The day after the series with the Spurs.

Su Lang sat on the sofa with a newspaper in his hand, which was reporting the news of the Warriors' series victory over the Spurs, and the front page was the picture of Popovich splashing blood on the court.

There is also a media that made things and directly put Phil Jackson, who was injured by Su Lang before, with Popovich.

even gave Su Lang a direct nickname, what is the boss killer.

After tossing these newspapers aside.

Su Lang looked at Curry on the opposite side speechlessly.

"Hey! Stephen! When are you leaving! Don't you think you're redundant right now? Su Lang said.

"Nope! I feel very good! And I had a good chat with Sister Scarlett! You're busy with yours! Don't worry about me and Sister Scarlett,"

Curry said with a smile as he picked up an apple.

I'm fucking worried about you! I'm in the way of you! Do you understand!

If Scarlett wasn't here, Su Lang would definitely let Curry see his violent side.

When the light bulb is still addictive, isn't it?

Su Lang had never hated a light bulb so much.

Seeing Su Lang's expression, Curry felt refreshed.

The things that were bullied by Su Lang before have all come back.

"Hey! Stephen! Well, I've heard that there's a well-known training camp in Los Angeles, why don't you visit it for a few days?

Su Lang suppressed his anger and said with a smile.

"Don't go! Don't go! Beers told me not to leave during this time, maybe he'll help me arrange some pre-draft things,"

Curry said,

waving his hand.

Bills, your uncle's!

Su Lang felt as if the whole world was working against him for a moment.

What the hell! Is it so difficult to take down Scarlett!

Scarlett watched Su Lang keep flickering Curry, and couldn't help snickering on the side.

It's hard to see Su Lang so deflated.

Half an hour later, Su Lang collapsed on the sofa with a loveless expression.

Curry, this guy is a king who eats the scales and has an iron heart.

No matter what means Su Lang used, he just wouldn't leave.

Su Lang looked at Curry with a smug face, and he didn't get angry.

Then he got up and walked to the bedroom.

"Hey! Bills, you do something for me!

Su Lang dialed the phone in the bedroom.


"That's not good! Mr. Sue!

After Su Lang finished explaining, Bills on the other end of the phone had a speechless expression.

“fuck! If he doesn't leave! I'm going crazy!

Su Lang said into the phone.

Hearing Su Lang's roar, Bills on the other end of the phone was frightened.

At this time, Bills suddenly remembered that Su Lang was his food and clothing parent.

There's no way around it! can only follow Su Lang's method.

After hanging up the phone, a smug smile appeared on Su Lang's face.

Little Curry! Don't blame me for being ruthless!

Half an hour later, Su Lang walked out of the bedroom and happened to see Curry packing his luggage.

"Hey! What's wrong Stephen? Are you leaving?

Su Lang looked at Curry with a smile.

"Damn! Don't be complacent! If Bills hadn't told me something was going on, I'd be here for a few more days!

Curry looked at Su Lang angrily.

Su Lang's heart is now happy.

Sample! I can't handle you yet!


"You wait for me, I'll be back in a few days!"

Curry threw out a cruel word when he was about to go out.

"Good! Rest assured! I'm waiting for you!

Su Lang said with a smile.

Curry looked at Su Lang's promise with a smile on his face, and instantly felt that something was wrong in his heart.

But Curry doesn't know what's wrong.

So I had to give up.

After Curry left, Su Lang closed the door directly.

"Pack your clothes! I'll take you somewhere!

Su Lang said to Scarlett.

"Where are you going?"

Scarlett said with some confusion.

"Don't worry! It must be a good place, definitely worth looking forward to,"

Su Lang said with a smile.

Scarlett nodded, turned around and went to pack her clothes.

As soon as Scarlett left, Su Lang dialed the phone number of his agent Biles.

"How? Is it done?

"Don't worry! Mr. Sue! It's done, and I've sent the address to your mailbox! Beers


After hearing Beers's words, Su Lang breathed a sigh of relief.

What Bills did was simple, which was to help Su Lang re-rent a small villa.

Although he spent a lot of money because of the hurry, Su Lang was really satisfied.

More than an hour later, Su Lang and Scarlett came to Su Lang's newly rented villa.

"How? My new home,"

Su Lang said with a smile pointing to the small villa in front of him.

"You're crazy!"

Scarlett looked at Su Lang in shock.

In fact, Scarlett knew very well why Su Lang did this.

But when Su Lang really made it, Scarlett still felt a little incredible.

"Hahaha! My crazy stuff is yet to come!

Su Lang said with a smile.

Soon Su Lang and Scarlett entered the small villa.

"That's right! What about your previous house!

Scarlett said as she looked around the new house.

"Where to stay! Anyway, I bought it, and I can go back whenever I want to"

Su Lang casually threw his clothes on the sofa, and then slowly approached Scarlett.

"This place will be our secret base from now on!"

Su Lang continued with a smile while holding Scarlett in front of his chest with both hands.

Scarlett stretched out her hand and gently pushed Su Lang, but instead of pushing Su Lang away, Su Lang embraced her with more strength.

Looking at Su Lang's hot eyes, Scarlett was a little overwhelmed.

"I'll go to the kitchen!"

Scarlett said that she was about to flee the scene.

Where can Su Lang let Scarlett get her wish.

"You can visit the kitchen at any time, now we have a more important thing to do!"

Su Lang hugged Scarlett with a wicked smile.

finally broke the guy Curry apart, how could Su Lang be soft now.


Suddenly, like a night of spring breeze, thousands of trees and pear blossoms bloom!

Su Lang finally got his wish and did what he wanted to do.

And at this time, Stephen Curry was standing on the streets of New York.

A person messy in the wind.

Stephen looked at the message on his phone with a look of wanting to kill.

"Su Lang, your uncle! I don't share heaven with you! "

[Negative sentiment from Stephen Curry +3000] The message in Curry's

phone is simple.

"I played a little prank with you, but there is no news of a trial in New York, so you better come back! I've asked Bills to book your plane tickets for you! "

This is the message that Su Lang sent to Curry.

Su Lang calculated the time for Curry to get off the plane, and as soon as he got off the plane, Su Lang sent the news to Curry.

Poor Curry took a ten-hour flight, but he didn't expect it to be Su Lang's prank in the end.

After Su Lang received Curry's negative sentiment value, the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

When I think of Curry coming back here again, I find that my villa is empty, and whether it will explode on the spot when the time comes.

It's interesting to think about!

Don't you like to stay in my villa!

All right! My villa for you to live in! Stay as long as you want!

Su Lang turned to look at Scarlett, who was lying asleep beside him, and his mind couldn't help but become active again.

"Come back!"

"Hahaha! Xi your homework! "


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