In mid-July, Su Lang returned to the United States.

After returning to the Dragon Kingdom this time, Su Lang was busy outside most of his time.

There is no time to spend with his family at all, so Su Lang made up his mind that he must take fewer contracts like this in the future.

"Boss! The training camp is already ready! Do you want to go and have a look,"

Bills said to Su Lang with a smile.

Su Lang nodded.

Soon Su Lang and Bills came to the training camp in San Francisco.

The venue is very good, and the training equipment is relatively complete.

Su Lang nodded with satisfaction.

"Tell them to come over for training in the next few days!"

Su Lang turned back to Bills and said.

"Okay! If they knew they could train with you, they would be happy! Bills

said with a smile.

Happy? Think too much! This is the hell that he Su Lang created!

The corners of Su Lang's mouth rose slightly, they just don't regret it when the time comes.


After returning home, Su Lang called Curry directly.

It turned out to be a training camp ravaging plan, how could it be without Curry.

In the end, after thinking for a while, Su Lang still called the other players of the Warriors, although they were all on vacation at this time.

But Su Lang felt that it was better to notify.

Whether they come or not depends on their individual thoughts.

Two days later, Su Lang's training camp officially began.

Su Lang walked into the court, and there were already people inside who had started training.


After Danny Green saw Su Lang come in, he ran to Su Lang's side excitedly.

After the draft, Don Nelson told Danny Green that it was Su Lang who suggested they chose him.

After learning the news, Danny Green directly engraved Su Lang's name in his heart.

Because of Su Lang, he had the opportunity to set foot in the NBA.

What Danny Green doesn't know is that he can actually set foot in the NBA without Su Lang.

But for a second-round pick, such an opportunity is no less than giving him another life.

So in Danny Green's heart, Su Lang's position became second only to his parents.

"It's so early!

Su Lang said with a smile.

"I'm a little less talented than the others, so I need to work harder,"

Danny Green said, touching his head.

"What are you practicing writing?"

Su Lang looked at Danny Green curiously.

"Usual basic training, outbursts, shooting after confrontation"

Danny Green told Su Lang honestly.

Su Lang frowned, according to the state of Danny Green's rise in the later generations.

It's clear that Danny Green isn't looking in the right direction right now.

Now that Danny Green has recognized himself as the boss, Su Lang doesn't mind reminding Danny Green.

"I feel like you should Xi your outside defense and the three-point shot in this position between the bottom corner and the 45-degree angle

" "If you can Xi it before the start of the new season, if nothing else, I can guarantee that you will have a chance to play, not be sent to the Development League,"

Su Lang said.

Danny Green's eyes widened instantly, and one of the things he had been worried about was that if he didn't get a chance to play in the new season, he would be relegated to the Development League.

This is a very normal thing for a second-round show and a relatively late second-round show.

Unexpectedly, Su Lang could guarantee that he would have the opportunity to play.

Danny Green has only one idea right now, and that is to practice.

Die to practice!

Be sure to practice Xi to a certain point before the start of the new season.

While the two were chatting, Curry and Harden walked out of the hallway.

"Hey! Sue!".

Curry greeted Su Lang from afar.

Su Lang waved his hand in response.

"You guy, you actually signed the fourth pick this year, it looks like your economic company is also quite powerful!"

Curry walked up to Su Lang and hammered Su Lang's chest.

Harden signed with Su Lang's economic company, plus Curry, who was the second pick, which means that Su Lang's agency is almost the biggest winner in the draft.

Su Lang looked at Curry and Harden in front of him.

These two people are simply two moving mountains of gold.

Then Gibson, who signed with the 17th pick of the Warriors this year, also walked into the training hall.

Gibson looked at Su Lang in front of him a little nervously.

Although Su Lang only entered the NBA a year earlier, Gibson is a rookie in terms of seniority.

Gibson heard that there were a lot of old birds in the league bullying rookies.

He was now more worried about how Su Lang would bully him.

What he didn't expect was that Su Lang just patted him on the shoulder and let him go to training.

Lots of training equipment, as well as professional trainers.

Gibson felt like he was in a dream.

Gibson didn't know how he had paced to the machine training side.

After seeing everyone start training, Su Lang took off his coat.

Simply came to more than a dozen round-trip runs, which was regarded as a warm-up.

After warming up, Su Lang came directly to the library.

He hadn't forgotten the purpose of the camp.

"Hey! Stephen! It's been a long time since I went heads-up! Here, let me see how much you've grown!

Su Lang said to Curry with a smile.

[Negative sentiment from Curry +1000]

"Don't come! Su Lang, your uncle! Don't think I don't know what you're thinking! You want to abuse me! Eat the fart!

Curry ruthlessly exposed Su Lang's face.

Su Lang was stunned, did Curry go home and upgrade the 2.0 version of his brain, and he was not fooled.

That's not going to work!

Originally, this training camp was held for the sake of negative emotions, Curry is like this, Su Lang is still playing a fart!

"Hey! Are you scared? Rest assured! I'll fight you with one hand!

Su Lang directly used the agitation method.

[Negative sentiment from Curry +1000]

"Don't come! Don't come! I will never be fooled! Curry

seems to be the king of the eight who has eaten the scales, and even ignored Su Lang's agitation method.

Su Lang instantly felt some pain in his brain.

He didn't expect that Curry, this guy, would turn into hob meat after not seeing him for a month, not soaked in water and fire, soft and hard.

Just when Su Lang had a headache, suddenly a voice came.

"Brother Su! Can I Xi with you alone?

Hearing this voice, Su Lang seemed to feel an angel coming.

I didn't expect someone to send it to the door.

Su Lang tried his best to keep his smile and scared this brave opponent away.

When he turned around, Su Lang saw clearly who wanted to challenge him.

It turned out to be the bearded Harden.

To be precise, Harden at this time is not a beard, Harden at this time has not been baptized in a nightclub, and he has not grown his iconic beard.

Harden in front of him looked young, completely like a student who had just left campus.

I was going to give you a lesson later, but since you can't wait.

Then you're welcome!

Negative sentiment value! I'm coming!

Su Lang looked at Harden in front of him, and his whole body burned.


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