In fact, before the draft, the Knicks reached an agreement with the Timberwolves.

If the Warriors hadn't used the pick to get Curry.

The Timberwolves would use their pick with the sixth pick to help the Knicks get Curry.

Because the Knicks know that the Warriors' other pick is the seventh pick.

But I didn't expect the Warriors to be so ruthless that they didn't leave the Knicks with any chance.

"Hey! Let's get up there! From now on, you will be ravaged by me every day!

Su Lang stabbed Curry who was stunned in place.

Curry reacted at this time, hurriedly took the Warriors hat handed over by the staff, and walked quickly to the stage.

When Curry hugged Stern on stage, it felt like he was in a dream.

After Curry returned to his seat, Su Lang got up and said to Curry.

"I'll go to the coach first!"

After saying goodbye to Curry, Su Lang came to the position of Nelson Sr. and Chris Mullin.

At this time in his previous life, Chris Mullin should have been fired by the Warriors.

But now because of Su Lang, Chris Mullin has the support of most of the management.

Sitting firmly in the position of general manager.

After seeing Su Lang coming, Chris Mullin said happily.

"How! We've got you covered with your best teammates from college! "

Hahaha! I'm sure you won't regret your choice!

Su Lang said with a smile.

"We're going to pick a forward player with the seventh pick or trade some forward players,"

Nelson Sr. whispered to Su Lang.

Su Lang nodded, it is true that the weakness of the Warriors' forward line last season made them suffer a lot.

Against a team with top forward players, the Warriors will be blown out by the opposition every time.

The Warriors really should make up for the thickness of their front line.

When Old Nelson was chatting with Su Lang, Chris Mullin received a phone call here.

After answering the phone, Chris Mullin's face spread with a smile.

Then he walked over to Old Nelson.

"How? Which team? "

Old Nelson looked at Chris Mullin's expression and knew that there must have been a team that was calculated by Chris Mullin.

"Timberwolves! I've got the player you want!

Chris Mullin patted Nelson Sr. on the shoulder.

Su Lang looked at the communication between the two people in confusion.

Old Nelson grinned, and then a look of regret appeared on his face.

"We made a trade with the Timberwolves, and we traded the seventh pick for the eighteenth pick,"

Chris Mullin explained to Su.

Su Lang didn't respond, but waited for their next step, sure that the Timberwolves had other chips, otherwise they wouldn't have been exchanged.

"Plus their sophomore rookie, Brewer,"

Don Nelson added.

Su Lang instantly understood that Brewer should be Don Nelson's target.

Company Commander Brewer's ability to charge attracted Don Nelson, which is why he was chosen as a bargaining chip.

And Brewer is just a player at the end of the first round, averaging only a few points per game last season, plus a draft pick at the end of the first round in exchange for a lottery pick, the Timberwolves don't think they will lose.

"Actually, we were more inclined to trade with the Nets at first, but their asking price was too high,"

Don Nelson said regretfully.

Su Lang's curiosity was instantly attracted.

"What conditions did the Nets offer? "

Jackson and Margeti have the seventh pick this year,"

Don Nelson said angrily.

"Damn! Are they crazy?

Su Lang didn't understand why the Nets did this. Such a trade could be traded for a quasi-All-Star-caliber player.

"Easy! What we actually want to exchange is your compatriot Yi! Don

Nelson explained.

Su Lang immediately understood that the Nets saw that the Rockets were making a lot of money relying on the economic effect behind Da Yao, and they were a little red-eyed.

But after trading from the Bucks to the UAE, they didn't get the results they wanted, and they were reluctant to sell the UAE at a cheap time.

Finally, at this time, there are teams that want to accept it, and the Nets will definitely slaughter it fiercely.

It's a pity!

If it weren't for the Nets being so ruthless, maybe they would really have a chance to play with the UAE.

Su Lang shook his head helplessly.

Then with the seventh pick, Stern directly announced a trade between the Warriors and the Timberwolves.

Many teams are blushing as they watch the Timberwolves.

There is no way! In this year's draft, Wu Liuqi and the three draft picks were all from the Timberwolves.

Even if the team's choice is outrageous, betting on the right player, Forest Lang will be able to take off next season.

Interestingly, the Timberwolves cut off the Knicks' second option with the seventh pick.

Jordan Hill was chosen.

After being cut off by the Warriors, the Knicks still have a second option.

But good guys! One second they were good friends, and the next second the Timberwolves came with a backstab.

directly dug into the corner of the Knicks, and cut off the Knicks' second choice.

Looking at the timberwolf's choice, Su Lang shook his head speechlessly.

Such a draft pick was played like this by the Timberwolves, and no one else is to blame.

There are so many ruthless people below, but I didn't expect the Timberwolves, who have three lotto lotteries in their hands, to miss it perfectly.

There is really no one with such management.

The Warriors then drafted Gibson with the 17th pick.

After seeing the Warriors' choice, Su Lang was shocked.

I didn't expect that his crossing would allow Chris Mullin to open the second vein of Rendu.

The draft vision has improved a lot.

This thing actually cut off Gibson of the Bulls.

Su Lang knew that Gibson's value far exceeded the other party's rank.

In fact, Gibson was also selected because of the Warriors' weak ability on the front line.

So you need a strong striker, and those who are stronger than Gibson in front are basically selected, and the only ones left are Gibson.

After selecting Gibson, the Warriors' first-round draft was completely over.

Su Lang looked boredly at the rest of the draft rankings.

Chris Mullin came to Su Lang's side, looked at Su Lang, and then handed Su Lang a list.

"Look! Are there any favorite players you watch"

Su Lang subconsciously took over the list, and then became a little numb.

Chris Mullin, this guy actually handed himself the draft list.

Su Lang is just a first-year rookie, and this kind of operation is simply crazy.

"That's not good!"

Su Lang didn't look at it, but directly deducted the list.

He knows that the players involved in the team's operation will not end well.

"Hahaha! Don't be so nervous! We just have one second-round draft pick left, and this draft pick is actually worthless,"

Chris Mullin smiled and patted Su Lang on the shoulder.

"You can watch and play! To be honest, we couldn't find any good players in the second round,"

Chris Mullin continued.

After listening, Su Lang breathed a sigh of relief. Suddenly, there was an idea.

Do you want to cut off the spurs and take a look?

Thinking of this, a smile slowly appeared on the corner of Su Lang's mouth.


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