From the state that is about to open the realm of the gods, Kobe, who has broken away, is not in the same state as before.

And the physical and mental consumption made Kobe's hand feel completely lose its accuracy.

As the whistle for the game ended, it sounded.

The score was fixed at 110:101

Su Lang scored 33 points, 9 assists and 3 rebounds.

Kobe Bryant scored 44 points, 5 assists and 7 rebounds.

Although this time Su Lang lost to Kobe Bryant in statistics.

But the Warriors got their revenge at the Staples Center.

In the rematch against the Lakers in the regular season, Su Lang had the last laugh.

After the whistle blew at the end of the game, Kobe Bryant's heart was empty, as if he felt like he had lost something.

That's why Bryant hates the feeling of failure.

But Kobe Bryant still dragged his heavy steps towards Su Lang.

"Good job!" Kobe

Bryant came to Su Lang's face.

Su Lang looked at Kobe's somewhat tired eyes, and couldn't help but have doubts in his heart.

"Hey, Kobe, your state in the fourth quarter scared me! I almost thought I was going to be overturned by you,"

Su Lang said with a smile.

After hearing Su Lang's words, a wry smile appeared on Kobe's face.

Because Kobe Bryant once again remembered the regret of the realm of God.

Su Lang looked at Kobe Bryant's regretful expression, thinking that Kobe Bryant was just unwilling to lose the game, and didn't think much about it.

"I'm going to kick your ass this time!" Su

Lang looked at Kobe Bryant with a smile.

"Don't be too happy, if you meet me in the playoffs, I'll let you understand the gap between us!"

Kobe said proudly.

Su Lang smiled, worthy of Kobe, he was so arrogant when he lost the game.

Kobe Bryant quietly looked at Su Lang's left, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

In the future alliance, he will no longer be alone!

At this moment, Kobe Bryant has put Su Lang in an equal position with himself.

What Su Lang lacks now is just some experience.

Maybe he is his old enemy for the next ten years!

Kobe's eyes became wandering.


"Damn, Boss! That's cool! We won against the Lakers! I'm not dreaming!" Margety

yelled as soon as he got back to the locker room.

"yes, why don't you go out and celebrate in the evening!" Jackson's

face showed excitement, because he hadn't played such a good game in a long time.

Obviously, this group of cattle of the Warriors wants to slaughter Su Lang again.

Let Su Lang invite guests to a nightclub.

"Yes, yes, yes, such a good thing must be celebrated!" Margeti

couldn't wait to join Jackson.

Su Lang gave Margeti a blank look.

"What does our celebration have to do with you, don't forget that Dad has assigned you a two-hour extra practice after the game!" Su

Lang said to Margeti, who was jumping up and down.

[Negative sentiment from Margeti +1000] The smile on Margeti's

face instantly froze.

Well! The happiness is yours! It has nothing to do with

me! Leave me alone to grieve alone!

Seeing Margety's miserable expression, a burst of laughter broke out in the dressing room.


In the end, Margety was spared the previous punishment because Don Nelson was in a good mood.

But this time they didn't get a chance to go to a nightclub.

Because of Don Nelson, Su Lang finally kept his wallet.


After the Lakers game, Su Lang received a phone call.

"I lost!" After

Su Lang picked up the phone, a deep voice came from the other end of the phone.

That person is none other than Stephen Curry.

Su Lang actually knows that although the strength of Davidson College has skyrocketed a lot this year.

But it's still a lot short of some well-established basketball teams.

This time there was no surprise that Curry fell outside the door of the Final Four.

During the semifinals, Su Lang did not watch it because of the schedule.

And after Curry lost the game, it was as if the world had evaporated.

This is also the first time Curry has taken the initiative to call Su Lang after losing the game.

"What's the matter! Now think of me! If you don't come out again, I'm really going to Davidson College to let you run naked!" Su

Lang said quipping to Curry on the other end of the phone.

There was an instant silence on the other end of the phone.

[Negative sentiment from Stephen Curry +1000]

"You're a real dog!" After

a long time, Curry on the other end of the phone finally said a word.

"I thought you were going to collapse! You have to know that the NCAA is just a pedal in the NBA! The NBA is the real stage,"

Su Lang said into the phone.

"I know, I'm just trying to bring another trophy to my alma mater, and now that I've woken up, I need to get serious,"

Curry's voice came from the phone.

"How's it going!Are you ready to participate in the draft!"

Su Lang asked into the phone.

"It'll be announced in a few days!You'll be waiting for me in the league!" came

Curry's firm voice on the phone.

"Hahaha! I'm looking forward to you coming to the Warriors now! Then you'll be my little brother!" Su

Lang said with a smile.

Although the team is now prepared with two hands, no one can say what will happen in the draft.

Su Lang also didn't dare to guarantee that Curry would be 100% able to come to the Warriors.

Curry on the other end of the line didn't speak for a long time.

Su Lang's words made Curry react.

His uncle's! If he goes to the Warriors, he will become Su Lang's little brother!

When he thinks of having to face the life of being scared by Su Lang every day, he doubts his life.

Curry felt that the road ahead was dark.

"Hmph, if I go to the Warriors, you have to be careful, maybe I'll overturn you!" asked you to be my little brother,"

Curry said not to be outdone.

"Hahaha, if you have the ability to toss as you like, I will let you understand that my brother will always be my brother!"

Su Lang said with a smile.

While chatting with Curry, Su Lang suddenly remembered something.

"Stephen, are you interested in coming to my company!"

Su Lang said with a smile.

"Your company?" came

Curry's confused voice on the phone.

"Of course, I asked my agent to set up a company, do you want to sign a contract with me,"

Su Lang explained.

More than a month ago, Su Lang asked Bills to set up an economic company in his name.

Su Lang's purpose is to sign some powerful players.

He has given Beals a list and asked Beers to negotiate with these players, but he doesn't know how many people Beals has managed during this time.

The cute god is now in front of Su Lang, where does Su Lang have a reason to let go.

"Damn, you want me to work for you for the rest of your life!" came

Curry's depressed voice on the other end of the phone.

[Negative sentiment from Stephen Curry +1000]

"How about it? Think about it!" Su

Lang continued.

"Forget it! I know I'm not going to be able to escape you in my life

!" "But if you dare to trick me, I'll definitely make you look good!"


said depressedly.

"Don't worry, I will definitely satisfy you!" Su

Lang said with a smile.

After hanging up the phone, Su Lang's smile became wanton.

Fooling Curry into his own economic company, Su Lang felt that his plan had succeeded for the most part.

Get ready to work for yourself for the rest of your life!


Curry didn't know that he had already sold himself to Su Lang in just a short communication.


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