Not to be outdone, Su Lang jumped up directly to block Kobe.

Who knew that Kobe Bryant actually completed a strange move in the air, after avoiding Su Lang's defense.

Then the basketball was thrown out by Kobe.

The basketball hits the rebound and bounces into the basket.

Su Lang frowned, something was not normal!

In the next three rounds, Kobe Bryant hit crazy consecutive shots.

Every time, he faced Su Lang's defense and forcibly shot.

If it weren't for Su Lang, he knew what his defense was like.

He had to suspect that his SS-level Death Coil had expired.

The score on the field came to 95:90

The score was slowly chased back by Kobe.

After seeing this scene, Su Lang couldn't help but feel a pain in his head.

In the future, if anyone says that Kobe Bryant is four backs and three irons, Su Lang will have to give the other party a cannon hammer.

This fucking hit rate is too amazing.

Kobe Bryant's hand felt as if it was all back in an instant.

"Hey, Kobe, why don't you speak! Are you admitting defeat?"

Su Lang planned to continue to use trash talk to influence Kobe.

Kobe Bryant glanced at Su Lang coldly.

But Kobe's heart was already on fire.

The first three rounds of offense made Kobe Bryant very clear about his state.

Now his palms are getting hotter and hotter, and his hand is getting more precise.

What's more, Kobe Bryant now feels like all his mind and attention is focused on basketball.

Su Lang's words couldn't make any waves in his heart.

That's right! This feeling is unusually familiar!

When Kobe Bryant turned around, the corners of his mouth appeared in addition to a smile, but

he didn't expect this guy to force himself out of this state.

Kobe Bryant thought silently in his heart.

Su Lang didn't know that Kobe Bryant was laughing.

If he really saw Kobe Bryant laughing at this time, it is estimated that Su Lang must have 100,000 grass and mud horses galloping past in his heart.

The reason why Kobe Bryant is happy is his current state.

This state is called the realm of the gods!

Kobe himself cannot control the opening of this state.

Let's put it this way, Kobe Bryant's 81-minute night maintained this state for three quarters of game time.

In addition to this game, Bryant has opened it a few times before.

But it lasted for a variety of times, sometimes just two or three rounds.

Sometimes it's a game time.

Sometimes it's just outside the door of the God's Realm, and it feels like it can be opened in the next second, but at the end of the whole game, Kobe Bryant didn't have a chance to enter.

Although the realm of gods also has a negative effect, that is, after opening, it will greatly consume the player's physical strength and spirit.

Even Kobe Bryant, if he starts a quarter of the game, it will take a long time to adjust after the game to recover, and it will even affect the next game.

But Kobe Bryant didn't care at all, and now he only had the realm of God in his mind.

Kobe Bryant had an excited look on his face.

Now he is standing outside the gates of the realm of the gods.

And the door had been kicked open by him.

As long as Kobe continues, then the realm of God will open again.

Su Lang felt more and more that Kobe Bryant had become abnormal.

When Kobe Bryant was in the position with him, he actually had a smile on his face.

This time, Su Lang saw it very clearly.

Is this still the ice cube face in Su Lang's impression!

Kobe Bryant hit two more difficult shots in a row.

Bryant has completed five consecutive rounds of offense.

The gates of the realm of the gods are gradually opening.

That's why Kobe Bryant is so happy.

Lakers' offensive round. Looking at Kobe Bryant smiling in front of him.

Su Lang gritted his teeth fiercely.

The basketball passes to Jackson at the top of the arc.

Su Lang began to run on the field, and this time Su Lang took much longer.

It's not because Su Lang doesn't have a chance, but because Su Lang is planning something.

The God of Running skill was fully activated, and Su Lang's brain began to burn, and he kept calculating the positions of the players on the field in his heart.

The next second!

Su Lang turned around abruptly and left Kobe Bryant behind.

Su Lang killed the inside line from the bottom corner.

When he came to the basket, Andris happened to take a step and directly made a block for Su Lang.

Everything went smoothly.

Kobe Bryant was blocked directly under the basket.

But Su Lang didn't rush out to catch the ball, and Su Lang's eyes drifted outside the three-point line.

You should know what to do!Su

Lang roared in his heart.

Sure enough, in the next second, a thought popped up in Jackson's heart outside the three-point line.

Without even thinking about it, the basketball was thrown directly under the basket.

At this time, Su Lang flew into the air, and the whole person turned around in the air.

When Su Lang faced the basket, the basketball came to Su Lang's hands accurately.

Su Lang grabbed the basketball in the air with one hand and slammed it into the basket.

At this time, Kobe Bryant happened to break through Andris's block and came to Su Lang.

Seeing Su Lang in the air, Kobe Bryant felt bad in his heart.

But it was too late.


was a loud bang,

and Su Lang directly completed the empty connection.

And it was Kobe Bryant who completed an empty dunk, and

Su Lang fulfilled his pre-game commitment.

At the same time, Bryant felt a void voice in his head.


It was like the sound of the door being closed.


In the next second, Kobe understood what was going on, Su Lang's shackle was directly closed, and Kobe was already on the verge of opening the realm of the gods.

It's just one step away from being able to experience that state again.

Kobe Bryant knows better than anyone how precious that state is.

However, all this ended with Su Lang's slap.

[Negative sentiment value from Kobe Bryant +20,000]


Su Lang didn't expect that Kobe Bryant would be able to get such a big gain.

In fact, the reason why Kobe Bryant contributed so much more was because of the closure of the God Realm.

Su Lang's dunk was just a fuse.

After Kobe Bryant broke away from the state of being on the verge of entering the realm of the gods, he instantly found that his body was weak.


, Bryant cursed in his heart again.

"Hey, Kobe, I just detained you!" Taking

advantage of your illness to kill you, Su Lang looked at Kobe Bryant with a smile.

[Negative sentiment value +10,000 from Kobe Bryant]

Harvest 10,000 again!

Su Lang's heart is happy.


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