Not surprisingly, Curry returned to San Francisco, after Sulang's villa.

Looking at the empty villa in front of him, Curry's mind exploded.

Su Lang of Dog Day! Count you ruthless!

Curry kept cursing Su Lang in his heart.

He didn't expect Su Lang to do such a heartbreaking thing in order to break him away.

originally wanted to call Su Lang and curse Su Lang a few words.

But as soon as he thought of Su Lang's urine, Curry knew that Su Lang must have turned off the phone at this time.

Looking at the deserted living room, and thinking about the fact that Su Lang must be with Scarlett now, Curry's heart is even more angry.

Su Lang of Dog Day! This is to get you away!

Let's come a long way! You wait for me!

After sitting on the plane for 20 hours in a row, Curry instantly felt mentally and physically exhausted.

I threw my backpack directly on the ground, and lay down on the sofa and went into sleep mode.


A few days later, the Warriors' second-round playoff match was decided.

The Nuggets defeated the Hornets led by Chris Paul with a big score of 4:1.

Successfully met the Warriors in the second round of the playoffs.

In the regular season, the Warriors had a best-of-two record against the Nuggets.

So when it was learned that the opponent in the second round was the Nuggets, the entire Warriors team was very happy.

But reality gave the Warriors a hard slap in the face.

The big score is 3:0

This is the current situation of the Warriors, and Su Lang did not expect that the Warriors would be slaughtered like this.

The Nuggets in the playoffs are completely different from the regular season.

After they made up for their only weakness, the whole team became balanced.

The current Nuggets just have one more Billups.

In the previous regular season matchup, the Nuggets didn't complete the trade for Billups and Iverson.

But after Billups came to the Nuggets, it became clear that the Nuggets had more than one step in strength.

The previous three losses were all blown up by the Warriors' other positions.

Billups, an experienced veteran, did not face Su Lang head-on at all.

Under his tandem, Anthony unleashed a superior firepower.

Azubuk couldn't even lift his head after being hit directly by Anthony.

In the three games of the series, Anthony averaged 33.4 points per game.

That's why the Warriors lost the game.

The time came on May 12, 2009.

With the final whistle remembered.

The Best Center Arena resounded with enthusiastic cheers.

The score was fixed at 124:111

The Nuggets won the series 4-0.

Su Lang looked at the crazy fans at the Best Center, and his heart couldn't help but empty.

His first season is over.

Although he thought that his playoff journey would not be very long, Su Lang did not expect such an ending.


From the first round of the playoffs to the Spurs, to the second round of the playoffs by the Nuggets.

It's only been less than half a month.

Su Lang experienced what it means to have big ups and downs.

"Boss! It's all my fault! Inside

the Warriors' locker room, Jackson had tears on his cheeks.

Su Lang glanced up at Jackson.

He shook his head helplessly.

"Have fun! That's a good thing for us!

"Now we don't have to fight the Los Angeles Lakers! Leave this drudgery to the Nuggets! "

After a tiring season, now we can finally go on vacation! , tomorrow I will sleep until I wake up naturally!

Su Lang comforted his teammates.

Jackson looked at Su Lang's relaxed face, and couldn't help but feel uncomfortable in his heart.

In the second round of the playoffs, Su Lang's performance can be said to be very stable and outstanding.

But except for Su Lang, all of them lost power.

That's what led to the current situation.

Unexpectedly, Su Lang didn't blame them, and even comforted them.

Maybe Su Lang's heart was more uncomfortable than anyone else.

Jackson would rather Su Lang say a few more words to them now.


"Hey! Stephen! Get up! You're not going to be able to keep up with me for the rest of your life!

Su Lang shouted to Stephen, who was still asleep.

"Damn! Do you want to go heads-up! You're not human! Isn't it just losing the game! Do you ravage me every day like this?

Curry glanced up at Su Lang, turned his head and said without love.

"Come or not! Are you cowardly?

Su Lang directly used the killer feature.

"Damn! I'm afraid of you! You wait for me!

Curry jumped straight out of bed.


More than two hours later.

"Is that all you have to do?"

Su Lang kept provoking Curry in front of him.

Immediately, an acceleration broke through Curry's side to the inside line, and completed a dunk against Curry.

"Damn! Your uncle's! Don't play anymore!

Curry, who was slacked up, sat directly on the floor and said angrily.

[Negative sentiment from Stephen Curry +1000]

"I've been saying this for more than a week!" You're not done with it!

Curry looked at Su Lang in front of him angrily.

A week?

Su Lang's eyes became erratic.

A week ago, the Warriors lost the series by a big score, and the whole team was completely on vacation.

Su Lang also returned to his residence, and Scarlett also said goodbye to Su Lang because of the announcement.

Lost the game! Scarlett is gone again!

It's no wonder that Su Lang's mood can be good!

So Curry, the poor guy, directly became Su Lang's punching bag.

Su Lang went straight back to his original residence, in the past week.

Every day, he can't stop shouting that Curry is going heads-up.

It's called a way to exercise Curry's ability.

Actually, Curry knows very well.

Su Lang, this guy is angry with him.

Over the past week, Curry has thoroughly experienced what despair is.

Countless heads-ups, Curry has never won a single one.

There are even times when Su Lang shaves his head.

This left an indelible damage to Curry's young mind.

Curry now can't sleep every night if he doesn't curse Su Lang for having a baby without an asshole.

Looking at Curry who was constantly wheezing in front of him, Su Lang smiled.

"That's it! Thank you for spending this time with me! "

I'm in a much better mood now!"

Depend on! You're in a good mood! I'm fucking doubting my life right now!

Curry looked at Su Lang in front of him angrily.

"To thank you for being with me during this time, I decided to give a gift!"

Su Lang picked up his phone and sent a video over.

"Su Lang! Your uncle's! Didn't you say you lied to me before! What's going on! [

Negative sentiment from Stephen Curry +5000]

Curry's roar came out.

The video that Su Lang sent to Curry was Curry's wonderful performance after getting drunk in the dormitory.

Su Lang lied to Curry before and said that it was fake, and nothing happened after Curry was drunk last time, but he didn't expect Curry to really believe it.

Now Curry is a complete mental explosion.

He didn't expect Su Lang to be so insidious.

It seems that when he fought with Su Lang, he never took advantage.

“fuck! You deleted it for me! "

It's been deleted!"

"Is there a backup yet?"

"It's gone! It's really gone! "

Su Lang! If I only fucking believe you again! I'm a dog! "

[Negative selling sentiment from Stephen Curry +5000]


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