After the dunk, Su Lang fell from the air.

In the next second, Su Lang instantly felt that the pores all over his body exploded.

It's like a needle prick.


Su Lang's eyes immediately saw Bowen beside him.

Su Lang's heart instantly understood where this sense of crisis came from.

You are looking for death!

Su Lang's heart roared, Bowen not only hurt Margety but now even hurt himself.

Su Lang instantly had a plan in his heart, and Su Lang, who was falling in the air, had already seen Bowen's right foot pretending to reach over inadvertently.

In the next second, Su Lang directly put his whole person's weight on his right foot.

Some position adjustments were even made in the air.

weighed nearly two hundred catties, plus Su Lang deliberately adjusted his center of gravity and position. The results are clear.


A scream came out, and there were two more players who fell to the ground under the basket in an instant.

One is Su Lang and the other is Bowen.

The Warriors' side is completely fried.

Jackson, as Su Lang's gold medal fighter, rushed over without thinking too much.

When the Spurs didn't react, it was a blow to Bowen directly on the floor.

Poor Bowen, before he could react, was slammed several times by Jackson's merciless hammer.

After Jackson threw three punches, the Spurs reacted and pulled Jackson away.

"I'm done, my career is over!".

No one noticed that Bowen was talking to himself.

Bowen's expression became unlovable.

After Jackson was pulled away, he came directly to Su Lang's side.

"Hey, what's going on with the boss!That damn bastard, if I hadn't been stopped, I'd have to knock his yolk out!"

Jackson first looked at Su Lang worriedly, and then said angrily.

"Don't worry, I'm pretending!" Su

Lang whispered to Jackson.



whole body was numb in an instant.

He also thought that Su Lang was hurt by Bowen's foot.

I didn't expect Su Lang to be pretending.

What the hell just happened!Jackson

felt like his world had been turned upside down.

"Don't worry!I'm fine, if I don't do this, how can I win the sympathy of the referee

" "Compared to me, that guy is even worse!"

Su Lang whispered.

"Okay! Don't bother me with acting!" Su Lang didn't

give Jackson a chance to continue talking, because Su

Lang had already seen the referee's gaze and looked over.

"Hey, hey, hey!" Su

Lang looked painful, hugging his ankle.

Jackson had a skeptical expression on his face and stood up from Su Lang's side.

I didn't expect you to be such a boss!

Su Lang directly refreshed Jackson's three views.

Soon medical personnel came in.

Now there are two people lying on the field, one is the league's rising star Su Lang, and the other is the notorious Bowen.

You don't have to think about it to know what to choose.

What's more, this medical staff is a fan of Su Lang in private.

The medical staff came directly to Su Lang.

Completely ignored Bowen on the sidelines.

"Mr. Su, how are you feeling now, and have you been hurt anywhere?" the

medical staff asked intimately.

"Oh, damn Bowen, I feel like I've been put on the ground, my ankle hurts so much right now!"

Su Lang played perfectly what is called an actor.

The medical staff looked at Su Lang's ankle and took out the medicine spray from the medical bag at the same time.

When the medical personnel looked at Su Lang's ankle, their eyes became confused.

It stands to reason that Su Lang's ankle should have been swollen at this time.

But Su Lang's ankle did not have any abnormality at all.

Su Lang also noticed the expressions of the medical personnel.

"! it hurts! Am I finished!" Seeing

Su Lang's miserable appearance, the medical staff's disgust for Bowen deepened again.

What Bowen looks like, everyone knows it in their hearts.

How could he suspect Su Lang's injury!

The medical staff thought of self-reproach in their hearts, and immediately began to deal with Su Lang.

After a simple treatment, the medical staff directly lifted Su Lang onto the stretcher.

Su Lang was pushed into the players' tunnel by the medical staff.

They need to continue to deal with Su Lang's injuries in the back.

After solving Su Lang's matter, the medical staff looked at Bowen who had a painful face.

"Hey, I feel like I'm hurt!" said

to Bowen, and the medical staff's tone was obviously not so good.

Bowen, an insidious guy, dared to hurt Su Lang.

"My feet, my feet!" Bowen

cried out in pain.

Because of the sneakers, the medical staff had to take off Bowen's sneakers first.


Bowen yelled.

When he took off his sneakers, the medical staff looked at Bowen's feet

in amazement, and the medical staff looked at the scalp numb.

Good guys! Is this still

a foot!

Bowen's foot is visibly collapsed in a large chunk to the naked eye.

No wonder this thing keeps shouting so badly.

Compared with Su Lang's feet that he saw just now, Bowen seems to be more seriously injured.

After a brief spray treatment, the medical staff is ready to take Bowen to the background.

However, at this time, the medical staff remembered that the only stretcher car was used to carry Su Lang just now.

"Hey, there's no stretcher, can you still get up? We'll help you back to the back,"

the medical staff said to Bowen.

When Bowen heard this, his whole person became bad.

Why can Su Lang not only receive gentle treatment here, but also be carried out by a stretcher car.

When I got to him, I needed to go down by myself.

Look! Is this still what people say

! Don't you see that your feet have become like this!

How can you go on your own!

In the end, Bowen had no choice, and was carried by Vaughn on the Spurs' bench to the players' tunnel.

Vaughn's heart was also unwilling, but there was no way, this was the task assigned by Popovich.

Vaughn frowned and carried Bowen off the court.

Bowen caused something out of this thing, and he even had to carry him out on his back.

Leaving with Bowen behind his back means no chance to play.

If you stay on the sidelines, you can still have a little chance to play.

Now there's no chance at all, and head coach Popovich asked him to take care of this damn guy Bowen.

So Vaughn was in a bad mood, and Bowen was miserable.

Vaughn didn't care about Bowen behind him, and walked recklessly all the way to the player tunnel with his head down.

Along the way, Ding Ling ran into anything, and Vaughn didn't care.


" "Damn! It hurts me!"


Bowen kept wailing on Vaughan's back.

The pain was so severe that Bowen couldn't help but die.

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