In the second round of the draft, Su Lang took direct action and pocketed Danny Green, a North Carolina college player.

It's also a spurs.

Because after Danny Green came to the Warriors, it was already determined that even if the Warriors gave up Danny Green in the future, it would not be the turn of the Spurs.

Now the Spurs and Warriors are mortal enemies.

Popovich, this guy, can't wait to eat Su Lang.

So not to mention the trade of the two teams.

In this way, Su Lang also indirectly took out a championship puzzle piece of the Spurs.

In fact, Su Lang still has some selfish intentions, but Danny Green signed a contract with Su Lang's economic company.

In this way, Danny Green can be regarded as a tool man for Su Lang completely.

After the draft was over, Su Lang did not stay in the United States for long.

After all, it will take some time to prepare for the training camp, and Su Lang also seized this time to take a break.

Su Lang flew directly back to the Dragon Kingdom.

It's been a year since I last saw my parents.

Although it is said that video calls are usually possible, Su Lang still misses these two lovely people a little.

When Su Lang got off the plane, he was messy in the wind.

Su Lang only had one sentence in his heart.

So love will disappear yes!

Su Lang's father directly sent a driver to pick up Su Lang, but the problem was that the driver was still late because of the traffic jam.

This caused Su Lang to be messy in the wind alone.

"Su Jianguo, you will lose me like this!"

Su Lang yelled into the phone.

"An-la! Ann! Why are you so excited! You're such a big person, don't worry about us" "

Okay! Don't talk anymore, your brother is crying again!

Su Lang's old father, Su Jianguo, hung up the phone directly.

That's right! After Su Lang went to the United States, Su Lang's parents re-practiced a trumpet.

This trumpet is Su Lang's younger brother.

Su Lang was already considered a waste in the eyes of his parents.

So Su Lang's parents directly contributed all their energy to Su Lang's younger brother.

More than an hour later, Su Lang returned home full of anger.

"Su Jianguo! I haven't seen you in over a year! You didn't even pick me up at the airport!

Su Lang yelled loudly as soon as he entered the door.

"Good! I haven't seen you for more than a year, and you dare to call me by name! Are you tickling your skin!

Su Jianguo rushed out directly with a milk bottle.

Glancing at Su Jianguo, Su Lang directly threw his luggage aside.

"Where is my brother, I'm going to see him!"

Su Lang walked in the direction of the bedroom.

"Don't even think about it! Go disinfect first, I'm afraid you'll infect your brother!

Su Jianguo directly waved his hand to drive Su Lang away, and stopped in front of Su Lang at the same time.

The green tendons on Su Lang's head kept beating.

Then go outside to disinfect.

"I remember you! In the future, when you are old, I will definitely ask the doctor to pull out the oxygen tube, so that you will not suffer more"

Su Lang directly threw Su Jianguo a sentence.

[Negative sentiment value from Su Jianguo +100]

Su Jianguo was directly stunned.

At the same time, I began to worry a little in my heart, after I got old, Su Lang would not really pull out his oxygen tube.

Thinking of this, Su Jianguo couldn't help but feel a chill flowing through his body, and he shivered all over his body.

After the disinfection, Su Lang finally saw it, the trumpet of the second old and the newly-practiced.

Sure enough, he has a cute little face, no wonder he can compete with Su Lang for favor.

Su Lang was a little speechless and teased the younger brother in front of him.

In the next time, Su Jianguo and Su Lang staged a scene about what is called father's kindness and son's filial piety.

Su Lang can be regarded as completely letting go of himself.

"When are you going back?"

In the evening, Su Jianguo asked at the dinner table.

"I just came back, and you want me to go?"

Su Lang looked at Su Jianguo speechlessly.

"You stinky boy, you have to scare me!"

Su Jianguo wordlessly sandwiched a piece of pork ribs and put it in Su Lang's bowl.

Su Lang smiled, although he staged a wave of fatherly filial piety with his old father.

But it made Su Lang feel the long-lost family affection.

I haven't seen you for more than a year, and my home is still so warm.


The day after Sue returned home, the house welcomed a guest.

Representatives of the Dragon Nation Sports Bureau.

I don't know where they got the news, but they can learn that Su Lang is back.

You must know that Su Lang returned to Longguo except for his parents, but no one told him that he was returning to China this time for a low-key trip.

Otherwise, Su Lang returned to the Dragon Kingdom, and as soon as he got off the plane, he was surrounded by crazy fans.

In fact, the purpose of the representative of the Sports Bureau is very simple, that is, to visit Su Lang, and at the same time to hold an event for fans to interact with Su Lang.

So ask Su Lang's opinion.

Su Lang naturally agreed, after all, there are so many fans in the Dragon Kingdom who support him. I want to repay these lovely people somewhat.

In the next week, Su Lang was busier than when he was playing in the United States.

With continuous activities, in the face of fanatical fans, Su Lang was somewhat overwhelmed.

Fortunately, the ending was perfect.

Just when Su Lang thought he would be able to rest for a while.

Bills, who was far away in the United States, called.

The reason is that Su Lang signed a contract to shoot movies in Dragon Kingdom before.

This time, someone came to the door.

Su Lang then remembered that in the first half of the season, he did sign such a contract.

However, at that time, due to problems with the schedule, the filming of Su Lang was postponed until now.

Su Lang, who had to rest for only one day, had to get up again and go to Hengdian, where the movie was filmed.

For most of the month in Hengdian, Su Lang was almost tired half to death.

finally waited for his role to be completed, and Su Lang breathed a long sigh of relief.

"Brother Lang! Are you leaving?

A crisp baby sound came, and Su Lang looked back.

It was none other than Li / Qin of the same crew.

At this time, she was not yet popular, so she was a little shy when facing Su Lang.

Su Lang knew that the Qin Bao in front of him was the four little flowers of the Dragon Kingdom.

"Yes! Going! Once I came here, I realized how tiring acting is! Looks like basketball is the best fit for me!

Su Lang shook his head helplessly.

"But you're going to be a big hit in the future! Your acting skills are much better than mine, you are very suitable for this path,"

Su Lang then said with a smile.

After listening to Su Lang's praise, Qin Bao nodded a little shyly.

But I don't have much confidence in myself.

"Oops! I forgot, the director asked me to come over and call you to your finale banquet!

Qin Bao looked at Su Lang with an embarrassed expression.

Because she just remembered the purpose of coming here.

Originally, I came to call Su Lang to attend the finale banquet, but I didn't expect to chat with Su Lang here.

"Hahaha! Let's go!

Su Lang looked at the lovely Qin Bao in front of him and couldn't help laughing.

Then he got up and walked out the door with Qin Bao.

Qin Bao looked at Su Lang's back, stuck out his tongue, and a shy expression appeared on his face.


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