Inside the Warriors' locker room.

Don Nelson looked at Su Lang in front of him nervously.

Just now, he received the news that Su Lang was injured.

This made Don Nelson, who was already unhappy, almost angry.

He didn't expect the Spurs to be so frustrated.

"Don't worry, I'm fine!" Su

Lang said and was about to get up from the stretcher.

"Don't move! how can it be okay if you're stamped!" Don

Nelson angrily scolded Su Lang.

Seeing Don Nelson's nervous face, a warm flow flowed through Su Lang's heart.

Although Don Nelson was angrily scolding Su Lang, Su Lang could still feel the nervousness and worry in Don Nelson's heart.

"I'm pretending!" In

desperation, Su Lang had no choice but to confess to Don Nelson.

"It's not good to pretend, Bowen is really shameless!"

"Wait? What did you just say? You pretended?"

Don Nelson looked at Su Lang in surprise.

After seeing Su Lang nodding, Don Nelson instantly became bad.

I just wasted my feelings.

[Negative sentiment value from Don Nelson +1000]

In order to reassure Don Nelson, Su Lang also jumped directly on the spot a few times.

Don Nelson had a speechless expression on his face, looking at Su Lang's lively appearance in front of him.

"That means you stinky boy didn't have anything to do at all, but Bowen was seriously injured?"

Don Nelson looked at Su Lang angrily.

"Hahaha! If I don't let the referee judge fairly like this,"

Su Lang said with a smile.

Don Nelson's face turned bad as he said this.

The penalty for Bowen to hurt Margeti just now is simply abnormal.

Don Nelson made up his mind to apply for an investigation from the league after the game.

"Are you going to play next?" Don

Nelson looked at Su Lang.

"Of course, this game hasn't been won yet!" Su

Lang's eyes became sharp.


Towards the end of the third quarter, the score was 80:89

After Su Lang left the court, Jackson was directly sentenced to a malicious foul for punching Bowen.

Fortunately, Jackson's number of malicious fouls did not accumulate to the number of times, so he continued to stay on the court.

And Bowen on the Spurs' side was also punished for a first-degree malicious foul.

This time, the referee's decision was fair.

The penalties from both sides were offset, but the situation on the court turned against the Warriors.

The Warriors lost two starters, Sulang and Magetti.

The Spurs, on the other hand, lost just one Bowen.

It didn't take long for the Spurs to take advantage of the opportunity to pull the score apart.

Players from both sides are in a tense battle on the field.

Suddenly, the audience burst into cheers.

That's right!

The big screen gave a shot of Su Lang appearing from the player tunnel.

Su Lang is back on the court.

The sluggish momentum on the Warriors' side exploded instantly.

After seeing Su Lang's figure, all the players on the Warriors' side seemed to have a Dinghai Shen Needle.

I felt inexplicably at peace in my heart.

Warriors fans in the stands have gone crazy.

Crazy roared Su Lang's name.

Su Lang smiled and waved his hand to the fans in the stands.

Then he walked to the Warriors' bench.

[Negative sentiment value from Popovich +3000]

Popovich looked at Su Lang's lively appearance and understood that he had been fooled just now.

Damn! Where does this look a little

injured! Can an injured person live like this

! This is simply shameless! He is acting in an open and honest manner!

Su Lang took advantage of the referee's lack of attention and once again made an international greeting gesture to Popovich.

Su Lang directly raised his middle finger.

Old thing! If you want to harm your Uncle Su, why don't you die!

Su Lang actually didn't know that Bowen's behavior of hurting him on the field was his own initiative.

So the account was directly placed on Popovich.

After seeing Su Lang's gesture, Popovich felt that his hair was about to explode in anger.

[Negative sentiment from Popovich +5000]


Su Lang didn't continue to entangle with Popovich because he was going to return to the court to turn the situation around.

The referee's whistle blew.

The Warriors called a timeout and replaced Morrow, who replaced Su Lang.

Su Lang returned to the field.

"Boss, you're alright!" Andris

looked at Su Lang with an incredulous expression.

"Hahaha! I said the boss was okay, and you didn't believe me!" Jackson

said with a smile.

"Damn! I thought you were fooling us!" Brandon

White had a speechless expression.

"Okay! Now I'm back!Are you ready to join me and give them some color!" Su

Lang looked at the Warriors players.

"Boss, I'm ready

!" "That's it, Boss, kill them!"

"For Margeti! we must not lose!"


Su Lang returned to the court for the first round.

After half time, he shot directly at the position of the logo.

In Parker's shocked eyes, the basketball flew to the basket


There is only one reason why Su Lang dared to do this, that is, when he was off the field before, Su Lang felt that the feeling of being hot for a long time appeared.

Su Lang did not hesitate to use a feel lock card to retain this feeling.

Next, the Spurs will face Su Lang's bombardment.

After Su Lang hit a three-pointer, the score on the court came to 83:89

Turn around and come to the Spurs' offensive round.

With Su Lang's blessing, the players of the Warriors seem to have changed as a person.

Andris this guy actually rewarded Duncan with a racket hat directly.

Duncan had a dull expression, as if he wasn't as violent.

After Su Lang received the basketball shot by Andris, he rushed directly to the Spurs' half court.

This time, Su Lang did not kill the inside line.

In the case of such a bursting hand, of course, the three-point shot is chosen.

Although the Spurs' basket was empty, Su Lang still chose to shoot outside the three-point line.

The basketball flew straight to the basket and fell directly into the net.

The nets were swept up by the basketball like a wave.


Su Lang played two rounds and directly narrowed the difference to 3 points.

"It's amazing

!" "

Come on!Sue! We must win the game!"

"This is the return of the king!

The Warriors fans in the stands stood up and screamed wildly.

Although this is not the home court of the Warriors, they have to use their own way to cheer Su Lang on.

Popovich's face darkened.

He didn't expect the advantage he had worked so hard to build up to wipe out in just two rounds.

In this game, the Warriors seemed to be like an unbeatable little powerhouse.

Even old fritters like the Spurs feel the difficulty of the Warriors.

Every time the momentum of the Warriors' side is suppressed.

Su Lang will stand up again with the Warriors.

For a moment, Popovich felt extremely tired.


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